Dr. Dorit Kedar
Forced to continuously change nations, cultures and schooling, I had to develop a wider sense of communication, a way of thinking-feeling-behaving which stresses the common denominators.
The need to adapt new landscapes and land souls has taught instinctive means to overcome separatism, prejudices, dogmatic beliefs and suspicions. While looking for the common gathering denominators, I have also increased the ability of perception and individuation.
Being constantly in estranged places has triggered psychological processes to turn the unfamiliar into familiar. As an art critic in the Israeli press, a curator, a writer, I have always dealt with the otherness, the different and the infinite variety of the Existent. My Book of Peace is the result.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dorit.kedar
LinkedIn: il.linkedin.com/pub/dorit-kedar/19/2b1/4a4
Wordpress: http://doritkedar.wordpress.com
Aide Amit Aviezer – Main assistant of The Center of Inter-religious Studies; Miraim Grinberg – Accountant of The Center of Inter-religious Studies; Mahmoud Mohammed Mafra – Arab-Jewish reconciliation relentless activist; Said El Nahari – Arab Calligraphy in the Jewish and Moslem series; Irene Auerbach of Blessed Memory – Translation; Ayelet Payento – Artistic Photography, co-artist in the series: "The Mandala - 15 Masks and Flowers" and proof-reader; Revital Topiol – Artistic Photography and Digital Counseling; Gregory Vinizki – Artistic Photography; Ran Erde – Artistic Photography; Enosh Ben-Zvi – Web Art Director, the School of Art “Hamidrasha”, Beit Berl Academic College; Irit Millo – Digital Art Director, Digital Imagery, the School of Art “Hamidrasha”, Beit Berl Academic College; Matan Zohar, Gall Yanay Orian and Tzach Ben Josef – Assistants Art Director, Digital Imagery, The School of Art, “Hamidrasha”, Beit Berl Academic College; Hadas Achituv – Assistance and Advising in Computer Design and Editing, Beit Berl Academic College; Raphael Gamzou, former representative of Iseco – Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei – For introducing the author of the book to the team of the Museum of World Religions; Michal Gamzou, former Cultural Attaché of Iseco – Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei; Michal Kahana – Head Librarian, the School of Art “Hamidrasha” Library and the Israeli Art Digital Database; Orna Gutman – Information specialist, the School of Art “Hamidrasha” Library; Karin Auerbach Hanania – The maker of The Center of Inter-religious Peace; The marvelous team of the Museum of World Religions: Eleonore (Li-U), Jocelyn, Wen-ling, Bao-Shiang Shih; Prof. Shao-Ying Chiang, Director of The Museum of World Religions – For the publication of The Book of Inter-religious Peace in English and Chinese, thus contributing to spread the Word of Peace in the world; Jian-Chang Chu – For the constructive energies which helped initiating the project of the publication; Alison H.Y. Liu, Chief Curator – For the task of accomplishing the publication and her spirit of perfection.
For high resolution image version of all images in this book please see:
The Center for Inter-religious Peace website
As well as for news about upcoming publications:
Caravaggio as a Modernist: What is Modernism?
Tarot Cards: How to Increase Daily Awareness based on Eastern Philosophy
Author & Artist: Dorit Kedar
Publishing Organization: The Center of Inter-religious Peace
Address: 15, Oley Hagardom St., Tel Aviv, Israel
Phone: +972-3-6496655
Editors: Raphael Kedar, Tzach Ben Josef
English Editing and Franciscan Spirituality: Fr. Danielemose Schroder
Digital Editing: Gall Y. Orian, Tzach Ben Josef
Photographers: Revital Topiol, Ayelet Payento, Ran Erde, Gregory Vinizki
Webmaster: Gall Y. Orian
Publication Year: 2013