


THANK YOU TO Greg Kumpula, Nick Carter, Bill Dicke and Mark Nasmith for aeronautical advice and storm-chaser Mark Robinson for meteorological advice, and for taking an early draft of this novel into a volcano.

Thank you to Emmanuelle Arsenault, Marie Bilodeau, Stephanie Arsenault for help with French grammar and filling in my gaps in Quebecois swearing. I owe an additional thank you to Marie for an early critique of this novel.

Thank you to editors Michael Rowley, Trevor Quachri, Kate Coe and Emily Hockaday at Solaris Books and Analog Science Fiction and Fact.

I also greatly appreciated Talia C. Johnson’s sensitivity editing advice. If you feel you need someone to advise you on portraying autistic, queer or trans characters, I highly recommend her and you can find her at

And as always, thank you to my agent Kim-Mei Kirtland. She not only identified many early draft improvements to The House of Styx, but negotiated contracts, shepherded the novel through the interacting publishing schedules, chased editing notes and led me through tax treaty fun. Because Kim-Mei is looking out for me, I can sleep soundly at night, focus on writing, and take my son for celebratory feasts.