Chapter 16

The way Chad had appraised her house, with awe and wonder in his eyes, made Skyler a bit uncomfortable. It was perhaps the most vulnerable she’d ever seen him, and she didn’t know if that was part of the spell or if he truly felt that way. But the more she thought about it, despite Jayden’s concern and warning, Skyler knew that her incantation didn’t make people lie just to impress someone else. Expressions of love were based on truth, so whether pushed forward by the magic or not, Chad truly loved her house.

This time, Skyler had no problem with idle conversation, and as he drove toward the restaurant, they talked about weather, gossiped over celebrities that Skyler had met during her stint at the magazine, and engaged in all manner of other small talk. “So, I really don’t know anything about you,” she said as they arrived and walked toward the front door. “Do you have any family nearby? Brothers, sisters, parents?”

His mood seemed to change suddenly, his smile falling. His face tight, he told her, “I have a brother. We used to be close, and I still try to take care of him, but he’s got some issues, and he’s become an alcoholic.”

Skyler felt terrible for asking. Just because she’d cast a spell on this man didn’t mean she should force him to share every painful detail of his life with her. After all, this wasn’t going to be a permanent arrangement. Eventually, she’d reverse the spell, and the two of them would go about their business separately. “I’m so sorry, Chad. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

He shrugged and gave her a sad smile. “It’s alright. It was bound to come out eventually. After all, I didn’t want this to be our only date, and I can guarantee that, at some point, I’ll receive a call from my brother or from the rehab clinic while we’re out. I think it’s better you know up front so you can be prepared for the meltdown.” He chuckled lightly.

The hostess seated them, and the waiter poured them each a glass of water, nodding as Chad requested a bottle of red wine. Needing to right her wrong, Skyler said, “If that’s the case, then I should be honest about my family. My mother is a busybody who is likely to interfere with my plans at some point, and my brother is a paranoid schizophrenic who calls from time to time to let me know he’s still surviving. Right now, he’s locked himself in a monastery halfway across the world, where it’s much quieter for him.”

Chad shook his head with a sympathetic expression. “I guess we both have our demons and our crosses to bear, don’t we?” The waiter arrived and poured the wine. Chad raised his glass in a toast, and Skyler joined him. “To us and all our crazy baggage, learning to enjoy life to the fullest in each other’s company.”

It seemed a strange toast, but it was also heartwarming for Skyler. She had her friends, and she had her coven, but this sort of bond, whether part of her magic or not, was something she’d never shared. Even if it was only for a time, she looked forward to it.

As they chatted and laughed, Skyler lost track of time, and the only way she managed to keep up with just how well things were progressing was by evaluating how much wine they consumed. At the end of the third bottle, she could feel her cheeks flushed, and she’d finally stuffed herself full. It was time to leave. “I’m almost afraid to get up,” she teased. “I ate so much, I’m worried I’ll pop the seams on this dress.”

Chad gave her a lascivious smile. “I can’t say I would mind that at all.” The outright innuendo shocked Skyler, but she liked it and let her fingers play across the back of his hand for just an instant before the waiter returned with the tab to be signed. A spark seemed to radiate up her arm and into her chest, making her heart beat wildly, and she reminded herself that the wine had made her vulnerable and all her feelings were based on trickery.

As if to reinforce that thought, she held her breath when Chad pulled the pen she’d given him out of his coat pocket to sign the receipt. If she’d had any doubts that all of this attention was due to her magic, she’d just confirmed the truth. He’d had the talisman with him all along. “I see you liked my gift.”

He glanced up at her as he signed. “I do, very much. Because it’s such a nice, personalized pen, I’m less likely to accidentally leave it behind. People are also much less likely to swipe a pen that has someone else’s name on it. I’m always prepared to write if needed when carrying it. And above all else, you were the one who gave it to me. I’ve been carrying it as a token of what I hope is your affection.”

Skyler nearly gawked at him. It all sounded so sincere, she thought she might cry. She’d wanted to fall in love, to have someone say such kind things to her, but they never had. And even now, all of it was a farce, induced by some crazy bibbity-bobbity-boo she’d performed. Obviously, the alcohol was making her super sensitive, and she needed to clear her head. With a smile, she told him, “It is definitely that. Now, are we ready to go home?”

He frowned at her, looking hurt. “The night is still young. Are you so anxious to leave my company already?”

Biting her lip and leaning in conspiratorially, she told him, “That’s not exactly what I had in mind when I asked if it was time to go home, darling.”

She watched Chad’s eyes heat, and his muscles tensed visibly beneath his suit. “If the vixen wants to enjoy an evening in, who am I to protest?”