To assess your understanding of the topics discussed in this chapter, please answer the following questions:
- Explain to an interested layman in a few simple sentences what zero downtime deployment means.
- How does SwarmKit achieve zero downtime deployments?
- Contrary to traditional (non-containerized) systems, why does a rollback in Docker Swarm just work? Explain in a few short sentences.
- Describe two to three characteristics of a Docker secret.
- You need to roll out a new version of the inventory service. What does your command look like? Here is some more information:
- The new image is called acme/inventory:2.1.
- We want to use a rolling update strategy with a batch size of two tasks.
- We want the system to wait for one minute after each batch.
- You need to update an existing service named inventory with a new password that is provided through a Docker secret. The new secret is called MYSQL_PASSWORD_V2. The code in the service expects the secret to be called MYSQL_PASSWORD. What does the update command look like? (Note: we do not want the code of the service to be changed!)