“Breakfast will be available in the garden each morning from seven until ten, tea at four in the parlor, and dinner is served promptly at seven in the dining room.”
The mistress of the small bed and breakfast, a Miss Lavinia Abecrombie, fluttered around the room, explaining the rules of the house. Phoe couldn’t tell if she was a cyborg or a science experiment, but one thing was clear: she was one of the most obnoxious beings Phoe had come into contact with throughout their strange travels. The group of tourists moved through the house like mindless drones as Miss Abecrombie barked orders at them over the whirring of a single chrome-and-brass wheel that stuck out from under her skirts and apron.
“Does this woman have an off switch?” Cage whispered.
Phoe giggled and squeezed his hand tight. “Don’t ask.”
“Pardon? Is there a question in the back?” Everyone stopped on the staircase and stared down at Phoe and Cage on the last step. Phoe felt the flush rushing to her cheeks. The cyborg mistress had the air of a strict, old schoolmarm. Suddenly, she felt as if her and Cage were about to be sent to the principal’s office.
“No, ma’am,” Phoe answered, elbowing Cage’s side.
“Then let us continue,” Miss Abecrombie replied with a curt nod. “The Alice & Ludwig will host evening experiences and daytrip excursions throughout your stay in Absinthia. However, you are free to simply drift. Keep in mind that this is an interactive site and we strive for authenticity. You must dress appropriately for all sponsored events. Should you need to rent additional attire at a moment’s notice, your Baedeker application will allow you to order fresh clothing from C. Babbage’s direct from your eSlate.”
“Would have been nice if they’d let us in on that little gem earlier,” Cage grumbled.
“Oh come on,” Phoe whispered. “You enjoyed every second of our shopping.”
“Well, I enjoyed the trying stuff on part, anyway.”
Phoe’s mouth snapped shut as Miss Abecrombie turned one of her glistening cybernetic eyes toward them again. “The porters have picked up everyone’s luggage and transported it to the appropriate rooms. Again, be aware that while our rooms have a private sitting room and bedroom, that the W.C. is shared between two rooms. Take care to avoid any embarrassing situations.”
As they were passing through yet another wing of the house, Phoe noticed that they were close to the room number on the key in her hand. She leaned in conspiratorially and showed Cage the key. He nodded, and while Lavinia was explaining the health benefits of the solarium, the two of them ducked around the corner and down the hall. Cage laughed, shushing Phoe as they raced down the corridor, away from the dreadful Miss Abecrombie.
“I feel like I’ve escaped Eve Manning all over again,” Phoe panted as they made it into the bedchamber. “I couldn’t take one more minute of that woman’s droning.”
“I don’t understand why she felt the need to show us each individual room of the house.”
“She’s a cyborg. She’s programmed to do her job and she doesn’t waver, I guess.”
Cage flipped a switch and immediately the room was illuminated with a soft, gaslit glow. Phoe gasped when she saw it. This place was truly like something out of those historical mysteries she liked so much. The wallpaper alone was a work of art. An enormous, lush bed with high wooden posts stood in the center of the room. A fireplace opposite had already been lit and offered a soothing warmth. A large screen stood at one corner and hid a small, clawfooted bathtub and a table stocked with fragrant bath soaps and oils. But what really took her breath away was the bay window at one side and a window seat piled with fluffy cushions; the perfect nook in which she could while away the day reading.
“Like it?” Cage asked, sidling up behind her and sliding his arms around her waist.
“It’s like a dream come true.” She turned in his arms and hugged him tightly. “This is the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever done for me. Thank you.”
Cage chuckled, kissing the crown of her head gently. “I didn’t build the place, love. Though, I might have asked for the library suite.”
“But you came.” Phoe squeezed him again. Cage was the first person she’d ever been close to who really understood her. At first it had seemed that they had absolutely nothing in common—him an international spy and her a librarian—but Cage had never made her feel less than him in any way. Her odd interests and near-obsessive love of books and old movies had never bothered him. Nor did he make fun. He never complained that she had her head in the clouds. Instead, he had always tried to be excited about the things she was excited about. To care about the things she cared about.
“I love you so much, Macijah St. John,” she whispered. “You are the best thing in my life.”
“The feeling is entirely mutual, love.” Cage grinned.
“Before I met you, I had lost all hope of ever finding someone. I had decided I was going to be an old maid, living in my mother’s house with a bunch of cats. Then, out of the blue, there you were. For no reason at all.”
Cage kissed her cheek. “You ruined my life, you know.”
“After Corinne’s death, I decided that I wasn’t going to get close to anyone again. It was too dangerous. I had decided to make the most of my dangerous life. Live free, die young. But you didn’t really give me any choice.”
“You say that like I was trying to seduce you.”
“You weren’t?”
She glared. “Do you not remember how much of a mess I was when we first met?”
“You were adorable.” He captured her mouth in a warm kiss, tentative at first then more forceful. His tongue played lightly at the crease of her lips then teased its way inside. She pulled him in, letting their tongues play together. Every breath was stolen and soon they were pulling at each other’s clothes, desperate to feel the other’s skin.
“Phoe…” Cage groaned, pulling back her blouse and biting the curve of her shoulder. “It’s almost seven…”
“So?” she sighed, lapping at the side of his neck and nudging him toward the bed.
“So, I think Miss Abecrombie will come looking for us if we aren’t there.”
“Fuck Miss Abecrombie,” Phoe growled.
“No, thank you,” Cage deadpanned. “I’d rather fuck you.”
“So, go ahead.” She pressed her body against his, rubbing her center insistently against his thigh.
“You’re so tempting,” he purred. “But it’s always so much sweeter when I make you wait for it.”
“Such a dirty mouth.” He grabbed her wrist, bringing it to his mouth, and bit down hard. The venom from his bite burned, but it was a delicious pain that Phoe welcomed. Gently he suckled at the wound, letting her blood trickle over his lips until they were slippery against her skin. Phoe understood why babydolls were so eager. The sensation of having one’s blood taken by a vampire was like a slow orgasm that went on and on. It made it so easy to drain their victims. They wanted it. Even now, if Cage took it into his head to kill her, she wouldn’t put up a fight. “And while I’d love to reprimand you further, we have to dress.”
Phoe growled and fell down on the bed as he released her. She rolled over on her belly, tossing her hair over one shoulder. “Of course, now you want to follow the rules.”
“Aww…poor Phoe. Don’t pout. While it does become you, I may not be able to control myself.”
“That’s the idea.” She watched as he began to disrobe, throwing his modern sweater aside. His body was something to behold. Phoe thought she’d likely never tire of seeing it. Though, it did worry her that he didn’t show any signs of aging. Would Oliver’s serum offer her the same fountain of youth?
“Not going to get dressed?”
“I’m watching you,” she said with a mischievous giggle.
Cage quirked an eyebrow and began taking his shirt off slowly in a ridiculous parody of burlesque. She laughed as he pulled the shirt over his head and twirled it on a fingertip before throwing it over his shoulder. Then, slowly, he unzipped his pants and pushed them down over his hip.
“Take it off,” she shouted, whistling and catcalling.
He laughed. “You’re so silly. Aren’t you going to get dressed?”
“Most likely. I’m not sure I’m looking forward to getting into that corset and bustle.”
“Speak for yourself.” Cage wiggled his brows. “I’m really looking forward to getting into your bustle.” He fell down into the bed with Phoe, and she shrieked and giggled, rolling over and over with him. She dodged his kisses and tickles, slipping out from under him and on to the floor. She crawled to her feet as he came after her.
“Stay away from me,” she giggled.
“Not a chance.”
He chased her around the bed, both of them laughing hysterically. They squared off on opposite sides, waiting to see what the other would do. Cage lunged across the bed, grabbing for her, but she dove under, crawling to the other side, and then ran for the sitting room. She leaped over the sofa and he followed, knocking over the side table.
He finally caught up and swept her into his arms. “There is no escape,” he growled, leaning in to kiss her and carry her toward the bed. “My woman.”
“Oooh…how very caveman of you,” she giggled, throwing her arms dramatically around his neck. “Be gentle. It’s my first time.”
“Yooo-hooo. Hello?”
They walked into the bedroom at the same time a lady peeked out from the bathroom door. She stared at them through a pair of tiny spectacles perched on the end of her nose that made her eyes look enormous. Phoe scrambled out of Cage’s arms. She smoothed her hair and crossed her arms awkwardly over her chest. “Hello,” she gulped.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” the woman said.
“It’s fine,” Cage muttered, pulling a large pillow from the bed and holding it in front of himself. “Can we help you?”
“I’m Eleanor Pankenthorpe. My husband and I are your neighbors.”
“Oh hi,” Phoe called. “So nice to meet you. We were just…”
“Being young and in love.” Eleanor nodded. “I remember that.” She offered a warm smile that put Phoe at ease. “As I said, we’re your neighbors. We share a W.C. I think.”
Phoe shook the lady’s outstretched, gloved hand. “I’m Phoebe Addison, or Phoe if you like. And this is my…”
Cage stepped forward, pulling a shirt around himself. “Husband. Macijah St. John.” He clasped Eleanor’s hand between his and kissed the back gently. “So nice to meet you. You’ll have to forgive Phoe. She isn’t quite used to using her new surname yet.”
Phoe stared up at Cage as if he’d lost his mind. Did he really tell this woman that they were married? Her heart gave a small flutter at the thought. She’d made no secret that she wanted to marry him, but every time she brought it up he changed the subject.
“Yes, I’m…” Phoe laughed nervously and shook Eleanor’s hand. “Sorry. We’re here on our honeymoon.”
“No worries, dear,” Eleanor said with a wink. “I was a young bride once. But I’m afraid that Alfie was never quite so…” She gave Cage a lingering once over with those owlish eyes. “Fit.”
Phoe smiled. “He is indeed…fit.”
“I won’t keep you lovebirds from your nesting,” Eleanor gave them a sly wink, “But I do hope you’ll sit with us at dinner. That is, if you make it down.”
“Ca—I mean, Macijah, was saying he thought if we didn’t show up that Miss Abecrombie would come looking.”
“Dreadful, isn’t she?”
“Yes. We had to escape before the end of her ‘tour.’”
“And I must tell you that I’m so glad there are some people here who aren’t using that ridiculous port card. Everyone sounds like a Sherlock Holmes movie.” Eleanor smiled and swept out of the room with a rustle of her bright red, starched petticoat.
Phoe thought she was going to like Eleanor Pankenthorpe.