My wise teacher Mulialofa used

to say  Feet types (and a reading of their

shapes)  reveal what their owners are

For a lifetime I’ve read the feet

of pilgrims from all the corners of earth

and have formulated principles of a science

(or is it an art  a philosophy?) I’ve called Feetistry:

One:  commoners have big feet

with soles thickened and cracked

by hard labour and neglect

Two:  aristocrats’ feet are delicately moderate

(and subtly round) sensitive to rough surfaces

lingering caresses  kisses and licks

Three:  long thin toes mean a long life

spent on artistic and philosophical pursuits

Four:  long thin toes curved upwards mean

a long life of spiritual searching

Long thin toes curved downwards mean

a long life focused on the earth-deep

emotions of the moa and heart

Five:  short thick toes (characteristic of

commoners and the labouring class)

accompanied by a fat big toe mean

a short life to be misspent on food gluttony

and complaining behind your ali’is’ backs

Six:  short thick toes curved downwards mean

a short brutal life of sexual satyriasis

(and perhaps incest) climaxing in heart attack

Seven:  short thin toes with a stunted big toe

mean no future or one rife with poverty

Eight:  this shape of sole

means a blossoming obesity

(beautiful feature of our

divine aristocratic class)

and a future of leisure and art

Nine:  this shape of sole

means the threatened undernourishment of

a once prosperous aristocrat who’s mis-

spending his life on kava  women

and obscene song


Ten:  this shape of sole  if it’s

a woman  means she’s rampantly

promiscuous and greedy for class

For a man means generosity  opennness

and genuine concern for everyone


Eleven:  this shape of sole  for a man

or woman means a life built around

an ever-demanding phallus  or a brain

too big for the body — please note

the cloven heel reminiscent of the clever pig


Twelve:  this shape of sole reveals

mixed ancestry of human and animal

(possibly pig) and a future centred

on the perfect navel’s philosophy

of balance and moderate demand


Thirteen:  this shape of sole means

a determined achiever with firm toe

grips rooted always in our earth

to propel him forward rapidly

against all odds


Fourteen:  this shape of sole for a woman

means a frightening future

full of night fears and aitu  For a man

means a future of frightening

others as a fearless warrior


Fifteen:  this shape of sole means mixed

ancestry of human (top-half male) and atua

(bottom-half female) — note the perfectly circled

heel  symbol of Tagaloa’s

perfect universe


Sixteen:  this shape of sole means mixed

ancestry of human (first half possibly

pederast) and atua (second half possibly

lesbian) who mated standing up

possibly to overcome their true natures


Seventeen:  this shape of sole for a woman

means miserliness and no alofa for relatives

and others — a secret eater

For a man means admirable vanity

keeping in good fit physical shape


Eighteen:  this shape of sole is that

of a generous and jovial nature

but with sloppy personal habits and

the ugly tendency to spit

often and everywhere


Nineteen:  this shape of sole means

a staunch fearless heart and liver

but of little brains and the inclination

to squat back  be lazy

and evacuate often and in huge heaps


Twenty:  this shape of sole for a woman

means patience  the tendency to nag but

with attention always to fine detail  For a man

means a cowardly complaining nature

The v-shaped heel reveals suicidal tendencies

Using the principles I’ve outlined

I’ve ‘read’ the feet of four people I know well

But  as a true scientist-taulaaitu-artist

and humble poet  I’ve tried to maintain

my objectivity:


One:  this shape of sole is Auva’a’s

and proves his exceptional intelligence

and wisdom  potency and virility

(His harem numbers 20 wives and concubines

—and he’s in his lucid eighties!)

The long sole lines and circled heel show

his undoubted powers of spirituality

prophecy and his adherence to the Va-

view of Reality  (However  the imperfect over-

all shape of sole is true to his manipulative nature)


Two:  this shape of sole is Our Lady’s

symmetrical and perfect in shape

The fern-shape on the heel is Her perfect

Spirituality and Va-view of Reality

The fan-shaped lines under the toes

reveal unmatchable courage but also

the tendency to boast about achievements

and feats — not a flaw if you’re

an atua  mind you  The faint but definite

aura line is undeniable proof of divinity


Three:  this Shape of Sole is our Great Creator’s —

doubly-divine  (note the double aura lines)

Totally atua for all His creations

to see into it whatever they want

whatever they need

Six toes?  Cloven heel?  Again He’s granted

us freewill to interpret even those

whatever way we wish  (Thank you

Supreme Father in Heaven for your

Gift of Freewill and forgive us if we misread your Sole)


Four (but a footnote):  this shape of sole

is your humble servant’s:  thin upturned

toes show sensitivity  spirituality and

artistic gifts  The symmetry proves

well-balanced appetites and mind

The long lines around the inner sole convince

of the wise Va-view of life (and

a hatred of violence and brute force)

The two inner circles prove your humble servant’s

ability to control the senses and enjoy

even long periods of celibacy during

which he composes his most-inspired solo

The delicately dainty small toe speaks

of modesty  reticence  (and love of

the small and common people)

The faint aura line around the heel

could mean possible future deification

or  at least  an extremely long and

prosperous life devoted (wholly) to serving

(unstintingly) Our Lady and Our Supreme Creator