Coral was so weak, she was barely conscious. Everything was a blur. She could feel all the water rushing around her. Coral’s tears, which had filled her whole house, were draining away.

She struggled to open her eyes. She saw Stealth, Rocky, Edge, the stonefish and the urchins all being pulled away, out into the sun.

She didn’t know if she was alive or dead. For a moment, Coral thought she saw her parents once again. They were looking down at her.

‘So brave, my darling,’ whispered her mother.

‘Proud of you, Coral,’ said her father. ‘You have a true, pure heart.’

‘We’ll always love you…’

They began to fade.

Was that Ramone?

‘You did it, Coral, girl, you did it. Your strength set us all free. Thank you…’

He was floating away. Otto, Marvin, Bubba, Dobbin and Swish swam in front of her.

‘You were so strong, Coral.’

‘We’re free…’

Coral felt beams of light dancing on her eyelids.

‘Fabulous…’ she said, opening her eyes, her voice cracking with emotion.

‘I love you, Coral,’ said the little fish, clearly trying very hard not to cry. ‘We’ll always be best friends forever, right?’ She stroked Coral’s cheek gently with her tiny fin.

‘Best friends always,’ said Coral.

Fabulous blew a stream of perfect, sparkling little bubbles, which gently kissed Coral’s face. The glittering image of the fish began to shimmer and fade, and Coral closed her eyes once more.