Chapter 9
“I have to know, Mother.” Skyler only called Ava that when she was determined to get something out of her. Ava Duran had avoided explaining her plans for David’s wedding throughout the dinner conversation, playing games with her daughter. She’d danced around the edges of her purpose or changed the subject one too many times now, and Skyler had grown weary of it. “Just tell me. Obviously, I won’t be able to change your mind or stop you. So, why don’t you tell me what brilliant scheme you’ve conjured up?”
Ava rolled her eyes and sighed before leveling a very serious gaze at Skyler. “It’s really not that genius, Skyler, dear. I simply want David to pay for what he did to Jayden. I needed a way to get into the wedding so I could assure he was publicly humiliated, and I believe the best option is as a caterer. I’ve even spoken to him and offered him a vast discount.”
“How can you offer a discount on something you don’t have?” Skyler asked, exasperated. “You don’t have a catering company, and, therefore, you don’t have a set price. How can you drop below a price level that’s never been set?”
Ava waved her off. “Oh, please, I know how caterers come up with their prices. I asked him for a head count and multiplied by fifty dollars a head. I told him that was the regular price, then offered to do it for half that.”
Infuriated, Skyler spoke in slow, enunciated syllables. “Listen to me, Mom. That’s a wonderful offer, if you have access to a catering company or materials. But you don’t, and this wedding is taking place next weekend.” Jayden had called in a panic after work and told her that, apparently, Ava had not only secured the job but had also convinced both bride and groom to move the date forward by three months.
But the conniving smirk on Ava’s face assured Skyler she had already set everything in motion, and that left a sick feeling in the pit of Skyler’s stomach. “Ye of little faith, darling. We have magic on our side. Let’s just say I know some people who own a catering company, and with a little of our brand of persuasion, it’s all taken care of. All I have to do is drop a little of my special concoction onto David’s plate before he eats, and we’re in business.”
Poison?! “Mom, you can’t kill him.”
“You know me better than that! All I want is to give him some stomach trouble. In fact, just about the time he stands up to give his speech, he’ll start to feel a bit ill, and let’s just say it won’t be words that will spew from his mouth.” Her self-satisfied attitude made Skyler want to cry. Honestly, it was a perfect plan, and for just an instant, Skyler wished she had thought of it on her own.
But she shook that thought from her head. “This is wrong, Mom. You can’t go through with it.”
Scowling deeply, Ava pointed a harsh finger at Skyler. “Now, I’m going to do this because it’s what the man deserves. He was horrible to Jayden, and he should pay the price for that. We’re just lucky enough to have the capability of doing so without the disadvantage of being traceable. Now, let me tell you the best part.” Oh, great, Skyler thought. This gets richer. “I’ve gotten invitations to the reception for both you and Jayden, and you each have a plus-one on the invite. That means the two of you get to enjoy the show. I just recommend you don’t sit too close to the head table.”
Skyler wanted to tell her to stop, but this was an offer she couldn’t refuse. Honestly, she wanted to see the look on Jayden’s face when her former fiancé upchucked all over his new bride and what she was sure would be a very expensive wedding dress. It would be priceless, she was sure. Reluctantly, she nodded and told her mother, “As long as you restrict your punishment to David, I’ll leave you alone about it. But if you even think about touching anyone else’s food, I’m going to have the coven strip you of your practicing privileges for at least a month.”
The horrified expression on her mother’s face was enough to satisfy her concern. “You don’t have to be so mean about it, dear. I have no intention of leveling any kind of punishment on anyone else at that wedding, not even the bride. It’s not that poor girl’s fault David is an ass.”
Skyler laughed. Her mother didn’t curse often, but when she did, she emphasized the word, said it with feeling. “I guess I’ll have to find a date.”
“What about that man in your life? You know, the one Kendra supposedly misunderstood.” Ava rapped her nails on the table as she waited for an answer.
Skyler frowned. “We are not dating, Mom. In fact, we’re still on the outs with each other, and Jayden bursting into my office this morning because you are insane did nothing to ingratiate me to him.”
“Well, I think that you could strike a little revenge by putting him in a trance long enough to join you. Heaven knows it would teach him a lesson. Once he sees how much fun you are at a party, he’s certain to change his mind about you of his own volition.”
Skyler had forgotten how much of a romantic and idealist her mother could be. “Sure, and when David realizes that getting married to the wrong woman has caused his stomach to rupture with vomit, I’m sure he’ll go groveling on his knees to Jayden, telling her how wrong he was and that he still loves her. Come on, Mom, that’s not how magic works, and you know it.”
Ava held her hands up in surrender. “I just want a little poetic justice for you, too, darling. Think about it.”
The problem was, she already had. In fact, she had things to do this evening, in private, and that meant getting out of her mother’s house before they started arguing. This was the closest thing they’d had to real conversation in a long time, and it was nice to think she might leave while things were going well. “I’ll keep your suggestion in mind, Mom, though I doubt I’ll take it to heart. For now, I have to go. I have some errands to run.” Like picking up a few supplies for the spell she wanted to work.
Her mother stood and hugged her. “Take care, Skyler. We should go shopping for a dress for the wedding tomorrow evening.”
Chuckling, she nodded. “We should take Jayden. Otherwise, she’s going to have a psychotic breakdown just thinking about it.” She shut the door behind her and jogged to her car before Ava could start up another conversation. Certainly if they tried to take it any further, the happy afternoon would blow up in their faces.