384 To Alfred Tennyson

My Grandson

Published as the dedication of 1880. It was added by pen to a Lincoln trial edition of 1880. T.’s grandson was born 20 Nov. 1878, so this poem was written c. May 1880 (l. 3). Cp. Little Aubrey (III 637). The title in H.Lpr 236 is To Alfred Tennyson, babe, from Alfred Tennyson, Septuagenarian.

Golden-haired Ally whose name is one with mine,

Crazy with laughter and babble and earth’s new wine,

Now that the flower of a year and a half is thine,

O little blossom, O mine, and mine of mine,

Glorious poet who never hast written a line,

Laugh, for the name at the head of my verse is thine.

Mayst thou never be wronged by the name that is mine!