

You will find pronunciations below when helpful.

SPOILER ALERT: The Appendix may contain revealing information.


The Von Reiser’s

Alexsander Jakob “Jim” Wallner von Rieser

Alexsander Yacob Vallner von Reeser

Father: Otto Jakob Friedrich von Rieser

Mother: Alexsandra Maria Theresa Hapsburg

Brother: Otto Alexsander Wallner von Rieser (Deceased ill)

Maternal Cousin: Claude Maier, Vienna

Paternal Cousin: Leopold von Rieser, Wals – suburb of Salzburg


The Von Grünne’s

Franz Josef Stephen von Grünne (cousin and closest friend)

Father: Franz Josef Stephen von Grünne

Mother: Anna maria Theresa Hapsburg (Alexsandra’s sister)

Uncle: Josef Stephen Otto von Grünne (Deceased WWI)


Kurt von Schuschnigg, Chancellor of Austria, cousin

Kurt von shoosh-nik






Classmates, Colleagues, Allies


Stella Matutina, Feldkirch, Austria:

Karl Stecher, Austria, Hapsburg lineage (likely a distant cousin), close friend

Wilhelm von Dorn, Bavarian, close friend

Leopold (Deceased WWI)

Müller or Mule (Deceased WWI)

Josef (Deceased WWI)


Cambridge, England (Alexsander):

Henry S. Fletcher III, close friend

The Earl, close friend



Freudenhäusern or House of Pleasure


Freud en housen


Evangeline Le Chabanais AKA Evangeline Allard, Alexsander’s Fiancé

Reneé Le Chabanais, Eva’s closest friend

André, financial partner with Reneé, friends to both ladies, bouncer

Ida Frisch & Sara Mann, working girls of Jewish descent. Taken to Lichtenstein by Alexsander. Posing as servants both choose to stay in service.

Olga, working girl, personal maid to Reneé.

Count Jacques Laurent III, Paris, close friend to Reneé and Eva.


Le Chabanais in Paris

Madame Josephine master trainer to Evangeline and Reneé.

Madame Louise governs the business, extremely cruel.


Estates and Staff


Innsbruck Estate – Currently overseen by staff of the von Grünne family. They were unable to go with the family to Vaduz, due to an ill family member.

Otto is acting as Butler.


The Meadow Estate (Die Wiesen Estate) – Outside Mayrhofen

All staff are with the families in Vaduz, Lichtenstein. The long-time caretakers are overseeing the property and acting as staff for Alexsander and company. The origin of their position with the family is explained in book one.

Head Caretaker – Klaus Bauer

Wife – Greta Bauer

Children – Elsa, Otto, Maria, Jakob, Alexsander


The Vaduz Estate – Vaduz, Lichtenstein

Butler - Freidrich Liberman

Head Housekeeper - Malka Donov Liberman

Head Housekeeper (Alexsander) - Frieda Liberman

Chauffeur – Joseph (Deceased)

Cook’s helper - Ida Frisch

Evangeline’s lady’s maid - Sara Mann


Munich, Germany – Estate is closed currently. Formerly being utilized when the group were professors at the University. Then it became the perfect location to keep an eye on the transition with the Nazi’s taking over the country.




Jesuit School, Cathedrals, Church, Abbey


Stella Matutina – Located in Feldkirch, Austria

Brother Joseph, Brother Peter, Brother Paul


Cathedral of St. James – Herrengasse (Men’s Alley) Innsbruck


Brandburg Catholic Church – Brandburg above Mayrhofen


Cathedral of St. Florin/St. Florinkirche – Vaduz, Lichtenstein

Parish Priest Josef Henny 1932 – 1960


Säben Abbey - a Benedictine nunnery near Klausen, Northern Italy (formerly Austria, Pre WWI) Evangeline’s birthplace


Paris – Brother Stephen, Brother Gabriel




Baron von Froelichsthal – The Chancellor’s private secretary.

Guido Schmidt – Austrian Foreign Minister

Franz von Papen – German Ambassador to Austria

Edmund Glaise-Horstenau – Minister of Home Security (police)

Neustadter Stuermer – Minister of the Interior

Artur von Seyss-Inquart – State Councillor

Zernatto – General Secretary

Chancellor Schuschnigg’s personal bodyguard

Ulrich – Hilter youth who divulged secrets at the Freudenhäusen.

Gerhard Schmidt – Antagonist


Emerging Characters


Anna Rose Maria von Wolf, clairvoyant, and channel for Anna of Tyrol – Münster, Austria

Count Jacques Laurent III – French aristocrat, entangled with Reneé.

Count Victor Amadeus Savoy – Italian minor nobility, Evangeline’s illegitimate father.


Minor Characters


The Eigners – Golda, Gideon, Geula and their parents.

Rabbi – Paris

Vienna Group – Jewish group escaping Vienna to Alexsander’s sanctuary in Paris.


Other Locations


Vienna, Austria – Apartment/rooms across from the Chancellory where Karl is currently staying. Wilhelm is in the Nazi headquarters there. The sewers beneath Vienna contain the stotters. Cousin Claude Maier has a home in the city.

Karl Stecher is from Kufstein, Austria. His estate is located just outside of town.


Wilhelm von Dorn - is from Rosenheim, Germany. His parents relocated there from Austria before he was born.

Anna or Anna of Tyrol - has a large estate on the edge of Münster, Austria.


Graz is linked to Amalia.


Linz - is the town where the Jewish group meet up with Henry and Franz to leave the country.


Culture and Terminology




Spätzle (S-pätz-le) - is a special kind of egg noodle that is often enjoyed as a side dish with gravies or sauces but also the main ingredient in other dishes like the famous Käsespätzle.


Käsespätzle (keh-zuh-shpet-sluh) - hot spätzle and grated cheese such as Emmentaler or granular cheese are layered alternately and finally topped with fried onions. After adding each layer, the käsespätzle is baked until all the cheese is melted.


Küchen (koo-khən) - Most Kuchen have eggs, flour and sugar as common ingredients while also, but not always, including some fat. 


Semmel - this bread roll is a small, usually round or oblong individual loaf of bread served as a meal accompaniment.


Klöße (kløːsə) - are also large dumplings, steamed or boiled in hot water, made of dough from grated raw or mashed potatoes, eggs and flour.


Tafelspitz (TAH-fuhl-shpits) - is boiled veal or beef in broth, served with a mix of minced apples and horseradish.


Zimtschnecke (Zimt-schne-cke) - Cinnamon rolls





Zum Wohl (Zum Whole) - It is often heard in friendly social settings and adds a touch of warmth to the toast. This phrase is an excellent choice to celebrate personal achievements or special moments with close friends.


Strotter - It is primarily associated with those people who lived in Vienna's underground until the middle of the 20th century and for whom slogging was their livelihood. Strotter is sometimes understood as a synonym for a vagabond.


Juliabkommen ("July Agreement") - was an agreement—officially, a gentleman's agreement—between the Federal State of Austria and Nazi Germany signed on 11 July 1936. The agreement was not initially published. It was negotiated by the German ambassador, Franz von Papen, and the Austrian chancellor, Kurt von Schuschnigg.


Putsch (pooch) - a plotted revolt or attempt to overthrow a government, especially one that depends upon suddenness and speed.








Gräf & Gräfen (In formal settings, “graf” should be pronounced as [græf]. Remember to enunciate the ‘gr’ sound and emphasize the ‘a.’) - Graf (feminine: Gräfin) is a historical title of the German nobility and later also of the Russian nobility, usually translated as "count". Considered to be intermediate among noble ranks, the title is often treated as equivalent to the British title of "earl" (whose female version is "countess").


Herr ([hɛɹ], where the “ɹ” represents the English “r” sound) – meaning sir.


Archduchess - Archduke (feminine: Archduchess; German: Erzherzog, feminine form: Erzherzogin) was the title borne from 1358 by the Habsburg rulers of the Archduchy of Austria, and later by all senior members of that dynasty. It denotes a rank within the former Holy Roman Empire (962–1806), which was below that of Emperor, and roughly equal to King, Prince-Archbishop, Grand prince and Grand Duke, but above that of a Sovereign Prince and Duke.

The territory ruled by an archduke or archduchess was called an archduchy. All remaining archduchies ceased to exist in 1918. The current head of the House of Habsburg is Karl von Habsburg.



Graf & Stift C12 Sp 8 & Sp 9 Automobiles 1937/1938