The emotionality of the virus began to shift this morning for the first time. Its consciousness is beginning to look at humanity in a different light. The collective energies around my clients last night and early this morning also began to lift. Its intentions are shifting as it settles more deeply into its “place” as an intelligent life force. My experience when this happens in this world means that it is in the midst of creating a relationship with our genomes, with the Earth, and in moving forward, our bodies, minds, the natural world will develop the capacity to handle this pandemic differently. I was waiting for the spirit world to show me a sign with the quieting of things beyond the veil. This might translate into emotions for us being very heightened this week, as when something this big begins to ground in such a way that shifts entire paradigms of existence, our emotions become rattled to the core. Find constructive ways of being in relationship with yourself, those you love, and life as we know it in the PRESENT. Allow for healing space to exist between you and the pandemic so your body and mind can respond to this crisis in the most healing of ways. (March 18, 2020)
You are not feeling threatened by life. You are feeling threatened by the unknown. There is a difference. (March 18, 2020)
All viruses have an innate intelligence.
They are as old as time itself and are a part of an ever-changing ecosystem that enters a host and attaches itself in various ways to cellular membranes as its genetic imprint forms a relationship. The way it will influence its host depends on many factors from emotional, environmental, spiritual, and through other epigenetic influences.
A virus contains DNA and RNA, just as we do. Its intelligence is far-reaching. It knows how to survive better than most humans do. It knows how to replicate, transmit, and cross boundary systems on many levels. From my perspective, their skill set is pretty impressive, and we could learn a lot from this living intelligence. Throughout history, we have created personal and interdependent relationships with viruses; and in my work for over 24 years, I have seen viral threads in people’s epigenetic field, from their ancestry, still influencing current day illnesses. I’ve also seen viruses react to certain frequencies. As times change, viruses and our relationship to them within our bodies change.
From a psychological and spiritual perspective, fear is a valid response but one in which a virus can also replicate itself energetically. I am watching how both personally and collectively, we as a society are dramatizing the pandemic. Don’t get me wrong, precautions are warranted—but the truth of the matter is, viruses will exist until the end of time. Most of us carry viral threads and don’t even know we have them. Many of us have been exposed to viruses from our ancestors and those viruses live in our bodies. My own great-grandmother died in the epidemic of the Spanish flu. The dramatization of any crisis comes in part out of fear of the unknown, our relationship to both power and powerlessness, and our ability to have a relationship with illness itself. Civilizations have faced pandemics and the loss of life since we evolved into being. There is a necessary life cycle for viruses and their counterparts just as there is for humanity. Hard to accept but all of creation breeds intelligent life-forms that might threaten our very existence. My own personal approach has been to have a conversation with the virus, as I do whenever I fall ill to a viral syndrome and find out what it needs from me and, possibly, what I might learn from it. A virus is not something in my belief that we can truly eradicate as a whole. They can be contained. There is a difference.
The environment we live in also plays a role in helping viruses to spread. When I used to do hands-on work eons ago, I would watch viruses in my clients run away from my hands. There has been research done on viruses being contained with higher frequencies of light. When Rife machines were popular, people believed in the efficacy of their frequencies to match those frequencies of many pathogens. Many living things in nature have high frequencies. Prayer has a high frequency. While the media is speaking of prevention, I am not hearing anything about how 5G, the overuse of pesticides, GMOs, etc., are contributing to weakened immunity and also the altering of DNA. Much of humanity enjoys an easier life unfortunately without consideration that our food supply, the air we breathe, technology, all impact our DNA on a cellular level. Thus, new viruses will be born and old ones will be resurrected. This is and will be the nature of things.
I’m sitting back, taking some precautions, but also opening up dialogue with Coronavirus to see what it has to teach humanity at this point in time. I also send my love and respect toward nature, for us not understanding or respecting the many forms of intelligence it breeds, wanting to eradicate anything that poses a threat that in the long run might serve us in ways we have yet to see. We cannot control the circle of life, folks. We can learn to be in relationship with it as best we can. (March 14, 2020)
The Earth is helping us to understand the difference between entitlement and humility. The virus itself is learning the same lessons.
The energies being created through this virus will ground into the genetic matrix of both humans and the Earth alike, and years down the road, our bodies will have learned the lessons necessary to be in relationship with what we perceive is a threat to our humanity. I wonder if the virus feels as threatened as we do with its possible eradication? A living and breathing intelligence working to understand its role in the universe, its own relationship to humanity, and its relationship to its own survival. Entitlement and humility, a balance, one day, perhaps. (March 20, 2020)
Isolation requires a tender moment of grace to allow yourself to continually feel part of the whole of the human experience, part of the whole of one’s identity, part of the whole of all that is weaved through love. Be kind with your thoughts during this time of aloneness, judging nothing that is incomprehensible. Receive it lightly instead with compassion for what is deemed sacred will avail itself to you in times you least expect it. Presence lies within everything, especially in isolation, when you allow yourself to gently become one with it. (March 24, 2020)
One of the greatest challenges that clients are sharing with me this past week is how to be in relationship with their partners at home. Jokes abound regarding the relationship lasting through this pandemic, an inability to foster a newfound spirit of communication, intimacy, reciprocity, emotional movement. The intensity and powerlessness of isolation create challenges for each person to learn to befriend themselves in a new light, let alone the person they share their life with. The trepidation of the unknown, the willingness or lack thereof to explore it safely and to hold space for another to do so can be overwhelming. Boundaries are shifting with each moment—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Understanding the human condition at this juncture in time is not something we can wholeheartedly do, as the nature of the human condition is rapidly changing.
When we first enter into relationship, we are drawn by many factors, energetic conditioning being on the forefront inclusive of ancestral, emotional, and spiritual patterning. How we approach that conditioning will be influenced by the collective at this time in our lives. Most of us in this lifetime have not experienced a collective upheaval in planetary consciousness like this before. This will change our DNA to such levels that even the cellular memories of our ancestors will forever be different. Collective trauma and the way we relate to it will offer the opportunity for healing, in this world both for those who have come before us and for those who will come after us. As I write this, my DNA is shifting as a response to this pandemic, and how I looked at relationship yesterday is indeed different than how I am looking at it today. The same will be said for tomorrow. Our experience of love might change, as will how we work within that paradigm, how we communicate within that paradigm, and how we express ourselves. In these last few days people are truly concerned about being at home for such a long period of time with someone who all of a sudden feels like a stranger to them because of their reactions and responses to the pandemic and the fear. We are faced with surrender and compromise to such a degree that we fear the loss of an identity we have known since the time we came into this world. In doing so, we spiral into more fear, grief, anger, loss, and a plethora of other emotions that propel us into questioning who we are and who the person is we have committed ourselves to.
It will be important to establish physical, emotional, and spiritual “safe zones” within your home, with time allotted to become better acquainted with who you are during this great time of collective fear, hope, and transformation. The personal losses incurred during a shift like this can indeed be overwhelming and overpowering. How can you expect your partner to be clear about their relationship to what is happening when you aren’t clear within yourself? The understandable power struggle that is unfolding right now within yourselves can easily be projected onto your partners. The word I am hearing from clients is a feeling of being trapped in the relationship. Love is there, but the everyday interactions of being in relationship have become so challenging that some people don’t know where to turn. Circling back to various realities to respond to challenges might not work in the present. As much as we are all learning to respond to our reactions of physical isolation, we are all learning to respond to our relationship with emotional isolation, emotional exhaustion, and having to hold space for others in our lives.
Please be patient with yourselves and with those you love and who love you. We have entered into uncharted territory where the heart and mind are concerned. I expect you to be different when this is “over.” I expect your relationships to be different. I expect endings and new beginnings. But we all have the choice to hold on tightly to these old patterns within relationship or head into the abyss with some excitement about the newness to come. (March 25, 2020)
A few of my clients this week asked about the future of humanity. Alas, wishing I were Goddess Divine and could alleviate suffering with one simple prayer, I did tune into the frequencies and saw glimpses of a parallel future reality that mirrored this one. (March 26, 2020)
I do observe the natural world in response to what is happening. Living here in NY, a major epicenter of the pandemic at this moment that we know of, the energies are incredibly intense. I watch how my own animals respond and also watch the strays that I feed in my yard, the squirrels, the birds, any creature that will allow me to partake energetically of its behavioral patterning. Interesting thing to note is that my own pets are responding to my relationship with the pandemic, but I have not seen any of the outdoor animals respond as they usually would in times of panic, when something within the natural world threatens their very existence. I have spent a few moments each day, waiting, observing, and nothing out of the ordinary has yet to occur. I have set my feet on the ground as I do in times of illness upon the Earth, and again, all is quiet. The spirit world is a different matter. My mother who is an incredible “seer” will keep things to herself when she has a vision. She blurted out on the phone the other day, “This was all the death I was seeing.” Death not necessarily in the literal sense. Its meaning encompasses many levels. The spirit world has been working tirelessly to help heal this crisis, assist those in sickness and in health, and be the light for those who transition to the other side. When I hold space for this parallel reality, I am in awe of the purification process that we are going through, wondering if the world has ever seen a shift like this since the times of the biblical flood. The intensity of detachment will render humanity stripped of a consciousness that was previously known. The waters are rising, and when this serves its purpose in the higher realms, we will come to know a stillness that we have never known collectively.
Until this comes to pass, we are all prayerfully doing the best we can to take care of ourselves and each other. (March 26, 2020)
Social distancing does not mean we still can’t rise together. (March 27, 2020)
It’s been a while since I’ve written a letter and felt compelled to reach out.
I don’t know you personally, but rest assured my ancestors knew your ancestors both in times of great strength and in great weakness.
You have given me ample opportunity to pause and reflect. And for this, I am grateful.
My reflections have become so sacred and filled with gratitude for all that you are teaching me, all that you are teaching us.
I know you are in a time of exploring your own inner darkness as well as your light, and you have given humanity the distinct opportunity to do the same.
If your intention was to alienate and isolate human beings into a confounded state of oblivion, you have done the opposite, dear friend.
I have seen more stars at night yearning to come out in the day to guide us in our times of fear. I have witnessed more rainbows amidst the natural world as the Earth’s manifestations take respite under God’s care from man’s recklessness. I watch as the sky settles into grace as the soil once again nourishes plant life in a way that it has not done so before. This rest you are providing us is regenerating the Earth and its inhabitants. Squirrels are dancing once again, trees praying in unison. Oh how I marvel at the miracles you have created.
You do not discriminate via race, religion, social status; my list could go on. How wise of you to share with us that grief, fear, anger, and every emotion under the rainbow embraces each of us equally. That suffering is inclusive, and not exclusive of identity or purpose. In fact, you have ignited an even greater purpose in our minds and hearts, and within the collective of the human construct. We as a world identity created such boundaries to keep us separate from one another, competing for self-worth and power, forgetting humility and honor many times. That is all changing now. We are beginning to see how those boundaries are self-limiting, self-destructive, and within themselves, foster an even greater sense of separation.
Even those who are beyond the veil are gathering in prayer and celebration during this time of evolution.
Tears flow down my cheeks as families spend more time with each other, relearning the art of communication and intimacy. Emotions once internalized are having a safe outlet to be shared. Entitlement is being humbled in dramatic ways. Love is being explored to such depths that we will come out as better human beings than we were before. Rest is being taken that never sees the light of day. You are showing us it is not us vs. them anymore, but us, just us. Finally. Tears again.
For those whose lives you are taking, they are so not alone as they transition. Our prayers have raised them to such heights that angels await their last breath to carry them home upon their wings. You have brought us many gifts, Corona, coming into our homes uninvited, or were you uninvited? Sometimes I wonder.
I wish you well on your journey to find the light.
And one day, perhaps we will meet as different souls on the journey.
Until you find stillness.
Laura (March 27, 2020)
Yesterday I needed to get out for some supplies and much-needed fresh air. It was raining off and on here in New York, a welcome respite from nature’s tears to both replenish self and cleanse impurities amidst us. I took a detour to one of my favorite places in Westchester, a few towns along the Hudson River culminating in one of the most powerful portals I have ever embraced here on the East Coast. Many times, another sensitive friend and I have driven there to simply bask in its energies of healing and grace. One day as she and I were driving through one of the towns, we passed a burial ground, and I could not believe my eyes. Spirits were dancing amid the ground in large numbers, rejoicing, as though they had just been freed. I opened my window, as I could see them as plainly as I could see myself, and kept waving. I know it sounds funny but I had never witnessed such a mass exodus of souls from one plane/dimension to another in such a way. I have seen smaller shifts in the spirit world like this before, but something was different, something was very palpably different. They were free from their present state of manifestation and heading toward the next level of their spiritual destiny, and the leniency granted was so profound I just kept reminding myself of the prayers of mercy I used to pray for those departed who were stuck or simply waiting for familial miasms to heal so they might move on. Many traditions pray and hold ceremony for the departed to ask for graces and prayers from the unseen. If ever you needed a time to both ask for help and show gratitude toward your loved ones who are beyond the veil, now would be it. I promise you. Their prayers have just become all the more powerful. Amen. (March 30, 2020)
And come twilight, the heavens will descend upon us with such a roar that all of creation will understand the miracles that have awakened us. (March 30, 2020)
The lower levels of the spirit world are mirroring what is happening within the human collective right now.
The terror has become greater than the pandemic itself.
I feel like I need to say that again to offer the miasm some space.
The terror has become greater than the pandemic itself.
Please don’t get me wrong. Fear is an appropriate psychological and emotional response to any threat or crisis. I am not going to ask you to replace fear with love. I just won’t do that. I am going to ask you to hold space for both, to allow both possibilities to exist as you compartmentalize and internalize your reactions and responses to what is happening out there.
The fear has now taken on form, an energy form that is just as intrusive upon our boundary systems as is the Coronavirus. Even with social distancing, there are enough people in the world that no one has to struggle alone with this, no one. Even helping others through prayer.
We are all working diligently, respecting social distancing.
So what about enacting psychological, spiritual, and emotional distancing from those thoughts and reactions that are sending you further into the abyss?
There are things each of us can do to help ourselves and each other. The act of creation is our birthright.
The act and art of acceptance is also our birthright.
I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I see the darkness even before we got to this place.
If we can create healthier relationships to our desperation, our powerlessness, our terror, we can shift some things here, everyone.
As human beings, we do not like to feel powerless. We have a hard time embracing suffering. We want to be in control of everything.
The paradigm of us vs. them can no longer survive in this new world being created, but we won’t learn that lesson until we each explore our own personal relationships with power and powerlessness. Loss happens. It is happening. It will happen. We are each being faced with the loss of our personal identities, our roles in society, and the way we see others. Amen. What is on the other side of that has the opportunity to be miraculous, but that will not change the fact that much loss will occur. And with that, comes an intensity of grief and emptiness we have never allowed ourselves to experience before.
I am with you.
We are all with you.
May we cherish the opportunity to pray collectively for each other through these times.
Amen. (March 31, 2020)
Sometimes the loneliest place is that pivotal moment when you lose sight of your inner strength.
Forged from grace, that strength is insurmountable by any illusion of fear that comes your way. (April 1, 2020)
In this time of physical, emotional, and spiritual inconvenience, God is creating a new language for humanity, one in which we have the slightest awareness of the mercy that awaits us. (April 2, 2020)
What an extraordinarily powerful wind last night here in New York City. I went out to bear witness to the magnificence of its purpose. A wind like that is deserving of such reverence and humility, as it carries souls from this world to the next. With rawness it carries emotions of those who have perished in this pandemic and those who are crying for their lost loved ones. Every tear is held in its powerful grace. Every anger soothed, every fear comforted. The wind is still strong this morning, fleeing from this world to the next with such swiftness, as called to by the gods of creation. I keep hearing the words, “Forgive us our trespasses.” The heavens have given us such an opportunity during this time to explore our relationship to forgiveness—forgiving ourselves, those who have hurt us, and forgiving the unknown, the unseen, and a voice that has no name in our minds but is understood by all of creation. Thank you, wind, for carrying many of your children home. Amen. (April 3, 2020)
I need for you to know I was not alone.
I could barely catch my breath. With every inhalation, memories of you would flood my mind, your smile, your warmth, our lives together. It made me pause, stripped away any fear I had about being isolated, waiting for that breath to fill me until I exhaled with relief. I knew my time was coming. You may not have been there, but everyone we know who had already made their way across worlds was by my side. I laughed as I watched souls reach for my hand to comfort me, some I had actually never even met. I knew they had succumbed to the same dire consequences as I did, part of this collective crossing of souls to such a degree that I am beginning to understand its purpose. Family members, friends, strangers, all in spirit form, gathered as I struggled for air and realized there was no way that any of us would ever be left to cross alone. The laughter emanating from these souls makes me forget the loud noises surrounding me from my hospital room, the machines I am hooked up to, the heavy energy and stench of fear that I felt when I was first brought here.
I’m taking my last breath now. I can see the angels parting those around me to reassure me of my ascent.
Oh, how blessed I am to be part of this calling, this mass evolution that will help heal humanity in ways I don’t even understand quite yet. Their wings are so effervescent I can hardly contain myself. I’m lifting, I’m lifting. Boy, I wish you could see me fly. I wish you could feel how so untethered I am from everything that weighed me down. I wish you could know how many of us beyond the veil are praying for you all. What’s happening to humanity is not what you think. I wish the angels would explain it to me so you would all suffer less until this has passed. But they won’t. So I can’t.
I’m sorry I left you too soon, but if you could only see this other world you would understand why. I am but a whisper away, helping you work through your fear of the unknown now and the plethora of emotions you are still feeling along with everyone else trying to make sense of the world right now. Humanity will be so different. The angels are jumping for joy at what will come. But I do know that a number of us had to cross worlds to prepare the way for you, and I was chosen as one of them. And just so you know, I would do it all over again because that is how much I love you. (April 3, 2020)
Bless those whose enormous courage rivals that of any angel in heaven.
They are the chosen ones; those who have sacrificed their earthly experience during this time of crisis to enter into the world beyond the veil for the sake of humanity.
Their purpose is not lost, for it has finally been found.
Their pasts forgotten to innocence and humility as God awaits them at those heavenly doors, forgiving all misgivings upon their earthly embodiment.
They are the awakened ones, the ones whose prayers of hope and mercy will humble this pandemic until it settles into grace.
They are the awakened ones, the ones who will hold our hands in times of great fear and doubt, in times of despair and isolation.
They are the awakened ones, the ones who will unite us in a way humanity has never known before.
There is a purpose to their sacrifice, to their suffering, to our loss.
A purpose that we cannot explain or comprehend in our hearts at this moment in time.
But one we will come to understand as time passes.
Bless those whose enormous courage rivals that of any angel in heaven.
Humanity will forever be indebted for their passage of grace. (April 6, 2020)
We are no longer standing at the threshold. We have become the threshold. Allow evolution to pass through you as gently as you can. Carrying yourself amidst the anguish of humanity, only to see yourself eventually rise along with it. And yes, you will rise. We all will. (April 8, 2020)
Dear Coronavirus,
This past week has been incredibly intense and overwhelming in so many ways.
I’ve been excited to see the myriad of miracles you have been providing us with lately.
More so than when we first met your acquaintance.
I am hearing the laughter of children again, oh how they radiate such innocent joy in times of despair.
Spending more time with mommy and daddy, and siblings too.
Learning, embracing, feeling, hugging. I can’t begin to tell you how many hugs you have ignited in our world. Even if some of those are virtual hugs at the moment, the love is so palpable my heart is bursting at the seams. Hugs within families, hugs between strangers, hugs that cross boundaries we once had that defined our separateness.
So many hugs I honestly want to share one with you, Corona.
You are brilliant in the ways that you have brought families closer; strangers are no longer strangers. Mothers are looking into the eyes of their children with presence, and fathers are tenderly nurturing what has been long forgotten.
Where walls once stood there are flowers blossoming everywhere!
You are teaching us so much about appreciation when much of what most of us lived by was entitlement.
I don’t know how to contain my heart and my gratitude for your presence.
Your friend
Laura (April 9, 2020)
You are the shelter you seek. In times of madness, and in times of grace. (April 9, 2020)
Every last bit of healing medicine surrounding this pandemic will be passed down to future generations. Your children’s children will remember how you responded to this time—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It will influence how they respond in the face of crisis, and that in turn will influence their children. It’s called epigenetics.
Let’s show them what we’re made of. (April 11 2020)
I view Coronavirus as one of the greatest portals toward evolution of this century. Yes, many lives are being taken. But in truth, most of us are being given life. A life which we never knew existed before. An opportunity to love like no other and to care for humanity and the Earth in unprecedented ways. Embrace its teachings. (April 11, 2020)
I am serving on the front lines now, putting my life at risk to save humanity not from a pandemic, but from the illusion of life itself you carry.
I have been essential throughout history, in all cultures, in all religions, all races, in every life-form that exists but you haven’t noticed me until now.
You’ve only noticed me because you fear your life is at risk, but in truth, you have risked your life and the life of this earth for many a thing, most of which you call progress.
Well, that progress comes with sacrifice. Always has, always will.
In the mid-1800s, thousands of Native Americans were forced from their ancestral lands in what is known as the Trail of Tears to make way for the “white” man.
The Tuskegee Study of African American Males to observe untreated syphilis so that those more fortunate could have the antidote.
The suffragettes.
Rosa Parks.
DDT pesticide use in American History.
History books can be filled with the sacrifices we have all made in the name of progress, in wanting more, needing more, in having more.
We have all become essential, or rather expendable.
How much more of humanity are we willing to sacrifice?
I hope it doesn’t take another world crisis for us to notice how valuable human life is or the life of this Earth we call home.
Are our needs that great? (April 11, 2020)
Enchained and shackled by fear.
Only to be freed by grace.
I promise. (April 12, 2020)
Fearing the darkness might give you insight into your relationship with the darkness, but it might inhibit you from understanding your relationship to fear itself. (April 13, 2020)
Bless you, wind outside my window. I went out for a moment to feel your immense courage and strength, acting as a psychopomp, crossing souls from one world to the next. There are many souls in your bosom today, dear wind, so much so that when I stood still outside I tingled as they passed through me, illuminating my own etheric body. What do you have to teach me today, wind? Your might is fierce, perhaps even leaving behind some destruction in the wake of your path. But I do not fear you as your purpose is great: to raise these souls from suffering and bring them to the holy land of peace eternal. I do hear the confusion of those souls as they are crossing. I have been hearing it through my prayers this morning with clients. May their confusion and ours be comforted by faith, and by a warmth that only the Divine can ignite. When you hear the wind today, please say a prayer for those crossing. Your own heaviness will begin to lift. Amen. (April 13, 2020)
It is during this time when our innate sacred power will be revealed to us—a power that will exemplify a justice to be bestowed by the gods of heaven; one that will ignite humanity to cultivate a greater sense of compassion and humility more than ever before. This power will carry equal merit among every human being, leaving no one without dignity or grace, no one. We have been asked to carry this torch since time birthed itself into creation, but our own unworthiness instilled fear into our hearts and minds. This torch, this light for humanity, is indeed ready to be lit in ways unimaginable. Gather yourselves, gather your children, gather your friends and neighbors. The gods await our resurrection and the evolution toward a kinder, gentler, and more forgiving human experience. (April 13, 2020)
The collective trauma will continue some time after the pandemic. My greatest concern has been the long-term effects as we reenter our lives. There will be nothing normal about our reentries, as who we were before this time will no longer exist. We are in the midst of trying to figure out who we are now as we live day to day.
The compartmentalized reactions and responses to emotional and physical survival will avail themselves to us in various ways we may not quite understand; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When individual trauma is bridged by collective trauma, it takes on form that needs healing and attention at a level that requires participation by everyone involved. It warms my heart to see humanity rising up to help each other, people reaching out to others in ways unimaginable.
During this time, if you can, gently grieve the loss of your identity and your role within familial and societal paradigms as you know it, readying yourself to be reborn. Because you will be reborn. We all will be. It is always a little intimidating coming out of that birth portal, descending into the unknown, a world that has the potential to be one of innocence if we choose to see it that way. I know I will. I know I will find the innocence amidst the chaos, the darkness, the purification, the loss. And within that innocence, a flower will bloom for all humanity. I can’t wait. (April 13, 2020)
In remembrance of the oppressed of every nation whose footprints walked this gentle Earth, help us to honor, oh ancestors, each suffering, each grave that carries the tears of those tormented by human iniquities. May their perseverance and might pave the way for humility amidst the human condition. May we be unburdened of false truths so that we stand together in compassionate unity. Those beyond the veil, forgive us for not understanding that your suffering is our suffering. That your oppression has become our oppression, that trauma repeats itself until we cultivate a mercy toward humanity that we have never known. Only then, will we be free. Amen. (April 17, 2020)
Eventually, every darkness gets tired of running away from the light. (April 17, 2020)
When this is over, you are not returning to the world. You are returning to yourself. In ways you could never imagine. (April 19, 2020)
We are all being called to become epigenetic shape-shifters in this time in history. The past, the present, and the future depend on how we respond, react, and heal from this pandemic. Our cellular memory is being given the opportunity to heal its DNA in ways that will reach our ancestors beyond the veil. What has been coded in our genes is responding to our internal and external environments as I write this. I have witnessed such changes in the spirit world, from one dimension to the other. Boundaries between parallel realities are transforming. Many of you might notice an extraordinary sense of fatigue lately. With this much DNA transformation, rest is most certainly needed. (April 21, 2020)
Oh great rain, your brilliant sojourn in this realm today left me speechless.
Dancing upon the Earth while whispering between the shadows of the ethers, you illuminated my senses with such purification
I can’t help but contain myself.
I wanted to dance naked while each raindrop pressed against my flesh in sacred harmony; against a windswept backdrop of merciful revelations only the quietest of souls could hear.
I pray you let me dance with you the next time you visit, for you cleanse me of iniquities I no longer need to carry on this Earth. May your holiness become my holiness, oh blessed waters from the sky above. (April 21, 2020)
And the tree whispered in my ear, “Thank you for remembering the sacred silence—this time of respite toward the Earth, with humanity standing still as we grieve together the pain of our world. We need this time to rest gently and to become acquainted with one another again, as equals under the sun.” (April 22, 2020)
. . . And as you surrender, the land beneath your feet will become Holy Ground, not as you have known it in the past, but as you envision it for your future and for those souls waiting to be born. (April 23, 2020)
The vulnerable will rise to such great heights that they will be the new faces of evolution. (April 23, 2020)
The ancestral keepers of the Earth are awakening in multitudes as humanity is stilled for a while. May their perseverance in mending the wounds of our home be given the time and respect it deserves. (April 25, 2020)
Somewhere in between the ethers and the Earth our personal and collective identities become intertwined with the trauma unfolding within and around us.
Having an intimate relationship with ourselves is difficult enough without having to relearn this art with others. Our vulnerabilities become even more compromised, as does our personal space.
Our perceptions of ourselves, the roles we play within our families and societies, are responding to an inner and outer crisis where reality is skewed at the moment. Time is out of alignment for most of us; paradigms in which we have operated from emotionally, physically, and spiritually no longer carry the same weight as they once did. The illusion is for real. Hard to believe but how we see and value ourselves is changing with each moment that passes, and the person we see in front of the mirror may not be as recognizable. As we begin to experience life in new ways, our responses and reactions to those experiences, and to the emotions and thoughts surrounding them, will be different. They have to be or you might find yourself struggling more than you did before. How can we understand and appreciate intimacy when we can’t even find our center in the midst of this global crisis? Looking at children or partners has some wondering, “Who are these people in front of me?” As though it is the first time meeting their acquaintance. What would intimacy even look like? How vulnerable a question.
Our vulnerabilities leave us teetering on the brink of power struggle. Our need for intimacy gets brushed aside as we concern ourselves with protecting the identities that made us who we are today. The thought of being without an identity leaves us empty, wandering the map of our souls in search of something that never really left us. The plethora of emotions that gets triggered projects itself into the many relationships we have formed and will also become internalized. Intimacy becomes scarce as we ravage the universe to fulfill a need that we think will make us whole. All the meanwhile, humanity could not be closer at the moment working through this crisis even though we are feeling so separated from those perceptions of who we thought we were. I am going to repeat that. Humanity could not be closer at the moment working through this crisis even though we are feeling so separated from those projections of who we thought we were.
Intimacy is taking on new meaning. Our need for it is also being redefined in ways we might have never expected. Our vulnerabilities are being challenged but so is our capacity to hold space for each other while evolution molds our identities into something greater than our prior understandings. If we try to capture the definition in the midst of a power struggle, we will not be successful in our endeavors and it will only create more stress within those bonds we hold sacred. The power struggle needs to be silenced for us to appreciate the dynamic unfolding within every person around us. Our needs have to be reevaluated. Our identities have to be abandoned so new ones may enter into the realm of possibility. Intimacy will happen. It already has. You just may not experience it if you keep holding on to the person you thought you were before this pandemic took hold of our world.
In grace,
(April 26, 2020)
There are many who keep saying, “I’m waiting for this to be over.” But “this” is where we are at now. What you see as confining is an expanse of human consciousness and the opportunity to forge new relationships with humility, oppression, and struggle—those same relationships that our ancestors looked upon with valor, integrity, with more acceptance than most modernized cultures of our world today. This pause is in our minds while those beyond the veil see it as a necessary construct toward healing. So no, I am not waiting for this to be over. I am looking forward to waking up each day and seeing how this is changing me for the better, changing us for the better, and changing the Earth for the better. (April 28, 2020)
The rain is coming down hard tonight here in New York. There is no softness in its temperament. Its voice is so loud the echoes of what used to be are taking on physical form, compelling me to seek refuge and gentleness amidst the unknown. There is a weariness to its “voice.” And as I write this, spirits are walking behind me through the portals that have been opening and available to all of us during this time. I don’t know how many of you have carried a heavy heart this week, but some of those souls near to me are whispering words of regret, time lost; similar energies to the pounding rain right outside my door right now. There is one specific male soul around me, from long ago, connected to those crossing over during this pandemic. The others continue to “walk” by me. His regrets have become his identity beyond the veil, stuck in between realms, hardened by his earthly experience while here. I am telling him to cross with the others, to allow the rain to lift his bitterness so that his regrets soften and perhaps take refuge in a new realm of possibility. Refuge. Love that word. Whether it is refuge amidst the unknown or refuge in the pounding rain, may it soften us and all those regrets we carry until we meet that sacred refuge that lives within each and every one of us. (April 30, 2020)
Shame has its place in our personal and collective histories. It has rooted itself amidst our vulnerabilities, more so today in our culture as most of us have never experienced a time like this before. Primordial communication existed between humans long before words were used. Emotions such as shame were raw in nature, hell-bent on wreaking havoc in our roles in familial dynamics and societies, and as it relates to how we see ourselves in this world. Shame is prevalent right now. This pandemic has triggered such a visceral response, none like I have seen before when it comes to this emotion. Whether it is shame of one’s own fear around the pandemic, shame in working through the isolation, shame of contracting the illness, shame of losing one’s job, shame of not being able to pay the bills on time or even put food on the table—an emotion that has separated us from time immemorial is now seeping into the hearts and minds of the collective at such a new level it is creating such a powerful miasm that our ancestors are rolling over in their graves.
Shame lessens our experience of life, our experience of one another, and our experience of ourselves. Our reactions and responses to life become muted in such a way that moving forward becomes a daunting task, as we cannot see that forest through the trees. The greater awareness of shame’s purpose is not able to be reconciled within the choices we make, and we continue down that rabbit hole of self-deprecation until the shame becomes something familiar, something safe, something that takes away our authenticity and freedom. Its familiarity becomes a source of comfort in and of itself as we abandon any notion of worthiness, both human and spiritual. When we abandon ourselves due to shame, we reject our true nature and become stuck in that void of separation, unsure how to find our way back to the light. We then begin that search for power outside ourselves, seeking a false sense of protection that we think will help us function in this world.
I understand the reasoning behind the surge in this personal and collective emotion. I don’t even ask that we eradicate it. It doesn’t have to be as powerful as we think it is. It can be a tool, a very empowering tool, teaching us ways to step outside that power struggle within ourselves that has established an identity based on an unworthiness so deep that it causes us to act and think in destructive ways. We allow shame to take hold because our own worthiness is too great a risk. Unworthiness is an easier burden to bear.
What is happening to us does not have to create more shame. We are in control of how we emotionally relate to our present circumstances. Our fear, our anger, and all the other emotions surfacing as a result of this world crisis are valid emotions and deserve our worthiness so they can be attended to appropriately. Emotional freedom awaits each one of us.
May we carry each other through this time.
(May 1, 2020)
A whole new world awaits within you.
The heightened and intensified energies in our world these past few weeks have triggered ancestral miasms and memories to a degree that I have never seen before in my almost twenty-five years of practice. Cellular memories reaching out to me from those here and beyond the veil. Centuries-old trauma reawakening in clients, with voices wanting to be heard, voices wanting to be held, voices wanting to be healed. In all honesty, the exhaustion I felt spiritually these past few weeks was like none other. I heard the same from clients, friends, family. The push/pull between realms, crossing dimensions, expanding and contracting boundary systems on every level of humanity, individually and collectively, internally and externally. Many have felt an internal roller coaster and not sure when the ride would end or how it even began. Boundary systems are changing as we move from one reality to the next. The healing of ancestral collective trauma is painful. Thoughts, memories, emotions from ancestors of old manipulated by years of repetitive trauma, misunderstanding, oppression, injustice.
And when miasms become triggered so deeply, we begin to question ourselves, I mean really question ourselves. But our voices are not just our own. They can’t be. They are our grandparents speaking through us, their grandparents speaking through them. They are trauma after trauma, memory after memory of wrongs needing to be held in the light. There is so much shifting in our DNA that it would be impossible to expect us to figure it all out now. There is too much confusion out there. Too much self-doubt. Boundaries take time to reconfigure—to expand or contract effortlessly between the light and the darkness, above and beyond any will we might have exercised to a greater will we are awakening to. This reconfiguration is actually causing a lot of physical symptoms for people, especially in these last few weeks. The confusion coupled with rage keeps a boundary rigid when the boundary needs to be given permission to expand into the light of the unknown, into the light of possibility, into the light of forgiveness.
So how can we forgive a wound? How can we forgive a trauma? How can we forgive a paradigm of confusion that has led humanity to think it is okay to hurt one another?
We begin slowly. We take each other by the hand as though each hand belonged to God. We take each memory and ask it to bless upon our hearts the forgiveness that we seek, the forgiveness we need to bestow. We ask those voices to pray with us, pray for us, and to allow us to pray for them. We bless each soul, one at a time, because we know that within each soul lies a myriad of souls, whose lives have weaved a tapestry of humanity that deserves the opportunity to know that the light can, indeed, overcome the darkness.
A whole new world awaits within all of us. (June 11, 2020)
In the midst of this worldwide crisis, you are feeling everything unimaginable to the very core of your being.
You are being stripped of familiar boundaries in every relationship you have with yourself and with others.
Internal and external safety has become obsolete.
The rawness to which you are experiencing life is nothing many of you have known before.
Structures are disintegrating right before your very eyes.
People are changing and becoming unrecognizable.
You are becoming unrecognizable.
These wounds will change you.
They will change us all.
To be alive during this time, to bear witness to humanity and its involution and subsequent evolution is challenging.
But you are alive. You have that opportunity to recreate your internal and external boundary system with each passing day.
You have the opportunity to choose your reactions to humanity’s upheavals as well as your own.
You have the opportunity to rise.
It won’t be easy. There will be much more loss to come.
But you are choosing life.
And right now, this is where life is at.
For you, for all of us. (August 9, 2020)
LAURA AVERSANO is an ancestral empath, medical and spiritual intuitive, and spiritwalker. Coming from a long lineage of seers, she has authored books on spirituality and healing, and serves an international clientele.