Chapter 18

Strasshof Concentration Camp, Austria
December 1944

They were transported back to the Strasshof Concentration Camp. Once again, everyone was stripped and hosed down. Only this time the air was so cold that the water felt like ice cubes. By the time they were dressed, Paul was shivering so hard he could barely stand. After their shower they were put into a barrack.

“I’m cold.” Paul hugged his chest.

His mother pulled him onto her lap. She rubbed his arms and legs with her hands and then motioned for Oscar to sit beside her. “Lie down on the bed. We’ll huddle together to warm each other.”

“Anyu, I want to go home.” Paul buried his face against her chest. “When can we go home?”

“I don’t know, Paul. We must be brave a little longer. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes, Anyu.” Paul closed his eyes and was soon asleep.


Like before, they stayed at Strasshof for two weeks. When they weren’t lining up for roll call, they were in the barrack trying to keep warm. Then, on December 6, after the morning lineup, they were told they were being moved. And like before, they were taken to the train station and shoved into boxcars.

The inside of the car was freezing. Wind whistled through the cracks in the walls. Paul was crushed between his mother and Oscar, Aunt Bella and the girls crammed beside them.

“Thank God we’re all together.” Anyu hugged Paul.

“When we get off, hold my hand,” Oscar commanded.

“Yes, Oscar.” Paul clamped his mouth shut to keep his teeth from chattering. His whole body was shaking.

The train lurched forward and began to move.