I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who helped bring this book to life:
Christiana Miller and the talented folks associated with Third Street Press, your drive and focus gave The Corpse Whisperer wings. I couldn’t be happier with your efforts.
Joseph Daniel Back, my spouse, whose eagle-eye and tireless logic rein in my ridiculously right-sided brain when it wanders off. Thanks for understanding.
My brother, Robert M. Burdick, the countless hours you spent reviewing and analyzing The Corpse Whisperer cannot go unmentioned. I’m sure by now you can recite the story by heart. Thank you for giving The Corpse Whisperer copious amounts of your time, your literary expertise, and your devotion.
The network of authors and beta readers who critiqued The Corpse Whisperer, the authors who offered suggestions, and those who encouraged me. You are too numerous to mention individually, but you know who you are. I will treasure your support and friendship always.