
To deploy the solution, you need to find the most suitable way of transferring both the BgInfo executable (.exe) and the BgInfo configuration file (.bgi) to the remote computers as well as configuring the appropriate script to run at logon/startup. The simplest method is to create a share on a central server that all clients can reach and then uploading the two files (.exe and .bgi). The next step is to create a script and run it on each computer: in an AD environment, create a logon script and deploy it using Group Policy to target the computers.

Alternatively, you can create this deployment using System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM).

The following scripting options are available to modify the behavior of BgInfo when it runs:

<path>: Specifies the name of a configuration file to use for the current session. It is recommended you save this to a read-only share to ensure other users do not modify the settings.

/timer: Specifies the timeout value for the countdown timer, in seconds. Specifying zero will update the display without displaying the configuration dialog. Specifying 300 seconds or longer disables the timer altogether.

/popup: Causes BgInfo to create a popup window containing the configured information without updating the desktop. The information is formatted exactly as it would if displayed on the desktop, but resides in a fitted window instead. When using this option, the history database is not updated.

/silent: This option suppresses any error messages; remove it when troubleshooting any issues.

/taskbar: Causes BgInfo to place an icon in the taskbar's status area without updating the desktop. Clicking on the icon causes the configured information to appear in a popup window. When using this option, the history database is not updated.

/all: Specifies that BgInfo should change the wallpaper for any and all users currently logged in to the system. This option is useful within a Terminal Services environment, or when BgInfo is scheduled to run periodically on a system used by more than one person.

/log: BgInfo will write errors to the specified log file instead of generating a warning dialog box. This is useful for tracking down errors that occur when BgInfo is run under the scheduler.

/rtf: BgInfo will write its output text to an RTF file. All formatting information and colors are included.

So the resulting command may look something like this:

reg add HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Sysinternals\BGInfo /v EulaAccepted /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
\\Server\Share\Bginfo.exe \\Server\Share\template.bgi /TIMER:00 /nolicprompt