
ALU arithmetic-logic unit
API application programming interface
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BCD binary coded decimal
C carry flag
C1 one's complement
C2 two's complement
CPU central processing unit
CRTP curiously recurring template pattern
DSP digital signal processing
DP design pattern
ECMA European Computer Manufacturer’s Association
ELF executable and linkable format
FB fraction binary
FIFO first in first out
FP floating-point
FPGA field programmable gate array
FX FiXed-point
GPU graphics processing unit
GUI graphical user interface
HEX HEXadecimal
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IB integer binary
IDE integrated development environment
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IoT Internet of things
LIFO last in first out
LSB least significant bit
MSB most significant bit
NaN not a number
NL new line
OO object-oriented
OOD object-oriented design
OOP object-oriented programming
OS operating system
PC program counter
PE portable executable
Q quotient
R remainder
RAII resource acquisition is initialization
RPN reverse Polish notation
RVO return value optimization
RTTI run-time type identification
SDK software development kit
SM sign-magnitude
STL Standard Template Library
SL Standard Library
SP stack pointer
TDD test driven development
UB undefined behavior
ULP units in the last place
UML Unified Modeling Language
V oVerflow flag
VFT virtual function table
XML Extensible Markup Language
Z zero flag