Windows Spotlight

Windows Spotlight is a new feature in Windows 10 that allows you to have more than just an image for your lock screen. Instead of just a static page, now you can tweak (as a user or as an enterprise administrator) two items:

  • What image(s) can appear as lock screens?
  • Does Windows also display random tips and tricks to you on your lock screen?

Most organizations configure the lock screen to be a corporate logo or corporate-approved art pack to avoid HR issues from occurring and also to create uniformity in the office.

The tips most people can take or leave. I find most enterprises turn them off just in case a tip directs the user to do something the company doesn't want them doing (such as trying to self-resolve an issue rather than contacting the help desk for assistance).

Group Policy can manage the settings for this capability in the enterprise, and that is the recommended method of managing it.