


Not long after the first Donut Mysteries appeared, I started getting requests for a compilation of recipes only, a clearinghouse of directions if you will, to make it easier to refer to favorites without searching through my lengthy books of fiction for them.  With Donut Mystery #41, Counterfeit Confections, on the horizon (consider this your first alert that it’s on its way, if it’s not already been published by the time you read this), I’ve decided that this is as good a time as any to offer a compilation to those of you who’ve asked for this cookbook.  Be warned, the only fiction presented here is the repeated opening chapter of Donut Mystery #10, Deadly Donuts for those of you who unfamiliar with my mysteries.  Herewith I’ve presented versions of many of the recipes I’ve created, adapted, and polished over the years.  As well as including nearly all of my favorites, this book also contains some of the worst recipes I’ve ever come up with as well.  Don’t worry, I’ll let you know which are which, though our opinions may vary on a few of them.  Donuts, and treats in general, seem to me to be as specific as favorite types of books to read, so don’t be too upset if we don’t always agree.  Some of these are repetitive, as I’ve honed and refined many of my recipes as the books, and my prowess in the kitchen, have progressed.  In addition, in order to deliver the novels I’ve written to you all in a timely manner, there have been times when I’ve been forced to go back into past books and use recipes more than once, a fact I’ve never tried to hide from anyone.  In the end, I am a storyteller who happens to bake and cook, not a baker or a cookbook writer who also writes fiction.  At least the introductions to these recipes are all unique, so you’ve got at least one reason to read all the way to the end.  I ask that you forgive those samples here that are redundant and consider that this collection, much as my life, is a constant work in progress, ever changing in an endless desire to get better; at baking, at writing, at living.  Chances are good that if I’ve repeated something, it was because it was one of my favorites and I didn’t want you to miss it.  Feel free to ignore any you feel are repeated, but if you do that, you might miss something amusing in one of the introductions.

Ultimately, that’s probably why I couldn’t bring myself to discard some of the repeated entries.

If you’re not a fan of baking treats yourself, if you don’t know or care about the difference between cake and yeast donuts, but you enjoy my introductions to each recipe, then I still urge you to try this volume.  The truth is that at times they shed more light on the writer than the recipes, and some folks find that interesting in and of itself.  It has long been my belief that a grocery list can reveal massive amounts of information about whoever wrote it.  Think about how we are exposed to the world by what we buy, what we need, what we desire.  There have been requests too numerous to count for me to be more active in social media than I am, as many of my peers are, but the truth is that I’m an extremely private person.  I’ve been known to socialize with the world on rare occasions, but I’m at my happiest when I’m with my immediate family, or all alone in my office writing for you, somewhere out there in the darkness.  I’ve often said that it’s an odd profession, making up people who go out and have adventures and then spending my time writing it all down.  But that’s the thing.  They are all very real to me.  After all, I can see Suzanne’s smile, hear Jake’s laugh, take in Grace’s style, and experience Momma’s scolding tone just as easily as I can see the world outside my window as I write this.  In a way, they are more real to me than any of you.  After all, I’ve lived with them, mostly in joy, sometimes in real pain, for a very long time.

On the other hand, if you’ve never heard of the Donut Mysteries but are intrigued by the idea of a book crammed full of recipes of goodies, keep in mind that I am by no means a professional baker.  I am a writer by vocation and avocation writing culinary cozy mysteries, a genre I loved to read before I even knew that it existed.  Some of these recipes are wonderful.  Some are decidedly not.  And ultimately, the outcome of them is in your hands just as much as they are in mine.  We each bring something to the table in this, and our results may not be in perfect agreement, but that’s the fun of it, isn’t it?  I love experimenting, and more times than I can count, the mistakes have turned out better than what I’d originally planned, and how can you not love that?

This has been a rather long-winded introduction, so by all means feel free to skip around and sample the offerings from throughout the book.  After all, there’s no real continuity here, just an amateur baker and cook sharing experiments, both successful and not so much, over the years with you.

As a reminder, and something that I’ll mention more than once in this text, there’s a reason for the warning that’s included in every donut book I put out.

Recipes included in this book are to be recreated at the reader’s own risk.  The author is not responsible for any damage, medical or otherwise, created as a result of reproducing these recipes.  It is the responsibility of the reader to ensure that none of the ingredients are detrimental to their health, and the author will not be held liable in any way for any problems that might arise from following the included recipes.

There, that should keep my crack legal team happy.

If any of what I’ve written here makes you smile, then I feel as though my job is well done.  After all, I’ve taken great pride over the years and the novels in bringing you the best I have to give, and the recipes, too.  I’ve enjoyed doing them, and I hope you enjoy them as well.

Jessica Beck,

February 2019