The Hairdryer Cord Is All Tangled
You’ve stepped out of the shower,
dragged the towel up and down
your clean little self. Now
you’ve got to dry your hair, and quick.
Except there’s this tangle. A clogged
artery? But nothing prevents you from
plugging it in—why won’t you? Does
somebody love us all? Undo it,
or else who will, and when?
A time machine and God’s eyes–that’s what
you need. Does no one feel
the tectonic plates, magma, glaciers sliding?
You do, who’ve been anticipating death
since you were four. Your hair is still
so wet. Stop thinking! Your face
will stay that way like Gramma warned.
You’ll catch your own swift undoing.
Untangle the cord, or the knots
will keep seething like a cracked oil pipe
snaking along the ocean floor.
This may be your one chance to stop
the fateful flap of the butterfly’s wings.
Cities are shaking, sinking, singing.
The Earth is burning! Quick, untangle it!