Hagalaz, Nauthiz, Isa, Jera, Eihwaz, Pertho, Algiz, Sowelo
The sound of “h”
The meaning of this rune is “hail.” Hagalaz recognizes the potential for destruction, and represents qualities of transformation. It is as though a period of frost and snow is required in order to break up and refresh the earth so that it can bring forth new fertility and growth. Representing primal chaos, Hagalaz is associated with Ymir. Out of this chaos comes a tangible force, which means that this rune signifies a dramatic event or disruption to one's life that comes from outside, and possibly from a completely unexpected source. A hailstorm can be devastating and it can ruin everything that lies in its path. Hagalaz is one of three runes associated with winter, which, to people living in the ancient Norse lands of Sweden and Norway, means a period of bad weather, wind, snow, ice, and restriction. The Norse were great travelers, so a bad winter made travel difficult, if not downright impossible. In time all things can transform from something bad to something good. This is a rune of the unconscious mind and the thought process. Hagalaz represents the basis for the laws that shape events in our lives, which suggests that the force it represents is not completely under our control.
Hagalaz can foretell a time of utter destruction of all that is familiar to you—the kind of major event that occurs in every life once in a while. Such a scenario might be a death in the family, divorce, sickness, sudden financial loss, or some other form of major setback. Sometimes it is merely a longed-for journey that has to be set aside. Fate is not with you at this time and life is hard; indeed, in some cases quite terrifying for a while.
Hagalaz is not simply destructive, but offers opportunity for great change and perhaps a journey from one world or lifestyle to another. It represents forces that cannot be avoided. As the rune of unexpected disruptions, it also signifies limitations and delays. The forces at work here are outside your control, and it may only be later you that you will see a reason for the limitations that are being imposed on you or the risks that you are being forced to take. Hagalaz refers to a time of testing, trial, penance, loss, pain, and suffering. Hagalaz demands that you let go of the past so that you have room for growth, acceptance, and fortitude. Its influence is disruptive, but it allows you the freedom to break out of your current cycle. Even if you are afraid of change or refuse to leave the past behind, Hagalaz will force you to break out. This is not a time for long-term plans since they are likely to be unsuccessful. Eventual success can be obtained but only after much effort on your part. When you look back on this time, it will stick in your mind as a period when your character was forged, when you developed a backbone, and achieved or lived through more than you thought possible.
You may feel that your future is in the hands of another person and this may be someone who you are not particularly familiar with. The advice of this rune is not to start anything new right now. It can sometimes refer to an interruption rather than complete destruction. Oddly enough, because of its connection with risk, this is a rune of gamblers and gambling.
Hagalaz cannot be read reversed, but in its negative form shows chaos and disruption, loss, and the need for shelter. It refers to unresolved matters, blaming others for shortcomings, and nostalgia for what has gone before. This may indicate accidents that are caused by rash behavior or by moving too fast. This is not a time for taking a risk or a gamble, so stop and think before taking any important steps.
In magic, Hagalaz is used to remove unwanted influences and to break destructive patterns. As an amulet it can be worn to protect against external aggression.
The sound of “n”
Nauthiz is another of the shaping powers that form the fates of the world and humanity. It is associated with the Nornir who are the shapers. Nauthiz means “need” and this is a rune that represents the desire that drives us to obtain that which we want. It is strongly associated with sexual desire in addition to the desire to obtain or achieve. When directed, it can be creative and procreative, but when misused can be a force for destruction.
This rune has a meaning that vacillates between assistance and the need to survive. Working hard and making an effort will offer a solution to your difficulties at this time, although Nauthiz can signal hardships and great challenges. Nauthiz encourages you to concentrate on what is essential and on those things that really need to be done rather than to procrastinate or concern yourself with inessentials. It may be interpreted as a power source or perhaps as poverty and desperate need. Often it foretells hard work and a period of endurance. Necessity places constraints on you, so your possibilities are restricted, but Nauthiz also brings the power and strength to break free from restriction. Often this rune stands for delays and a need to exercise patience. It shows a time when you are passing through a difficult learning situation and a time when you are forced to face your fears. It is a time to avoid greed and to conserve your energy. Your emotional needs are unlikely to be met at this time. It is just possible that your problems are a result of blowing a situation up out of proportion.
Hardship, responsibility, and discontent are symbolized by Nauthiz, along with the frustration that these lead to. This rune represents the desire for what you fancy or what you think you deserve versus real needs, and the endurance and patience that are needed to gain your desires. Nauthiz frequently indicates that you find yourself coming into contact with some part of yourself that you do not like. It shows a time to appreciate what you have rather than longing for impossibilities, and this is a time during which to draw on your inner resources and strengths.
Assistance will come from older relatives and friends who stand by you through some very dark times. Determination and self-reliance can lead to change, but either way, this rune suggests that your luck will change for the better in the near future.
In its negative form, Nauthiz tells of a time of testing when your patience and sanity are pushed to their limits. It advises you to avoid making hasty judgments or setting off on the wrong path, so it is important to realize your mistakes and to be honest with yourself. You may have to right wrongs you have done to others in the past. The advice here is to avoid get-rich-quick schemes or quick-fix solutions, but just to stick to your path and wait for your luck to change.
In magic, Nauthiz is used to channel the kinetic energy that is tied up in sexual frustration and to give strength in times of need. As an amulet it can be worn to give inner strength in times of hardship.
The sound of “ee”
Isa means “ice.” Isa is an elemental rune that is associated with the Rind who refused Odin the means to avenge the death of his son. It is also associated with the Frost Giants who are called the Thursur. As frozen water, ice is considered to be static, and can therefore bring things to a halt. It may also be an expansive force, or one that crushes anything caught in its grasp. It may provide a bridge over dark water or a dangerous trap. Being self-contained, it has the power of control and constraint.
Spontaneity and activity have no connection to Isa; it emphasizes withdrawal and a time of standing still. There is an element of discipline contained in this rune, enabling it to act as a very powerful force. It warns us to avoid any tendency to exaggerated formalism or inhibiting strictness. Monotony results from its more negative manifestation. It is an effective protection against vulnerability and it can hinder emotional involvement. Isa tends to halt activity and delay progress.
When Isa is drawn it indicates a time of standstill and a freeze in a situation, so all plans should be put on hold. It often indicates temporary delays and frustrations and it may also indicate a relationship that is cooling off. Bad feelings and resentments are possible, along with problems relating to loyalty. Where love relationships are concerned, Isa indicates a really painful time when you need to accept that your lover is losing interest and that you may have to cut your losses and move on.
In one sense, the feeling of being frozen or in limbo can be a problem, but in another it also allows time for thought and a review of your situation. A sense of detachment comes about that enables you to focus your thoughts before moving onto a new stage. Reflection and withdrawal allow a time of rest and recuperation. It is time to shed outdated ideas so that you can unfreeze yourself from past patterns of behavior and to allow a thaw to follow. Just as spring follows winter, you will shortly turn the corner.
Isa cannot be read in a reversed position, but in its negative form it shows cooling relationships, deceptive beauty, restrictions, and delay. It shows the dangers of the path you are treading and the fact that you really do have to leave a no-win situation behind and move in a new direction.
In magic, Isa is used to strengthen powers of concentration and stabilize the personality. It is not usually worn as an amulet.
The sound of “y” as in “year”
The meanings attributed to Jera include “year,” “spear,” and “harvest.” It is connected with the completion of a cycle, the end of a season, or the close of a year, so Jera represents the rotation and change of the cycles. It can represent fruitful completion or the eternal contrast of opposites that provide a whole. Jera can bring peace and harmony and it states that what was sown can be reaped.
The whole cycle of life is contained within this rune of seed, growth, and harvest. Jera represents the meeting between the seasons, between light and darkness, day and night, man and woman. It signifies the sacred marriage ritual between god and goddess. Its association with sex as a means of survival as well as enjoyment leads to Jera's association with Freya. It also represents hopes and expectations for the future.
The lesson that Jera offers is that if we want to achieve great results, we cannot go against the natural order of things; we need to go with the flow. Events and changes will come at the proper time and we must take note of opportunities for new beginnings. This rune is concerned with reaping what you have sown and receiving rewards for your efforts, so it can indicate the end of a long project and a feeling of relief.
Jera can refer to intervention by a third party, such as when one engages the services of a professional person, and sometimes this indicates legal matters. It can also refer to buying a new home. Although the world may appear stagnant at the time of the reading, and things are going more slowly than you would like, there will soon be movement in your affairs and you will be able to harvest the seeds you have planted. Things will happen in their own space and time. What you have put out into the world will come back to you. Jera often refers to the repayment of money and favors. Delays may sometimes occur with legal or financial issues because Jera acts as a reminder that these things take time. Jera promises a beneficial outcome that will come in its own time, so patience is essential. It warns against judging others harshly because you may soon be judged yourself.
This rune cannot be read in a reversed position, but in its negative form indicates that problems can be overcome with a little careful effort. It also indicates that legal help may be needed. You may be called to account to pay for your past misdeeds, or you may be following a path to which you are not suited.
In magic, Jera is used to bring about change and also to bring your will into effect slowly and naturally. As an amulet it can be worn to help manifest your inner vision into physical reality.
The sound of “e” as in “eye”
Eihwaz means “yew,” which is a tree that is sacred to runecraft and to the making of bows. The bow is associated with the hunting god, Ull. The yew also represents the World Tree, Yggdrasil, that Odin hung in until he obtained knowledge. The yew is said to contain the mystery of life and death, as its roots were thought to reach into the underworld.
Eihwaz is a rune of wisdom and provides protection by helping to increase personal power and the ability to defend yourself. It is a powerful symbol of protection and also of banishing. Yew is both strong and flexible and these concepts are encompassed in Eihwaz. As the yew gives freely of its fruit, this rune also represents patient and unselfish giving. However, the fruit of the yew is poisonous, which strengthens its association with death. Eihwaz possesses the power of both death and regeneration, and a regrowth from an old situation into the new.
Its position as the thirteenth rune means that Eihwaz is often considered as the death rune, although many scholars consider that the association of “unlucky 13” with Norse mythology is apocryphal. Prior to Christianity, thirteen was a lucky number that represented the thirteen lunar months of the year. The origin of “unlucky 13” appears to come from Christian sources, being attached to the thirteen diners at the last supper, and also in association with the fatal sentencing of the Knights Templar on Friday the 13th, 1307. It may be that this latter event was where the “unlucky” association was first made, and that it was only later connected to the last supper and other biblical sources. (Hindu culture considers 13 an unlucky number, and in the West the association appears to have been relatively recent.) The yew tree is also associated with death in Christian culture due to the fact that it is frequently planted in cemeteries. Yew was believed to trap the souls of the dead; also, its roots reach into the realms of the dead and its branches into the realms of the living. Yew trees can live for centuries, so it may represent the of continuity of time.
Eihwaz symbolizes strength, reliability, dependability, and trustworthiness. It represents doing the right things and persevering until you have got them right. It is associated with the endurance and patience necessary to achieve the change in consciousness that allows for a spiritual rebirth. As a rune of protection and of hunting, Eihwaz shows that you have your sights on a reasonable target and that you can achieve your goals. Although minor delays and obstacles are possible, they are unlikely to cause too much trouble. As long as you are flexible and able to work with change you can turn any situation to your advantage. Think of the image of a bow being pulled back, readying itself for action. Eihwaz represents a time when you clear the decks and make ready for some new activity.
Often Eihwaz shows a tie to the past. When it appears in a reading, you may hear from someone from your past, and there is a possibility that things that were not dealt with previously can be successfully resolved now. It signifies a turning point in your life and, as long as you can put up with temporary discomfort, it brings good results.
Eihwaz cannot be read in a reversed position, but in its negative form it refers to the resurgence of an old problem that has not been properly dealt with. It also shows false nostalgia for the past and a sense of loss and confusion.
In magic, Eihwaz is used to bring profound change and to overcome difficulties, especially when you are looking for a new avenue. As an amulet it can be worn to protect you from your own weaknesses by rendering you sensible and thoughtful.
The sound of “p”
A variety of meanings have been associated with Pertho ranging from “dance” to “fruit-tree” to “hearth.” It is also associated with the magical powers of the earth through an association with the Latin word petra, meaning rock. Additionally, Pertho is associated with the vulva and so bears an association with Freya, the mother of the gods and a symbol of female sexuality and birth.
Pertho's primary meaning is that of initiation, of things that are hidden and unexplained, and of the working of the fates, which leads to its association with the Nornir. It points toward that which is beyond our powers. Powerful forces of change are indicated, so at times it represents surprises, gains, or rewards that you did not anticipate. Associated with the deepest part of our being, Pertho is the bedrock upon which our destiny is founded. It can refer to transition or letting go of everything. Those things that you know on an unconscious level can come into the light and help you understand the higher meaning of things. Pertho suggests the vagaries of chance that cannot be controlled. It symbolizes the warrior who constantly tests himself against chance and luck. Pertho represents luck in action or any gamble or risk that is undertaken. It represents the uncertainties of life and the interaction between your personal free will and the constraints of your circumstances.
Pertho is the rune of memory, recollection, and problem solving. It indicates an unexpected resolution to difficult situations. As a rune of mystery, it reveals hidden things and secret or occult abilities. Its appearance often refers to the disclosure of some sort of secret. In general terms, Pertho refers to mysteries, the occult, psychic abilities, and revelation. Tradition says that if this is the first rune to appear in a casting, the reading should be aborted because any advice that follows will change the course of fate and anger the Norns.
In its negative form, Pertho may represent skeletons in the closet that are about to be revealed; those things from your past that you would prefer to keep hidden that come back to haunt you. Pertho refers to disappointments and letdowns. An unpleasant surprise could be ahead of you and obstacles are likely to appear and confound all that you are trying to do. It is best to accept the passing of old patterns and concerns from your life. This is no time to take risks.
In magic, Pertho is used to increase power and help gain wisdom. As an amulet it can be worn as an aid in childbirth.
The sound of “Z”
Algiz implies defense and protection, and has also been equated with the elk. It is a sign used to promote victory and protection as well as to strengthen magical power and luck. It is often associated with the Valkyries as a protective force. It is also connected to the animal kingdom and our contact with animal forces. In ancient Scandinavian magic the “fearhelmet” was considered a symbol of protection. This is made from four Algiz runes engraved on four sides of the helmet and meeting in the middle, thus creating a helmet that symbolically protects the wearer from his worst fears.
As a rune of protection, Algiz often tells of a fortunate new influence entering your life. It also suggests that this is the right time to follow your instincts. Friendships are in the forefront of your life now, and an old or new friend may offer assistance. Algiz may tell of an opportunity that someone will offer you; accepting the opportunity or offer can turn you in a beneficial new direction. Algiz may indicate that a guardian angel is hovering in the background. Algiz indicates assistance and warns of danger, in addition to indicating those people and places that will give you support. It offers new opportunities and challenges, along with the emotional stability needed to cope with them. Things may be turbulent at this time but Algiz indicates that you are making progress.
Algiz symbolizes resistant power and is the most powerful defense rune. It acts as a shield that can repel evil. If you are sick, this rune indicates the return of good health, and it can also signify friends and loved ones who help you to regain your health and strength. There is a slight warning for you to look after yourself and not to wear yourself out on behalf of others or to allow lame ducks to drain you.
In its negative form, Algiz describes vulnerability, danger, and forbidden acts, because this is a time when you are vulnerable. It can suggest that you may have to sacrifice something for no perceptible gain. There could be someone you should avoid or perhaps an offer that you should refuse. Someone may be using you, although it is possible that you are deceiving yourself or expecting something for nothing. It is advisable to be wary of new associations and also to avoid those who drain you or pull you down. Algiz can suggest a lack of contact with self-survival instincts and a lack of communication with your true nature. It can also warn about a period of sickness or the continuation of poor health. The message here is to look after yourself first, and only later to use your energies for the benefit of others.
In magic, Algiz is used to give protection from negative impulses and to fill a place with power. As an amulet it can be worn for protection.
The sound of “ss”
Sowelo is the sun rune and it is feminine in nature, as is the sun in Norse mythology and even in the modern German language. It is the counterforce to Isa. Sowelo is often connected to the lightening bolt, to a flash of inspiration, or to ecstasy. It strengthens spiritual and psychic powers and talents, and it provides enlightenment and success through individual will. It is a rune of understanding, education, and a transforming force that can represent high achievements, honor, and obtained goals. As a representation of the sun, Sowelo symbolizes that upon which all life depends. It is associated with the shining god, Baldur, the patron of innocence and light who is closely associated with mistletoe, a shaft of which was set into blind Hodur's hand by Loki in order to kill Baldur.
Sowelo represents a higher form of joy, happiness, and love. It is closely related to the heart and to the summer season. Sowelo symbolizes a strong positive force and life-giving warmth. Too little of it means lack of life and light, while too much sun brings drought and feelings of being burned out. Sowelo can resist death and disintegration and allow light to conquer dark. Its illumination allows you to see your goals more clearly. It promises good health, energy, clarity, optimism, confidence, and understanding. It is a rune of victory and success. It indicates a time when power is available to you for positive change in your life. In matters of love, Sowelo is a wonderful rune to find as it promises joy and happiness.
Sowelo cannot be read in a reversed position, but in its negative form it indicates a sudden change, sweeping things out of way, and possibly over-confidence or burnout. As a force, it can act as a weapon of destruction or it can clear away the old for the new. It can reveal your dark side—that side of your nature that is destructive to yourself and to others.
In magic, Sowelo is used to gain energy, healing and strength. As an amulet it can be worn to increase vitality.