Acknowledgements and Thanks

Not Just a Soldier’s War is of course a fiction, but it stands upon the real lives of women volunteers who went to help the Republic of Spain when it was invaded in 1936.

Evelyn Hutchins was one of the few women volunteers to have driven a big truck in the Spanish Civil War.

Winifred Bates’ recorded reminiscences provided my title.

Material, notes, help and encouragement for Not Just a Soldier’s War was given very generously during the months of its writing from: Dave Goldman of Newcastle under Lyme, a journalist who is a veteran of the International Brigade; Abe Amorodin of New York, Secretary to the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade; Jim Fyrth, whose books on the Spanish Civil War and suggested lines of research have been invaluable; and Frances Millard, Sue Bruley, Terry Smyth and Ken Lunn of the University of Portsmouth, who pointed me in the right direction at the start of my research. Not least of those who helped to shape this novel is my editor, Susan Opie. I thank her for her understanding and care.

‘They came from the four corners of the world, for compassionate reasons and opposition to fascism – secretaries, nurses and medical aids, interpreters, drivers, administrators, relief workers, teachers and, in the early days, as front-line soldiers. Women of the best spirits of their generation’ – Sally Alexander, Women’s Voices from the Spanish Civil War