I’m so grateful to my husband, Andrew Berryman. Thank you for all that you are and all that you do to make my work and writing possible. I’m also beyond grateful for my kids, Colin and Kate, who definitely delayed the writing of this book, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you to my clients, who trust me with the tough stuff and teach me so much. I’m very grateful to my good friend (who I met through work) Taryn Scollard, who consistently offers her condo for writing retreats. This book was made so much stronger by my first readers and amazing editors who offered excellent edits, suggestions, and advice: Maggie Knowlan, Eileen Cook, David Innes, Shasta Martinuk, and Christina Nikiforuk. Thanks also to my fantastic business coach, Angela Grosvenor, who kept me on track and inspired during the writing of this book. My endless gratitude to my teachers and friends, Graeme and Gayle O’Brien, who taught me so much of what I share in this book. Your love lives on. Thank you to all the fine people at Girl Friday for all that you did to help me bring this book into the world: Christina, Dave, Paul, Georgie, and Josh. And to countless others, including but not limited to Bryana Russell, Gerhard Maynard, Marwan Taliani, Sonja Larsen, Joan Flood, Kristi Fairholm-Mader, Lauri Thompson, Larisa Saunders, Janice Weigel, Hillary Keegan, Bob Bell, Tom Madigan, and Dave Kidd for their support, patience, time, and encouragement. Thank you.
I’m also incredibly grateful to all of the people whose books and research I have quoted. I’ve been inspired and motivated by you and excited to share your work with my readers. Any and all mistakes
are completely my own and all trademarks are the property of their respective owners.