We’re in it, folks. We’re all the way in it.

This is Revelations, this is the Rapture, this is the New Heaven and the New Earth. Old wheels are broken, new wheels are turning, the wheel-within-the-wheel of old is real. This is the collapse of timelines: Look around you. What was projected to happen in decades is now happening in weeks.

In every psyche across the world, in our governments and institutions, our education system, industries, banking, manufacturing, distribution, our climate, our biology, and especially our culture: All are undergoing rapid transformation on the order of a Z-Axis, a new dimension in history. An entirely new and uncharted impulse is being introduced right now, one that could not be predicted or anticipated, one that only existed in the mind of the “true believer,” the mystic, and the tech CEO sitting in the desert taking massive doses of psychedelics.

Now is the time: Our work to re-enchant the world (sing a new song, build a new life together) is urgently, even desperately needed. We must be bold now. Unafraid of emerging into our wholeness, undeterred from sharing our greatest gifts. Our skills, our vision, our insight, our care, our writing, our stories, our love.

This is the Great Shakedown.

For once the scientists and astrologers, the ancients and the futurists agree. This time is truly without precedent: The inflection points of history may have felt this seismic, but never has the scale been so large or the effects so ubiquitous.

The crisis *is* the gift. The pain *is* the opportunity.

Release the ways that keep us stuck, our voices stifled, our spirits cramped and afraid.

Are we victims, permanently withdrawn, subject to greed and control? Or are we flowing forward with inner knowing, creators of sane and loving new models of work and family and community, guided by mutual aid and shared responsibility, determining our own course? We are deciding right now—and we keep on deciding every day.

And! We are not flipping the script, making the old victims into the new oppressors. We are writing a whole new story.

We are praying and writing and teaching and telling and visioning and crafting new worlds into being.

NO ONE CAN DO THIS ALONE. We need each other.

And the good news is—we HAVE each other!


EMILY SHURR works as a coach for neurodiversity, spiritual emergence, and end-of-life counseling. She is a consultant to Fortune 100s, government agencies, and innovative education programs, and an initiated Shakta Tantrick with roots in French Existentialism and Celtic Catholicism. She holds a master’s degree in religion (medical ethics) from Yale Divinity School and a B.A. in religious studies from the University of Tennessee.