

Loyalty is an enchantment that is unique for the trident. It gives a thrown trident the ability to return to the thrower after it hits a block or mob. There are three levels of Loyalty enchantments: the trident returns faster with each higher level. This enchantment isn’t compatible with the Riptide enchantment.

See also: Trident, Riptide.



The Lukewarm Ocean Biome and Deep Lukewarm Ocean Biome have light teal surface waters, only slightly darker than the Warm Ocean Biome. Unlike most of the ocean floor, the seabed here is mostly sand, although you may find a little clay, dirt, or gravel. Kelp and seagrass grow here.

You can find kelp, seagrass, ruins, and shipwrecks here, and underwater ruins here are made mostly of sandstone. Mobs that spawn underwater in the Lukewarm Ocean Biomes are cod, dolphins, drowned, pufferfish, squid, and tropical fish. The Deep Lukewarm Ocean is twice as deep as the Lukewarm Ocean, which allows ocean monuments to generate here, along with their protectors, the guardians and elder guardians.


Magma blocks are found in the Overworld aquatic zones, in underwater ruins, and at the bottom of ravines. They are Minecraft’s counterpart to real-life magma, which is a molten rock found underground, and which becomes lava if it comes to Earth’s surface. In Minecraft, although magma doesn’t flow, you will find it near lava. Magma blocks are also damaging: entities standing on them will get one HP of damage every tick (there are twenty ticks per second). However, players can Shift (sneak) to avoid this damage. Magma blocks give off a light level of three.


Underwater, a magma block placed under water source blocks (as opposed to flowing water) will create a bubble column. The magma-activated bubble column acts as a whirlpool, pulling entities in the column (including players in boats) down to the magma block.

TIP: Carry a magma block with you underwater so you can place it, and then sneak on it to breathe.

See also: Bubble Columns.



The Moorish idol is one of Minecraft’s tropical fish named for a real-life fish. In Minecraft’s color and pattern scheme, it is a white-gray glitter. In real life it is a species of tropical fish with striking bands of white, black, and yellow.

See also: Tropical Fish.


The Mushroom Field Shore Biome is the one variant of the extremely rare Mushroom Fields Biome. This biome is made of the water, mycelium blocks, sand, clay, and dirt that edge a Mushroom Field, either at an ocean’s edge or at the banks of a river that runs through the Mushroom Fields Biome.



The nautilus shell is a Minecraft item used to craft, along with heart of the sea, a conduit. Its real-life counterpart is the shell of the nautilus, an ocean-dwelling, snail-like creature. However, Minecraft doesn’t have the animal itself, just its shell. You can get nautilus shells as treasures from fish or as drops from drowned. If a drowned is holding a nautilus shell in their offhand, it will always be dropped when you kill the drowned.
