Oh, li’l dudes, i thank you:
Liz Baltich, Kelly Dean, Todd Mitchell, Laura Pritchett, and Jack Martin, for being the best readers a girl could ask for; Derek Decoux, poet extraordinaire and all-around cool guy; my agent, Barry Goldblatt, for assuring me that i don’t suck whenever i convince myself i do; the groovy folks at Abrams, for giving me such a wonderful book-y home; erica Finkel, goddess of cool and slave driver of scary fierceness; and the inestimable susan van Metre, for making me write the damn novel again and again and AGAIN. *flings self on dagger and perishes*
Thanks to Al, who wanted Maddie to say “blah, blah, blah.” (And Jamie and Mirabelle, thank you, too, just for being so cute.)
And finally, huge hugs and thanks to Maria Middleton for giving this baby its sparkly new updated look!