

Freya's Aett

Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kaunuz, Gebo, Wunjo




The sound of “f”


The root meaning of the Fehu rune is “cattle.” Cattle were an important aspect of the life of any agricultural community and they were vital to the economy. Therefore, this rune represents possessions won or earned and points achieved on the road to material gain. In an Anglo-Saxon runic poem, wealth is described as a “comfort to all men,” and the poem goes on to say that it must be bestowed freely upon those who wish to gain favor. In an Icelandic rune poem, wealth is regarded as a source of discord. Generally linked to the Aesir, this rune is also often linked to Freya as it is first in Freya's Aett.

Positive interpretation

Fehu is concerned with wealth, material fulfillment and ownership, and in modern terms, this includes money. In general it represents happiness and prosperity but it also represents the kind of property that can be bought and sold. It indicates success in ventures since it represents not only the power to obtain wealth, but also the strength needed to hold on to it; thus Fehu is also a rune of power and control.

As the first rune in the set, one would suppose that it suggests a time of beginnings, of fresh starts, but in many ways it refers to the previous phase and cycles that have already been completed. Fehu shows that you have reached your goals, accomplished what you are trying to achieve, and that it is time to rest and enjoy the fruits of your labors. The loose ends have been tied up, you have gained abundance through your efforts, and you now have a kind of inheritance of well-deserved self-esteem, self-value, and success in ventures past. Furthermore, there is a hint of further success to come. Fehu announces the arrival of the things that you have worked for, and it also suggests that you will overcome future opposition. It advises you to stick with whatever plan you have underway, and also to conserve and hold on to what you have. Fehu is concerned with your physical and financial needs and the self-esteem that can be gained from meeting these. It speaks of enjoying good fortune through sharing it with others. In modern terms, Fehu represents earned income, so it relates to your career, status, and position in the world. When it appears in a casting it can indicate that prosperity is coming to you in some form, perhaps financially. The precise type of gain will be indicated by the runes that surround it. For example, if Fehu appears with Berkano, it shows gain as a result of a personal relationship.

The overall feeling that Fehu conveys is that a successful cycle has been completed and it is now time to take the next step.

Negative or reversed interpretation

When reversed or surrounded by negative runes, Fehu may indicate a lack of wealth and a period of financial difficulty. It may also be interpreted as greed or an exaggerated interest in material matters. Fehu can indicate loose ends and unfinished projects. Taken at its most negative, Fehu represents loss, or possibly an offer that should not be accepted. It is connected to poverty and also the kind of domination by others that leads to a loss of self-esteem. If not strongly negative it can indicate a delay or obstacle. Fehu may caution you to avoid wasting resources and to think carefully of the effect your actions will have in the future.

In some cases, a negative interpretation of Fehu can indicate problems related to conception, fertility, and pregnancy.

Magical uses

In magic, Fehu is used to attract wealth and to protect property, as well as to gain power over the environment. As an amulet, it can be used for protection and to increase your power.




The sound of “oo”


Uruz represents the aurochs, the once great wild cattle of northern Europe that could never be tamed and which are now extinct. Julius Caesar described these cattle in “De Bello Gallico” as slightly smaller in size than an elephant, and of the color and shape of a bull. Aurochs had extraordinary strength and speed and were exceptionally ferocious. They were seen as a symbol of great strength and speed as well as a symbol of man's prowess. It is believed that the bull was dedicated to Thor, so this rune is often associated with him. Hunting the aurochs provided a test of strength and initiative, so this is seen as a rune of achievement. Uruz is also often taken to represent Urd, who is the crone-like eldest of the three Norns.

Uruz is associated with the old gods—the Vanir. It represents the primal creative force, so it represents assertive action, a bid for liberty, or a contained force that is straining to be free. It can denote a protective force, especially in reference to your children or your territory. In general terms, Uruz represents a formative or protective force that can shape things to come.

Positive interpretation

Uruz is always concerned with some sort of beginning, the birth of something new, and the end of one cycle and the start of another. It represents challenges and everything concerning the unknown. This rune contains great creative power; it also represents free will and the ability to make decisions that can take you onward into new circumstances. It is a force for change and indicates that it is time to take action. Personal success could be at hand, and you need to be ready to accept the power that comes with it. Uruz is the rune of strength, good health, and sometimes also advancement in your career. When included in a casting it can show that your dream or wish is coming to pass. In some positions it can represent the male in a relationship. Uruz represents a strong, masculine energy force and assertiveness.

The appearance of Uruz suggests that you will soon notice an improvement in business and finances, although you have to work for these. Although new challenges are ahead, you will have the energy to work at them. It is primarily a rune of good fortune, exciting events, and success. Uruz represents energy, passion, vitality, fertility, and the unconscious. It is mostly concerned with the natural and instinctive sides of our nature. It also represents bravery, questing, initiation, challenge, untamed spirit, masculinity, stamina, independence, strength, and action. The outlook is particularly good for vitality and the return of health after a period of sickness.

Negative or reversed interpretation

In its negative form, Uruz represents brutality, harshness, hatred, and change for the worse. It can also indicate the possibility that your own power will be used against you. It can indicate an unwillingness to take chances or to approach the unknown. It symbolizes a lack of willpower and motivation. Uruz is also connected with male violence, callousness, and abuse. When interpreted negatively in a reading, Uruz can indicate that you have failed to take advantage of the moment, and that it may be your own low self-image that is holding you back. Because this rune also represents low vitality, it can occasionally be indicative of sexual problems for a man. Uruz can be seen as unlucky, and indicates that a lack of energy or motivation may be the reason that you are missing out on opportunities to improve your life or your circumstances.

Magical uses

In magic, Uruz is used to clear obstacles or change circumstances. As an amulet it can be used to galvanize the wearer into action or to increase sexual potency.




The sound of “th” as in “thin”


Although the precise meaning of this rune has been disputed, it is generally accepted as being unpleasant in nature. It is usually taken to mean “thorn” and it is associated with giants, trolls, and demons. When used in a sequence of three runes, it can alter the meanings of succeeding two runes. It is said to have been used to invoke demons from the underworld. The thorn element of this rune symbolizes a sharp and unpleasant thing to touch; it may also have sexual connotations.

Thurisaz is a rune of the force which can be used for defense or for destruction. Thorny bushes were once used to protect boundaries and castles, and to enclose criminals. Thor is the god that is said to protect sacred enclosures, so this rune is associated with him. It is also associated with the Thursar, who were giants in Norse mythology. These are primal forces, elemental in nature. Therefore, this is a rune of testing and challenge as well as protection and defense.

Positive interpretation

This rune represents chaos and transformation, the destruction that is needed to allow space for renewal. It is also connected with lust and the combination of pleasure and pain. It can be frightening due to its tendency to reveal our darkest and most destructive natures. But the truth is that we have to tear down the old to make room for the new, so this rune represents a type of catharsis from which new energy and insight may arise.

Thurisaz opens the door to the future. It shows the survival of difficulties and the need to do the right thing, to take the right action, and to resist oppression or opposition. At times it indicates a sudden change without warning. It is associated with stubbornness and perhaps the need to put one's own entrenched opinions aside and listen to advice. It is also a rune of protection, symbolizing passive resistance and the ability to attack without fighting, and thus it can outlast disorder and chaos. Being associated with boundaries and the kind of thorny hedges that are used to keep cattle from straying, it signifies that you should understand your limitations and calculate any risky ventures with care. Challenges will be fraught with danger and there is even a risk of injury, so care must be taken.

When in a positive combination, protection and luck are on your side. However Thurisaz falls in a casting, it indicates that an important decision is at hand, and this can be of such vital importance that it may change your life forever. Reflection, due consideration, and seeking out good advice is essential if you want to make the right decision. Although hardship may be present, there should also be wisdom, because this rune demands a sense of focus and deep introspection.

Negative or reversed interpretation

In its negative form, Thurisaz represents an unwillingness to listen to information and advice, and the kind of obstinacy that can lead to conflict. A cycle of good luck may come to an end, so this is not the time to boast or to be too self-assured. You may encounter opposition from those who are stronger than you. Thurisaz warns us to be cautious in making decisions and to slow down, check out possibilities and options, and see what can be done. In short, if you proceed now, you must do so with immense caution. However, if you are unsure of the outcome of a specific decision or action, perhaps it is best to do nothing for the time being.

Magical uses

In magic, Thurisaz is used for protection and defense, or for those occasions when one needs to strike back at others. As an amulet it can be worn for protection.




The sound of “ah”


This rune has the meaning of “god” or “deity”—indicating specifically one of the Aesir. It is usually ascribed to Odin. It is related to the story of Odin and the way that he obtained the knowledge of the runes, so Ansuz is associated with the source of all language. It is also considered to be a blessing, joy, and comfort for the wise. As the worldly counterpart of the World Tree Yggdrasil, the ash tree is associated with this rune and this reinforces the connection with Odin.

This is the rune of inspired speech and incantation as a form of creative expression. It is linked with the passing of knowledge through the spoken word, and by extension it is also considered to be the rune of the poet. It represents the acquisition of inspiration and understanding. Ansuz is also associated with enthusiasm, manipulation, encouragement, and compassion. As the rune of the gods, Ansuz is very powerful; it represents divine powers and the intervention of the gods. It denotes all forms of direct communication, such as speaking and singing, and suggests that a combination of these can lead to divine inspiration, spiritual insight, and wisdom.

Positive interpretation

Ansuz symbolizes honesty, inspiration, and the good use of words. It also advises you to listen to your own inner voice. All matters related to communication are covered by this rune, including news, study, and teaching. Ansuz represents wisdom, sometimes the kind that emanates from the most unlikely source. It is the rune of intellectual activities and also of stability and order. As it represents the spoken word and communication, Ansuz is associated with taking advice and acquiring wisdom. In a reading, it often represents an intelligent individual who is full of energy. It can symbolize someone wiser (and perhaps older) than yourself who is able to offer good advice. Sometimes Ansuz suggests an apprenticeship under the guidance of someone who is able to teach you a great deal. It can also indicate a verbal test such as an oral exam or a job interview, and in this circumstance Ansuz will show that you can get through the test with ease. It indicates that knowledge may come from the most unexpected of sources and it also suggests that a little positive trickery can be helpful in current circumstances. Sometimes Ansuz shows that whatever has been holding you back will soon remove itself.

Negative or reversed interpretation

In its negative form, Ansuz indicates dishonesty, lies, trickery, and a refusal to learn the lessons of life. It shows loss and misunderstanding as well as betrayal. Others may interfere with your plans, or there could be a breakdown in communication. The advice you receive from others could be biased, thus it would be a good idea to seek a second opinion. Things are unclear and knowledge may be misused in some way. Sometimes it indicates an elderly person who is causing problems. In practical terms, Ansuz denotes a phase when correspondence goes missing, communications become fouled up, and journeys—that should be straightforward—turn into nightmares.

Magical uses

In magic, Ansuz is used to bring calm and help in making wise decisions, and also as a general aid in divination. As an amulet it can be worn to increase communication skills.




The sound of “r”


A variety of meanings have been ascribed to this rune, including a journey, a cartwheel, a ride, and a cart. It is often associated with Thor who rode in a wheeled chariot, and thus also to thunder, which tradition tells us was caused when Thor drove his chariot across the sky. It is also associated with the god Foresti, the god of justice and son of Baldur.

Usually Raido is associated with wagons, which makes it the rune of the traveler, and it can offer protection to the traveler. Raido also signifies the passage of the sun and stars through the heavens, so it is also associated with spiritual and mental journeys. It can indicate that there is a path to follow that can solve a particular problem.

Positive interpretation

Raido refers to travel and also the means of transportation. It may signify a journey that is taken by necessity or one that is taken for pleasure, and if this is a literal journey, it will be safe, pleasant, and enjoyable. However, Raido can show a metaphorical pathway or road that can provide a way through a dilemma, a journey in consciousness, or a change of view. It represents the “vehicle” or method by which you achieve an objective or goal. It allows you to channel your energies effectively so that they will help you. Thus, the journey in question may be a journey of the soul, undertaken in order to bring about some form of healing. Representing movement and motion, Raido symbolizes travel and exploration but it can also denote a new start, taking control, leadership, and promotions. This rune suggests that now is a good time for negotiations and discussions, a time when it is possible to reach a compromise. Depending on the surrounding runes, Raido may indicate unexpected news or that now is a good time to buy or sell something of importance. In modern terms, this might be a vehicle, a computer, fax, phone, or some other form of communications equipment. Raido can refer to a quest and your destiny in following such a quest. Decisions need to be made with an ability to see the larger picture, as Raido advises not to focus solely on your problems or become isolated from daily events, but to take the wider view.

Negative or reversed interpretation

In its negative form, Raido suggests that now is a bad time for travelling, despite the fact you may need to do so. Delays, accidents, breakdowns, and problems are likely in any journey that you must take. Plans are likely to be upset, so it is best to postpone your journey for the time being if at all possible. Raido can indicate an unexpected and unplanned journey. Sometimes this refers to a course of action that is best left alone for the time being. Negotiations are unlikely to turn out well at this time and you may have to be extra patient with people. It is best to avoid legal or official dealings for the time being. It may signify a lack of goals and stagnation in your life, and the need to stop, think, and see what lessons need to be learned.

Magical uses

In magic, Raido is used to help you when searching the unknown and to help you to take control. As an amulet it can be worn to ensure a safe journey and to aid you in legal matters.




The sound of “k”


A variety of meanings have been attributed to this rune, including a torch or light, a boil, abscess, and an ulcer. The most common attribution is “torch,” although several sources do associate it with some form of discomfort or disease. It is also associated with cremation. Kaunaz represents internal fire on all levels, including that of inflammation and fever. This is the flame of the forge and deep earth energies, so it has an association with the dwarves who dwell in the deep earth. It is the flame of the artist and craftsman and, therefore, a force for creation. There is a close association with knowledge that is derived from such inspiration. At times Kaunaz represents the fire of a sexual relationship or the barrier that needs to be crossed in order to reach inner knowledge.

Positive interpretation

Primarily, Kaunaz is concerned with illumination and also the destruction that needs to take place to make way for the new. It is concerned with dangerous forces that are hard to control. Although these forces are needed for our survival, they can also easily harm us. Kaunaz denotes insight, learning and knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment. When you are in the dark this rune can offer an opportunity to realize your highest potential. It can lead to new beginnings, but it can also represent the light of guidance and learning, because the light that it shines brings clarity and revelation.

Kaunaz is a rune of spiritual as well as intellectual enlightenment. It may also indicate good health and a positive attitude. If your life has been stagnating, this rune can show a change for the better. It is a good rune to find if you are undertaking any creative activity. Kaunaz suggests that the solution to your problems will be forthcoming; also that this is a time for seriousness and concentration. Sometimes Kaunaz represents a form of intellectual passion, but it can also occasionally denote physical and sexual passion. Whatever the scene, Kaunaz brings heightened emotions.

Negative or reversed interpretation

In its negative form, Kaunaz depicts a darkening of the light and perhaps a missed opportunity. It signifies the disillusionment and false hope. It can represent an ending or loss, and sometimes also poor judgment. Often it shows up when a relationship is coming to an end and the two people involved need to go their separate ways. The lack of clarity associated with this rune leads to confusion.

Magical uses

In magic, Kaunaz is used to restore self-confidence and strengthen willpower. As an amulet it can be worn to enhance your insight.




The sound of hard “g”


This rune means “gift,” although the nature of the gift remains ambiguous. It is unclear whether Gebo refers to the sacrifice of humanity to the gods or the bounty of the gods to man. It is often translated to mean generosity. Gebo is often associated with Odin or Freya. As the gift rune, Gebo is concerned with mutual and unselfish giving. It represents the ability to sacrifice without expecting anything in return. Gebo also symbolizes the connection between the gods and men. It is the gift that brings connections through exchange, and it signifies the unity and honor created when an exchange takes place.

Positive interpretation

Gebo represents hospitality, generosity and giving. It is the point where the giver joins the one who receives. It has been related to the gift of wisdom received by the hero from the Valkyries. Gebo is a symbol of exchanged vows, marriage, and ecstasy, and it also represents the sacrifice of independence due to partnership, but also the increase due to consolidation. Joint efforts, partnership, love, and growth are represented by this rune. It is associated with all matters related to sharing and sacrifice. Often it will signify a new romance or an important development in a romantic relationship because Gebo suggests commitment. The gift it represents may be one of love, or a material one that comes along just when you need it. Gebo is the gift that binds a partnership. In modern times, it is common for us to sign the letters and cards that we send to our loved ones with an “X,” but how many of us realize that we are actually using the Gebo rune for this purpose? Gebo usually indicates a time in your life that is full of peace and contentment.

Gebo can refer to an unexpected gain and benefits that arise from a joint effort. The relationship it refers to may be the one we have with our higher selves, and the sense of unity with all that surrounds us. Generally thought of as being lucky, Gebo shows the creation of harmony within relationships and the ability to balance opposing forces.

Negative or reversed interpretation

Although Gebo cannot be read in a reversed position, depending on the surrounding runes it may still have a negative form. It can indicate dishonesty, a lack of balance, or problems that are rooted in your emotions. Another thing to bear in mind is that if you are too ready to give to others, they may become dependent on your generosity rather than standing on their own feet. Also, if you stop giving or if you don't give enough in a particular situation, you may be seen as a miser.

Magical uses

In magic, Gebo is used to promote harmony and bring about union as well as to receive divine instruction. As an amulet it may be worn to bring harmony into your romantic life.




The sound of “v” or “w”


This rune means bliss, comfort, and glory; it primarily represents an absence of suffering. It is also associated with intoxication. Wunjo is one of the two runes that represent joy (the other being Sowelo). Wunjo represents physical and sensual energy and it carries a sense of playfulness with it. It is connected to the god Freyr due to its meaning of peace and joy. Love and falling in love are typical aspects of this rune. It is very much concerned with living in the present and indicates a condition of physical and emotional well-being.

Positive interpretation

Wunjo is associated with happiness and joy and the battle that is well-fought and won. It offers prosperity and friendship. Because it is associated with the wind, Wunjo can also be the means by which you alter the direction of something or change one situation into another; it can indicate that you are “running against the wind.” It represents a state of harmony in a chaotic world and it provides a balance between all things. It shows the meeting point between opposites and the point at which alienation disappears. This is a rune of shared aims and it can mean that good news will come from afar.

Often Wunjo indicates luck, happiness, and success coming into your life. It may show deep affection and lasting emotional happiness. If may represent a person in a reading, especially if this person is the object of your affections. Sometimes Wunjo indicates a firm friendship rather than love. In general it represents pleasure and bliss, peace and serenity, along with a sense of fulfillment and harmony, and of hopes and wishes coming true. It rules the virtue of cheerfulness and suggests that you are able to keep any pain and sorrow from looming too large in your life. Wunjo indicates recognition of your achievements and the reward for your efforts. It can offer relief after a time of strife and it indicates that life is making a turn for the better. Sometimes this rune indicates good news from afar and also the return of health after a period of sickness, especially if there is someone around who helps you get back on your feet.

Negative or reversed interpretation

In its negative form, Wunjo represents impractical enthusiasm and unrealistic expectations, and it suggests unhappiness and sadness. Matters involving trust are at issue now; it may be that a loved one or business partner you trust or rely upon is turning out to be untrustworthy. At times Wunjo can show failure and loneliness. It may describe dissatisfaction with your job or performance. It suggests that you need to be cautious, and perhaps put off important decisions. Trouble may be coming from people who oppose you, but this will soon pass. Tradition says that you should delay decisions of a personal nature for at least three months, or of a business nature for at least three days.

Magical uses

In magic, Wunjo is used to bring happiness and success. As an amulet it can be worn to bring success to all your endeavors.