Bring Your Own Device scenarios

For Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) scenarios, Intune is the recommended vehicle for management. The suite will utilize integrated MDM policies to manage what happens to the corporate data on a device when you determine the employee is no longer an employee, or if the device was stolen/missing and you needed to wipe it. Microsoft Intune is worth a book unto itself and is beyond the scope of this. Just be aware that if BYOD is part of your endpoint strategy, you should be looking at Intune or a competing offering to manage this properly.

If you are put into a situation where you must implement BYOD without an MDM solution, be sure to consider the software licensing aspects of your implementation. Are you legally allowed to install the software on a machine that isn't actually yours? Do you really want to do that? It's interesting licensing and support boundary talk that needs to be ironed out, even with MDM. Not having a proper solution to manage it makes it very muddy indeed.