Very special thanks go to Matthew Linderman. Matt was 37signals’ first employee in 1999—and he’s still with the company today. This book wouldn’t have come together without Matt. In addition to writing original content, he helped merge the distinctly different writing styles of the coauthors into a focused, cohesive book. He made it look easy, but it wasn’t easy work. Thank you, Matt.
We also want to thank our families, our customers, and everyone at 37signals. And here’s a list of some of the people we know, and don’t know, who have inspired us in one way or another:
Frank Lloyd Wright | Seth Godin |
Warren Buffett | Jamie Larson |
Clayton Christensen | Ralph Nader |
Jim Coudal | Benjamin Franklin |
Ernest Kim | Jeff Bezos |
Scott Heiferman | Antoni Gaudi |
Carlos Segura | Larry David |
Steve Jobs | Dean Kamen |
Bill Maher | Thomas Jefferson |
Mies van der Rohe | Ricardo Semler |
Christopher Alexander | James Dyson |
Kent Beck | Thomas Paine |
Gerald Weinberg | Kathy Sierra |
Julia Child | Marc Hedlund |
Nicholas Karavites | Michael Jordan |
Richard Bird | Jeffrey Zeldman |
Dieter Rams | Judith Sheindlin |
Ron Paul | Timothy Ferriss |