Mimi said that she and Max and Sammy were doing a human alphabet for their project. She said that she was trying to keep it a secret to surprise me, but that now that she could almost do a handstand she couldn't make herself not tell me. She said that handstanding was important because they were going to make their bodies be all the letters of the alphabet, from A to Z and then shout out all the adjectives they could think of that started with that letter. Mimi said that some of the letters were harder than others and right now they had practiced all the way to K, which was kind of a hard one. She said the letters were pretty easy to do if you did them lying down on the ground but a lot harder when you did them standing up, which is what they were going to do. She said it was lucky that Max was so good at handstanding because that helped a lot.
Right when Mimi was about to ask me what my project was going to be she started sneezing. She pointed to my shirt and I could see that it had Captain Furry fur on it. How or why is a mystery, because it was a clean shirt that hadn't even gone on the trip with me to Chicago. In between sneezes Mimi said that I could come to her house after school and watch her, Max, and Sammy practice the L and M and N part of the alphabet. "I'll try," I said, and suddenly it didn't even make me super sad that Mimi was going to be with Max and Sammy again. Because now I knew the real reason they were being together all the time. You can't be a human alphabet without practice. Mimi was just busy with her project, just like I was going to be busy with the other Graces.