The goatfish is one of Minecraft’s twenty-two named tropical fish. In Minecraft’s color and pattern scheme, it is a white-yellow spotty. In real life, goatfish are a large family of fish that are part of the mullet family, and not all are tropical. They’re known for two barbels (filaments) off of their chin that help them probe the sea floor and for being able to change color. Tropical goatfish live in coral reefs.
See also: Tropical Fish.
Gravel is the main block that makes up the ocean floor, from Warm Ocean Biomes to Deep Frozen Ocean Biomes. It is one of the few blocks in Minecraft that is affected by gravity: if you place a block midair against another block, the gravel block will drop to place on the nearest block below it. This property makes it very handy for filling in lava pools or deep water. On the flip side, this makes it dangerous if you find yourself directly beneath a column of falling gravel. If you can’t step out of the way of the falling gravel, you can suffocate. If falling gravel encounters a non-solid block like a torch, it will break into its item form instead of being placed.
Gravel is also a key ingredient in two other blocks: coarse dirt and concrete powder.
The guardian is a hostile aquatic mob that spawns near and inside ocean monuments. They attack squid without mercy and any nearby players. Their main mode of attack is a laser beam shot from their eye: this takes a few moments to power up, giving you time to break their line of sight, which stops the attack. The guardian has spikes as well, which will inflict damage on a player (two HP) striking it in a melee. Guardians can survive out of water, but will flop about as if they are suffocating. If they’re not in attack mode, they’ll drift slowly down to the seabed or other solid surface, spikes extended.
Type: Hostile
Spawns: In water in and near ocean monuments
Health: 30 HP
XP: 10
Damage Hard mode: 9 HP
Damage Normal mode: 6 HP
Damage Easy mode: 4 HP
Damage from spikes: 2 HP
Drops: Prismarine crystals, prismarine shards, raw cod
Rare drops: Additional fish
The Guardian Eye
The guardian and elder guardian have a single large eye that will follow a player even if the player is using an Invisibility potion and is unarmored. In programming the model for the guardian, it is the eye that is actually programmed as the head, which is the body part that turns to look at players.
See also: Elder Guardian.
The heart of the sea is a rare object found singly in any buried treasure chest. It is a deep blue-green sphere that has a rim separating top from bottom. Currently it has only one use: to craft a conduit, with one heart of the sea surrounded by eight nautilus shells.
See also: Conduit, Nautilus Shell.