List of Figures and Tables


1.1A framework for the history of herbal medicine
2.1Diagram showing the four humours and associated concepts
2.2Sitz baths at the site of an Asclepion at Gortys, Peloponnese, Greece
2.3Squirting cucumber (Ecballium elaterium)
3.1Original drawing of a nettle plant (Urtica spp.)
3.2Original drawing of a plantain plant (Plantago spp.)
4.1Illustration of a woman with foetus in utero: ‘Dissection to expose child in the womb’
4.2Lying-in room showing attendant, child being bathed and a midwife drinking her beer
6.1The use of cumin (Cuminum cyminum) to pay rents in medieval Oxfordshire
6.2Cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
8.1Bronze mortar dated 1607, made in England
8.2Illustration of a woman using a still
12.1Portrait of John Parkinson
12.2Crowne Imperiall (Fritillaria imperialis)
13.1Map of medieval South-east Scotland
13.2Reconstruction of the drain blocked with ‘medical waste’ at Soutra


10.1Items in De materia medica
10.2Places given in De materia medica
13.1Seed count of sample (Soutra Aisle (SA) 735; 1996/7)
13.2Medieval names for St John’s wort and valerian according to the Sinonomiae