“[Freveletti’s] grasp of fast-action suspense and understanding of international politics, as well as martial arts combat training, brings real-life action to a continuance of Robert Ludlum’s original creations.”
“Exciting . . . Freveletti offers a savory mix of intense action and cynical politics.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Mills offers an interesting new premise for action-adventure . . . [and] rockets the action around the world.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Ludlum fans will enjoy the frantic pace and dramatic shifts in plot . . . Mills’s genius is making ‘extra-human capabilities’ seem not merely possible but almost already available, echoing the prescience of Jules Verne. We are all headed into this brave new world. Here, Mills helps us enjoy the ride while we consider the consequences.”
—Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star (VA)
“Well-written . . . This book is a winner.”
“A fast-paced book with great characters . . . Mills is a very good writer.”
“From the opening sentence that literally starts with a bang, the latest Covert-One novel speeds along at a breakneck pace . . . Freveletti, who has an amazing talent for action scenes, has written one of the top entries in the Covert-One series, which has established itself as the best of the numerous series based on Ludlum characters.”
“Wonderful . . . Award-winning novelist Freveletti lends her imaginative talents to the Covert-One series with a book that is nearly impossible to put down and moves at the speed of light without pause . . . [It] races forward with the energy of a super-charged Bourne film.”
“A fast-moving, well-written thriller.”
“Freveletti turbocharges tension to nonstop levels in this Covert-One thriller.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Masterful . . . The action is quite cinematic, the characters well-drawn, and the plot as tight as they come.”
“Exciting . . . Great read, really well-done, and a great finish.”
“The action never flags . . . Mills nicely integrates relevant military and scientific details into the story line, while his skill at characterization will leave many hoping he’ll become a permanent posthumous collaborator with Ludlum.”
—Publishers Weekly
“A tight and tense page-turner . . . Mills does the large-scale thriller better than anyone else working the genre today.”
“Fast-paced and action-filled, with iconic characters and contemporary themes, the story is a stand-alone-worthy entry in the Covert-One series . . . Fans of Ludlum and Mills thrillers will find The Ares Decision right on target.”
—Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star (VA)
“Plenty of comfort food for those with an appetite for the thriller genre.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“It should have the dual effect of sustaining interest in the series and moving Mills onto the must-read list of many. If your boat is floated by thriller novels that are set in the real world and have the ability to scare the pants off you, you will absolutely love this one . . . I can think of no greater compliment than to tell you that portions of the novel made my skin crawl. And I loved every minute of it.”
“The pacing and the premise are pure Ludlum.”
“Filled with action, intrigue, and a plot that puts the team in a tight spot and their lives in constant danger. The end result is an exciting read.”