AHH = The Letters of Arthur Henry Hallam, edited by Jack Kolb (1981)
B.MS = Berg Manuscript
Buckley = Jerome Hamilton Buckley, Tennyson: The Growth of a Poet (1960)
CT = Sir Charles Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson (1949)
Culler = A. Dwight Culler, The Poetry of Tennyson (1977)
E. and S. = Essays and Studies
ELN = English Language Notes
E. T. = Emily Tennyson, the poet’s wife
Eversley = Tennyson’s Works (nine vols, Macmillan, 1907–8), edited by Hallam Lord Tennyson
FitzGerald, Letters = Edward FitzGerald, The Letters, edited by A. McK. and A. B. Terhune (1980)
Gray = J. M. Gray, Thro’ the Vision of the Night: A Study of Source, Evolution and Structure in Tennyson’s Idylls of the King (1980)
HLB = Harvard Library Bulletin
H. Lpr = Harvard Loosepaper
H. MS = Harvard Manuscript
H. Nbk = Harvard Notebook
HnMS = Huntington Manuscript
H. T. = Hallam Lord Tennyson
JEGP = Journal of English and Germanic Philology
Knowles = Gordon N. Ray, Tennyson Reads ‘Maud’ (1968), comments reported by James Knowles.
Letters = The Letters of Alfred Lord Tennyson, edited by Cecil Y. Lang and Edgar F. Shannon, i (1982), ii (1987), iii (forthcoming; no page-references therefore possible below).
L. MS = Lincoln Manuscript
Martin = Robert Bernard Martin, Tennyson: The Unquiet Heart (1980)
Mat. = Hallam Lord Tennyson, Materials for a Life of A. T. (privately printed, no date)
Mem. = Hallam Lord Tennyson, Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir (1897). A few corrections were made in 1899.
MLN = Modern Language Notes
MLR = Modern Language Review
Motter = T. H. Vail Motter (ed.), The Writings of Arthur Hallam (1943)
MP = Modern Philology
OED = Oxford English Dictionary
Paden = W. D. Paden, Tennyson in Egypt: A Study of the Imagery in His Earlier Work (1942)
PL = Paradise Lost
PMLA = Publications of the Modern Language Association of America
PQ = Philological Quarterly
PR = Paradise Regained
QR = Quarterly Review
Rader = Ralph Wilson Rader, Tennyson’s ‘Maud’: The Biographical Genesis (1963)
RES = Review of English Studies
Rosenberg = John Rosenberg, The Fall of Camelot (1973)
S & S = Susan Shatto and Marion Shaw (ed.), In Memoriam (1982)
SB = Studies in Bibliography
Shannon = Edgar Finlay Shannon, Jr., Tennyson and the Reviewers (1952)
SP = Studies in Philology
T. = Tennyson
Charles Tennyson = CT above
TLS = Times Literary Supplement
T. MS = Trinity Manuscript
T. Nbk = Trinity Notebook
TRB = Tennyson Research Bulletin
Turner = Paul Turner, Tennyson (1976)
ULC MS = University Library, Cambridge, Manuscript
VN = Victorian Newsletter
VP = Victorian Poetry
VS = Victorian Studies
Y. MS = Yale MS
(p. 135) = page reference within this Selected Edition
(II 276) = page reference to Complete Edition
* = a poem not included by Tennyson in his final edition
[relevant in this Selected Edition only to draft material in Appendix I]
1913 = The one-volume edition of Tennyson’s Works (1913), edited by Hallam Lord Tennyson, based upon but slightly modifying the Eversley edition
1931 = Unpublished Early Poems by Alfred Tennyson, edited by Sir Charles Tennyson (1931)