All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.

ACE2 receptors, 114–16

active virus protocol, 165

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), 109

Agrimony, 147–48

Aikido, 97–99

airborne spread, 105–6

air pollution, 66, 332

alcohol, 66, 107

Alexander, Leslie, 139

aliens, 45–46

ancestors, 24–25, 38

Angelica Root, 128, 150

anxiety, 131, 165

Arrien, Angeles, 216

Arsenicum album, 120

astragalus, 69

atrial fibrillation, 68

autoimmune disorders, 69

autonomic nervous system, 147–48

autopoiesis, 80

Aversano, Laura, 2, 19–44

Bhatia, Manish, 181–82, 188–89

bioengineering, 367–71

birthright, 245–48

Black Seed, 135–36

bleach, 107

blessings, 43

blood clots, 115

blood coagulation, 113

Bolsonaro, Jair, 364–65

Boneset, 146–47

Boraas, A. Bruce, 113

boundaries, 22–23

boundary systems, 43

brain, 116, 134–35, 188

breath, 93–94

Brezsny, Rob, 277–79

Brezsny, Zoe, 279–83

Buhner, Stephen Harrod, 112, 126

Bupleurum, 144, 146

Burdock Root, 150

Bush, Zach, 369–70

Byrd, Bobby, 12–14

capitalism, 256

cardiac ischemia, 68

cash, banning of, 58

cell, monk’s, 47–49

cell phone location data, 65

cellular memories, 23, 42–44

Center for Disease Control (CDC), 105

Chabbra, Divya, 185

Chauhan, Dinesh, 184–85

children, 60–62

China, 55, 102–3, 367–68

Chinese Skullcap, 126

Ciccolella, Jen, 114

Cinchona officinalis, 120

Cinquefoil, 147–48

circulatory presentation, 124

civil liberties, 53

cleaning, 165

clear mind practice, 220–21

Clute, Jeff Vander, 321–35

cofactors of health, 330–34

collective trauma, 35–36

community, 66–70

compassion, 35, 71, 73, 84, 227–39

Conjunctions, 317

Conrad, Emilie, 201–2

consciousness, 329

conspiracy narrative, 57–60

contagion, 103–5

Continuum, 62, 201–2, 206

control, 54–57, 70–71

copper, 107

coronation, 70–74

courage, 227–29

Cousens, Gabriel, 157–62


contagious nature of, 103–5

end of the plague, 361–64

flu and, 174–76

gifts of, 321–23

historical background of, 102–3

homeopathy and, 188–94

mechanism of infection, 114–16

origin and destiny of, 367–71

preparation/prevention, 121–22

stages of, 122–24

symptoms of, 108–10, 122–24, 174–75

treatments, 364–67

creation songs, 92

crossroads, 52–53, 70

Cuomo, Chris, 116

Curtin, Steve, 245–48

cytokine storm, 80, 109, 115, 355

daily practices, 240–42

Dalai Lama, 214–15

dampness, 128–30

Dandelion Root, 127

danger-response framework, 186

death, 60–64, 93–94

death cult, 257

decisions, 330–31

democracy, 256

denial, 54–55

Dennis, Christine, 122

Desert Fathers, 48

diabetes, 68

diet, 163

Dilday, Amanda, 142

disaster on demand, 257–65

DNA, 21, 23, 37, 73, 168, 192

dreams, 45–46, 116, 151

droplet spread, 105–6

drug overdoses, 55

Duxbury, Nicole, 139

Earth, 21–22, 80–81, 202

ecology, 82–83

education, 53

educational sovereignty, 91

ego basis, 45–46

Eisenstein, Charles, 51–74

Elderberry, 69, 125–26

emotions, 26

empathy, 227–29, 325

empathy fatigue, 227–29

encephalopathy, 133–34

endothelium, 122

energy sovereignty, 91

epidemics, 170–72

and treatment with homeopathy, 176

epigenetics, 37

essential oils, 159, 160–61, 166

essential workers, 33–34

Event 201, 57–58

evolution, 168–74

exposure, 91–92

Fairchild, Su, 128

Fauci, Anthony, 354

fear, 20–21, 35, 72–73, 96, 131, 331

Fenugreek, 139

fever, 92–93, 165

5G, 60, 157–58, 368–69

flattening the curve, 54, 109–10

flower essences, 129

flu, 174–76

Flyntz, Kristin, 6–11

Foley, Jack, 341–44

food sovereignty, 91

freedom, 356–58

Friedlaender, Salomo, 266–68

Gach, Gary, 77–85

Gaia, 80–81

Ganora, Lisa, 139

Garlic, 117–18

gastrointestinal presentation, 144

generosity, 72

genetically engineered bioweapon, 60

George, Amy, 212

germ theory, 207, 208

GI tract, 115, 144

God, 43

Golden, Issac, 189

gratitude, 217–20

Graves, Julia, 129

Green reality, 304

green tea, 160

grief, 93–94

Grossinger, Richard, 1–4, 305, 351–71

gut biome, 67

Gutiérrez, Kristina Joy, 269–70

Hahnemann, Samuel, 176–77, 186–87

hand sanitizer, 61

handshakes, 61, 65, 66

handwashing, 56, 66, 67, 191–92

Hawthorn, 139

headaches, 148

healing crisis, 324

health, foundations of, 328–34

heart, 113, 139–42

Heng, Jiuan, 188–89

herbs, 116–18, 130, 159–60, 164, 166

hoarding, 71

Holly, 139–40

Holy Mother, 48

homeopathy and homeopathic remedies, 119–20, 159, 166, 175–93

Honeysuckle, 126

Honigberger, John, 176–77

Hough, Lindy, 271–73

hugs, 53, 61, 65

humanity, 35, 51

humility, 21–22, 35, 40, 48

hunger, 55–56

hydration, 121

hydrogen peroxide, 107

hydrotherapy, 167

hydroxychloroquine, 365–66

hypertension, 68

hypoxia, 118, 139

hysteria, 54–55

I Ching, 316, 317

identity, loss of, 36

Illuminati, 58–59

Immanuel, Stella, 366

immunity and immune support, 21, 66–67, 78–80, 158–61, 163–67, 206–7

impermanence, 83–84

incubation, 92

India, history of homeopathy in, 176–77

infectivity, 104–5

on surfaces, 107

initiations, 73–74, 96–97, 203–4

innate intelligence, 20–21

integration, 238–39

intimacy, 39–40

isolation, 22, 56, 110, 252–55

Italy, 68

Jackson-Main, Peter, 118

Jedi Warrior Training Program, 211–12, 213

Joshi, Bhawisha, 184

judgment, 333–34

Jung, Carl, 317

Karariyans, Aditya, 184

Karlsen, Barbara, 201–9

Kcimundu, 89–90

Kcinewisq, 89–90

Kent, Sarah, 357

kidney presentation, 148–49

kindness, 243–44

Klein, Naomi, 78

Kulkarni, Ajit, 178–81

Kwasset, Weh’na Ha’mu, 86–95

Lahar, Stephanie, 336–40

Lee, Annabel, 15–18

Lemon Balm, 126

Levey, Joel, 210–44

Levey, Michelle, 210–44

Licorice Root, 139, 158

Lieblein, Judith, 114

Liedloff, Jean, 62

Light, Phyllis, 130

liminality, 318

Linden, 148

Lipton, Bruce, 333

liver, 115–16, 143–46

lockdowns, 56, 65

Lockstep, 58

Lomatium, 128

loneliness, 29, 66

Lonsdale, Ellias, 45–46

love, 19–44, 72–73

Lovelock, James, 81

lungs, 113, 136–39

Macy, Joanna, 218

making the blend, 97–99

Mangialavori, Massimo, 181

Margulis, Lynn, 73, 80–81

Marshmallow Root, 139

martial arts, 211–12

martial law, 58

mask-wearing, 360

Matsue, Laurie, 353

medicalization of life, 64

meditation, 211–12, 229–39

mesothelium, 121–22

miasms, 42–44

microbes, 66–67

Milky Oat Seed, 150

mind, true nature of, 213–16

mindfulness, 211–12, 227–29

Mitchell, Sherri, 86–95

moisture, 125–30

money, 62, 82–83

monks, 47–50

Moore, James, 292–301

Morton, Timothy, 1

mucosal lining, 121–22

Mullein, 137

muscle and bone ache, 146–47

mushrooms, medicinal, 69

mutations, 113–14

Myers, Eric, 250–65

N-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC), 69, 164

Nass, Meryl, 102–11

nature of mind, 213–14

negative-pressure rooms, 106

Nettles, 148–49

neurological effects, 134–35, 188

Nigella, 147–48

normality, 51

numinosity, 318

Nye, Naomi Shihab, 243–44

Oatmeal, 150

Oatstraw, 150

obesity, 55, 66

Onion syrup, 138

Order reality, 304

organ failure, 109

Osha Root, 128

Other, the, 258–59

Paladin, David Chethlahe, 214

Palmer, Mary Pat, 131–32

pandemics, 170–72, 267–68

panpsychism, 314, 316

Paracelsus, 314

paradigm shifts, 77–78

peace, 324–25

Penobscot Nation, 86–94

personal protective equipment (PPE), 106, 108

pesticides, 57

Philosophers’ Stone, 314–15

Pine, 132, 138

plandemic, 354

Pluto, 45–46

Podgurski, Robert, 266–68

prayer, 21, 43, 215–16

preparation, 121–22

Preston, Richard, 98

prevention, 121–22, 189

Prickly Ash Bark, 138

probiotics, 164

property, 62

Psalms, 48

psychic reading, 308–12

psycho-spiritual changes, 131–33

pulse oximeters, 120

Q’ero, 62–63

quantum entanglement, 90

Quan Yin, 236

quarantines, 56

quercetin, 160

racism, 357

radiating, 223–27, 238–39

Rankin, Lissa, 63, 66

receiving, 223–27, 238–39

recuperation, 149–51

red eyes, 135

Rees, Philippa, 345–48

reflex of control, 54–57

refuge, 41

relationships, 22–24, 40

renal function, 68

respiratory presentation, 124

rest, 26, 121

risk reduction, 61

RNA, 168, 192, 369–70

Robin, Vicki, 274–76

Rockefeller Foundation white paper (2010), 57–58

Rosemary, 142

Rose petals, 126–2

sacred power, 35

sacrifice, 34

safety, 61–62

safe zones, 23–24

Salicrow, 302–12

Sankaran, Rajan, 184

Sappier, Mathilda, 86–87

Scharmer, Otto, 212

self-doubt, 43

self-love, 332–33

shame, 41–42

Shurr, Emily, 349–50

Simmons, Robert, 313–20

Sky Woman, 89

Slippery Elm, 139

Smartweed, 150

smell, 135

social distancing, 24, 28, 53, 64–65, 66–67, 360

solidarity, 71–72

Solnit, Rebecca, 71–72

Solomon’s Seal, 129–30

soul basis, 45–46

Sperling, Vatsala, 168–94

spiritual seclusion, 307

spirit world, 16

sports, 53

statistics, 359–61

staying sane, 240–42

St. John’s Wort, 146

stones, working with, 313–20

stories, managing, 216

strangers, intimacy of, 201–9

Strozzi-Heckler, Richard, 96–99

sugar, 69

suicide, 55

supplements, 158–59, 165

surfaces, infection and, 107

Sweden, 355

Sweet Everlasting, 128

symptoms, 108–10, 122–24, 174, 188

Tannen, Deborah, 65–66

tarot, 305–12, 316

taste, 135

Taylor, Sonya Renee, 77–85

tears, honoring, 220

teas, 163, 165

temperature, 125–30

terrain theory, 68–69, 157–62, 207

testing, 104–5

thermoregulatory system, 122

throat, 135–36

Tiso, Francis V., 47–50

Titanic Nation, 250–65

tonglen, 229–39

totalitarian control, 53, 63

touch, 61

trauma, 23, 35–36

treatments, 364–67

Trump, Donald, 354, 360–61, 364–67, 370

tulsi, 127–28

Tutu, Desmond, 227–29

Ullman, Dana, 119–20, 189

vaccines and vaccination, 58, 170–72, 360–61, 363–64

vampires, 358–59

Van Der Jee, Harry, 185, 192

Varela, Francisco, 79

Venezuela, 52

virtual interactions, 326–27

viruses, 20–21, 73, 98, 168–74, 202

visions, 116

vitamin A, 159, 164

vitamin C, 69, 119, 159, 164

vitamin D, 69, 119, 159, 164

vitamins and minerals, 119–20

war metaphors, 60, 67–68, 96–98, 356–58, 361

War on Death, 60–64

water sovereignty, 91

Watts, Alan, 83

Weiss, Paul, 284–91

wellness movement, 69

wind, 29–30, 35

wisdom, 229

Wood, Matthew, 112–56

worry, 214–15

Wuhan, China, 54, 367–68

Yakir, Michael, 187

Yerba Mansa, 138

yoga, 210–13

zinc, 119, 158, 164

Zoom fatigue, 221–22