The ‘oh shit’ handle shook in my hand, and I was seriously questioning my decision to let Kara drive us to the gathering. Her quest to get us there on time had her pushing her little Honda Civic to the point where I feared the compact car might rattle apart, leaving us stranded in the dark in the middle of the highway.

“Hold on,” she announced as she took the next turn, tires smoking.

“Are your trying to break the speed of sound?” I asked, hand throbbing as I gripped the handle.

She shook her head, tsking at me. “And here I thought you didn’t like being late.”

“This is fun!” Rachel announced from the back seat.

“Okay,” I said, eyes glued to the windshield. It was probably better if I didn’t distract her.

While the majority of Tulare’s wealthy elite lived in Dulean, some had separated themselves completely and carved out space in the crevices of the small hills in the island’s center, creating a sort of commune-type environment. The only access to the community off the highway that circled the entire island.

Kara slowed down when we reached the East Gate Estates brick and wooden sign, illuminated by five ground floodlights. She navigated her car around the steep curve; her headlights barely pushing back the darkness.

“These rich assholes couldn’t afford lights for the road?” Rachel asked. She sat in the backseat, probably feeling very proud of herself for convincing us we should let her come inside with us.

I believe Devlin had something to do with her dogged determination. However, I couldn’t prove it. And I wasn’t about to accuse her of plotting with him either. The talk Devlin and I had earlier had me rethinking my behavior. Wondering if I should work on how I responded to his wanting to keep me safe.

“They don’t want to give people the impression they’re welcome,” Kara said.

Hard to argue with that. Afterall, the residents could have easily created an entrance on the other side of the hills, giving them access from Legare Street, which ran alongside the man-made lake in Dulean.

And the lack of light along the road screamed, fuck off. Like, We hope you crash your car in the steep ditch you won’t see coming.

I rested my head against the seat and stared out at the darkness—trying to order my thoughts. I really hated we had to go to this gathering in the first place. But if it meant not having to show up next Sunday and listen to Boyd wax on about being a chosen vessel full of wisdom, then I’d gladly attend a few of their meetings.

My stomach dropped when Kara took the next turn too fast.

“Ha!” Rachel barked. “We almost drove off the road!”

I was glad she found humor in it. I was still trying to unclench my hand from the ‘oh shit’ handle.

“Sorry about that,” Kara said, slowing down.

“Maybe we should walk the rest of the way,” I suggested.

“Shut up, Nicole,” Kara said.


A mile in, we came to a sign that read, Hollingsworth Manor. Kara made the sharp turn onto the gravel path and, thankfully, drove slowly up the incline. Large cypress trees stood on either side of the pathway. Their dark silhouettes seemed to close in on us. Kara finally switched on her high-beams and slowed the car down even more.

“I can barely see out here,” she said, her voice a mere whisper.

“Should we turn around?” I asked hesitantly.

Kara shook her head. “No, we’ve come this far.” There was a note of curiosity in her voice that matched my own feelings. Why would they build their home so far off the beaten path?

A short while later, a blaze of brightness filled the car. We all gasped as we took in the large mansion bathed in a beacon of light. I thought their church was a dedication to the gods. But looking at their home, the church paled in comparison.

The architect had obviously used some of the church’s design. Roman columns encased a large porch covered with clay pots and filled with every flower and plant one could imagine. Windows you could walk through sat on either side of two Mahogany doors that currently stood open with torch stands erected on both sides. Two men wearing loin clothes and elaborate gold and white masks stood on either side, holding flutes filled with red liquid.

An apple tree rested in the yard, surrounded by a group of women wearing white sleeveless garments that hung off their shoulders. They wore their hair down, with bands of decorative metal covering their heads. It would seem the Young family had a fascination with Greek customs. Made me wonder about the next family we investigated. Would they be obsessed with Roman culture? Would we have to infiltrate a bath house filled with naked men? I smiled. That would definitely be a sight to see.

Kara parked near the other cars lining the large driveway.

“I’m going to stand out.” I climbed out the car. I glanced at Rachel, just now noticing she was wearing a white skirt and cream blouse. “Well played, Rachel. Well played.” It had been her plan all along to come with us. Or should I say Devlin’s plan. I couldn’t be mad, though; I knew he was worried about me.

She smiled and lifted her skirt, showing me her favorite pair of brass knuckles strapped to her thigh in a special leather holder. “Just in case.” I contemplated the many ways they could end up forcing Rachel to use her brass knuckles. And the many ways I might be goaded into yanking the knife from between my breasts, pulling the blade out, and stabbing someone. But if they had a gun, by the time I completed those steps, I’d be shot.

If any of them had a gun, I’d just brought a knife to a gun fight. Damn, I couldn’t get any stupider if I tried.

Kara joined us at the passenger side door. “They have an apple tree in the yard,” she said.

“Yes. Their very own Garden of Eden.” It looked like one. All that was missing was a massive snake wrapped around the tree trunk.

As we took in the gardens, a warmth settled over me.

I glanced over at Kara. While her face held a hint of skepticism, her eyes were alight with interest. Rachel had crossed her arms and stood staring with a smirk on her face and admiration in her eyes.

“Is there magick on the grounds?” I asked them.

Rachel pointed at the shrubbery. “They covered the bushes in the spell. A mage must be feeding magick into them. It’s the only way the spell would remain active.”

I followed her line of sight and found a mix of catnip and lemon balm. Combined, the two plants gave off a powerful fragrance that would induce calm. But with magick, the effect would be amplified. No wonder I felt like my legs would give way at any moment.

“How can you see a spell?” I asked, curious.

“You look at it the same way you would a person’s aura,” Rachel said.

I focused on the plants and let my vision go distant.

A shimmery, gauze-like mist blinked into existence, and I could just make out the faint pattern of color that coated everything. It looked like a hazy film had been draped across the lawn. Not a rainbow of colors, more a concentration of gold and red and a bronze-like color.

“Most of the women lounging on the grass are mages,” Kara said.

“They also look on the verge of stripping down,” I said, staring at them. A few of the women had leaned back, letting the legs fall open—their dresses sliding down their thighs.

“Maybe there is too much magick.”

I tipped my head toward the men standing at the double doors. “Or they’ve been sampling the contents in those glasses.”

We all chuckled.

“Hello,” a familiar voice called. I turned and found Juliette striding toward us. She, too, had on one of the long dresses the other women were wearing.

Kara looked at me. “They’re wearing Peplos. And the metal crowns on their head are called Stephane.”

“Oh,” I said.

Juliette stopped in front of us and smiled. When I had seen her earlier in the day, she had worn no makeup. Now, she wore dark eyeliner around her eyes and dark red lipstick. Gold shadow covered her eyelids, and a dusting of it was on her cheeks as well.

“I’m so glad you’re here.” She sucked in a deep breath. “I was worried I hadn’t convinced you to come.” She looked at Rachel and Kara. “I’m glad you could join us as well.”

Kara and Rachel smiled at her.

Convinced me to come? I turned away to hide my suspicion.

“I was just telling my friends this place looks like your own little Garden of Eden.” I forced a smile. I needed to show interest.

Juliette nodded and looked over at the garden again. “Gavina wanted the place to be one of peace. We even make our own wine. Nectar of the Gods,” she said, turning back to us. “You will sample it tonight, and if you like it, you can purchase a bottle or two.”

We already paid for that useless book at their church—there was no way in hell we were buying the wine, too.

“Is there a spell on the plants?” Kara asked, cutting off my reply.

“It’s a calming spell,” she said, rubbing her bare arms. “Most of the girls who come to us are scared and confused. Some are even a little lost. Gavina’s daughter, Salome, laid the spell over the plants to help calm them.”

Juliette looked at her watch. “We should head in. The gathering will begin shortly.” She linked her arm in mine as if she was afraid, I would suddenly decide to run away.

I’ll admit, I was entertaining the idea. Especially if they expected me to purchase some of their wine. Please tell me we weren’t walking into a Greek themed multi-level marketing scheme where we all got our own case of wine, dressed in Peplos and Stephane, and sent out to sell enough to reach the top of the pyramid.

I would cut the first woman who even suggested it.

We passed the two sculpted males and stepped into the foyer. Between two twin staircases sat an enormous fountain with a marble statue of a naked woman in the middle, holding a golden apple in one hand and a scroll in the other. Water cascaded down between her breasts, curving around her leg to fall into a pool of water. I circled the statue and found gold glyphs lining the spine of her back. Before I could take my phone out and snap a picture, Juliette came over, carrying a flute of wine.

“No, thank you,” I said.

“It’s just wine.” Juliette signaled behind her. “Your friends are drinking it.”

She said that as if I should follow their lead, but even as a teenager, I always did my own thing—which, honestly, was worse.

“Dammit.” I grabbed the glass from her and threw back the contents in one large gulp. “What the hell?” I asked as the world shifted. “You said it was…” My words faded as I tried to maintain my balance. My skin flushed and a warmth settled over me again. Only, this one felt…heated. Sexual. My clothes felt as if they were on fire, and I needed to take them off.

“Oh, that was too sweet for even me.” Kara joined us. “I’m surprised you drank it, Nicole,” she slurred. She moaned, dropped forward, and put her head between her knees.

My vision blurred. Bursts of light popped off around her. The phoenix wings unfurled inside my head. I stared at the glass on the floor.

She said there was no magick in it. So why was my mark suddenly waking up?

I glanced over at Rachel, who was studying the glass intently. She looked at me and Kara with alarm. Then, she rounded on Juliette. “What did you do to my friends?” she yelled; her voice raked across my skin.

Juliette’s eyes rounded and her arms went up as if she were warding off an attack. “Nothing. I swear. Maybe the wine is too potent for them,” she said in a rush.

Rachel helped Kara stand. “We should leave,” she said to us. I shook my head, clearing the last dregs of the wine’s effect. The phoenix wings settled. My protective mark was beginning to confuse me. Just like with the heat wave, it had only reacted once. Like it was responding to, not an attack, but my thoughts of being attacked. Could I control it?

“Nicole,” Kara said, her tone even. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

I closed my eyes and nodded. “Yeah. Maybe it was just a sugar rush.” I glanced at Rachel. “How come you didn’t react?”

“Hello,” someone said behind us before she could respond. I turned to find Gavina standing behind me. She placed a hand on my back and leaned in. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah.” I fought the urge to knock her hand off me. “The wine is just too sugary for my taste.”

“I’m sorry about that. It is a dessert wine, after all. But it does take some getting used to.” She looked behind me. “And who are these lovely ladies?”

Kara stepped forward. “I’m Kara.” She extended her hand, and Gavina reached out and shook it. “I attended your church service this past Sunday.”

“Yes, I remember. You’re welcome, of course.” She smiled at Rachel. “And you? I don’t recall seeing you at our service.”

“I’m here to learn,” Rachel said, her voice flat.

Gavina gave us a loaded look. The smile she wore suggested she wanted us to feel welcome, but the look in her eyes screamed predator. She turned and motioned to her daughter. “This is my daughter, Salome. She’s here to make sure our guests are comfortable.”

Salome smiled at us. “It’s nice to meet all of you.” She glanced down at our clothes. “If you like, I can provide you with some garments to change into.” It wasn’t a question. Nor was it meant as an innocent suggestion.

“We would be more comfortable in our own clothes, if you don’t mind,” I said, adding just a tad of saccharine to my voice.

She gazed at me out of scorn-filled eyes. “Of course. Whatever works for you.” She stepped into my space and let her eyes travel down my body slowly. “If you change your mind”—she met my eyes—“please let me know.”

Gavina touched her lightly on the back. “If you will excuse us, we must change for the gathering. While it’s okay if you decide to stay in your current attire, I will ask if you at least let us provide you with masks.” Again, it wasn’t a question.

I would have said no, but I didn’t want to make waves.

“That will be fine,” Kara said for us.

“I’ll get them.” Juliette rushed toward a room on the left. She returned moments later and handed each of us one. Made of a strong thick plastic like material, the entire half-mask was painted an ivory color with gray tones underneath. Gold glitter covered the black-lined eyes and cheeks. Almost identical to the way Juliette had painted her face.

We slid them on and followed Juliette into the next room.

Soft music played in the background. Gold glyphs and depictions of nude Greek women in robes holding jugs, walking, lounging, and bathing covered the white walls. Overly large gold, red, and bronze pillows lay on Persian rugs with gold trays filled with fruit and various cheeses. The patio glass doors opened to the night sky, letting in a warm breeze filled with a sickly-sweet scent.

Women lay across the pillows, their shoulders now bare. They had removed their clothes. All of them were chatting, eating, and drinking more wine. Gazes turned our way—a few of them filled with heat and longing. One woman watched me out of hooded eyes as she slid her Peplos up her thigh. It was the same woman I saw outside under the apple tree.

Given the description of The Daughters of the Vine being a women’s empowerment movement, I expected a more homey, comforting environment with helpful quotes written on the walls. Bookshelves lined with self-help books. Women in both casual wear and business suits all congregating to uplift one another. Or, given the fact they made and sold wine, at least displays of their vintage.

But not this. This reminded me of the orgies depicted in old Greek mythology paintings where men and women gathered to celebrate in excess. Yet, there were only two men here, and they appeared to be more decoration than anything.

I glanced at Kara and Rachel. “My alarm bells are going off,” I whispered.

Kara scanned the room, taking everything in. “As long as they don’t expect us to join them, we should be fine.” She looked at me. “Besides, you do have a knife shoved down between your breasts. You can pull it out if things get out of hand.”

“Sarcasm is my thing, not yours,” I said, eyes narrowing as I gave her a half smile. I appreciated the distraction because my flight or fight response had kicked in. “And I don’t think these women would mind me pulling the blade from between my breasts.”

“It’s a good tactic,” Rachel said. “They will be too focused on your breasts to see the knife.” She patted her leg. “And my legs.”

We all shared a chuckle before sitting down on the pillows closest to the exit.

The enchantment on the grounds, the sweet wine I drank, and now the extremely comfortable pillows. And I could smell a rich herbal scent in the air. Everything had been engineered to coax us into letting our guard down.

Rachel picked up a piece of cheese from one of the fruit trays in front of us and studied it.

“I wouldn’t if I were you,” I said, laying back. So many fairytales warned against eating the food. Sadly, I’d already drunk the liquid.

“You think it’s poisoned?” Kara asked.

I glanced at Rachel. She had checked the alcohol Ronald kept sending. “Can you test it?” I asked Rachel. I should have asked her to test the wine, too.

She continued to study the cheese, finally popping a piece into her mouth. “There’s no magick coming off it.”

“Did the wine have any?” I asked.

She started to shake her head no, then stopped. “Didn’t seem like it. But you and Kara both reacted to it. I would have to test it.”

Which meant we were going to have to buy some of the damn wine.

Gavina walked into the room, wearing a white robe with gold embroidery on the front. A large hood hung down the back. When she passed by, filling the air with a heavy floral scent, I noticed her robe was opened down the front, allowing us to glimpse her nakedness underneath.

Oh, hell no. I started to get up. Kara placed a hand on my arm, drawing my attention to her. She shook her head and whispered, “Wait.”

Wait for what? Everyone to be given a robe and told to strip down? No, not going to happen. She jerked her head toward the door. Gavina’s girls stood in front of the door wearing the same robe their mother wore. Each of them had on a mask.

“Daughters of the Vine,” Gavina started. The women moaned. I risked a look and saw the woman who had been flirting with me earlier was now completely naked. This gathering had gone from zero to a hundred in mere minutes.

We had to get out of here.

“You do not have to hide who you are here.” She let her robe fall to the ground.

The two men who were at the door when we came in started circulating, handing out gold goblets filled with wine. When I refused to take one, he set it down beside me and moved on. I was not drinking any more of that shit. Gavina took a glass, slowly brought the goblet to her mouth, and leaned back, letting the liquid drain into her mouth and down her breast, following the same path as the water flowing down the statue in the foyer.

A gray light pulsed around her. She lifted her head and her gaze locked with mine. “Drink,” she said, her whisper carrying to me. “Become whole with us.”

My eyes grew heavy, and my heart fluttered in my chest. But my protective mark remained silent. How was she affecting me? Before I knew it, I had put my hand on the goblet, letting the warmth sink into my skin.

Kara placed her hand on my arm, pulling my gaze away from Gavina. She stared at me, willing me to snap out of it. “Fight her,” she said. I nodded and turned away. I didn’t want her to see how close I came to raising that goblet to my mouth.

The woman eyeing me earlier knelt in front of me. On full display. Her aura, a bright green. Earth mage. “You have so much power,” she whispered. “It’s beautiful to see.”

Rachel moved toward me. I stopped her with my hand. If I was honest, there was no real threat here. And if we were going to find out if Gavina was using blood magick, we needed to hold out as long as possible. Show interest in their activities to a point. But I did draw the line at participating in what was turning out to look like one big orgy.

Jonah’s words flitted through my head.

“Sex has always been used in cults… It’s the best way to control someone’s mind, body, and soul.”

The woman lifted the goblet and moved it slowly toward my face. “The grapes we use are grown with magick, which gives them the added sugar. But I assure you, it is harmless.” Her voice was a mere whisper. Again, the urge to drink overwhelmed me. She placed a soft finger on my chin, and I froze.

I’ve had women flirt with me before. I never minded. If I had been attracted to them, I might have even slept with a few. I was never a prude when it came to sex. Yes, I had sworn it off recently but that was because I learned I had an unhealthy view of relationships. The need was there. Always. Especially when I was around Alek. My keeping him at a distance had more to do with the mounting feelings I had for him than anything else, because believe me…I wanted to rip that man’s damn clothes off.

But as I sat there, motionless, staring at this gorgeous, naked woman, a strange longing overcame me. A bone-deep ache consumed every fiber of my being. And I had to fight the desire to touch her.

She gave me a questioning look as she held the glass near my lips. Questioning. I gave her the smallest nod of consent. She tipped the goblet, and I opened my mouth, allowing the too-sweet nectar to coat my tongue.

“Nicole,” Kara said, her voice seeming to come from far away.

The woman urged my chin up and poured the rest of the liquid down my throat.

Once again, my vision wavered. I fought the surge of convulsions making their way down my body. A moan escaped my lips. The woman lay me back against the pillows, and it was then I noticed that two women stood in front of Kara and Rachel, doing the same thing. Kara lay back against the pillow, her body shaking as she ran her hand down herself. Rachel lay motionless, staring up at the woman in front of her.

I assumed when Kara had called my name, it was to pull me out of the haze. But it wasn’t. She was trying to get my attention. That thought circled in my head as I rode the sensual high of the wine and writhed on the pillow, trying to ease the ache inside of me.

Gavina knelt in front of me, her perfumed body sending chills along my arms. The woman stepped away, having completed her task. “Monique is right,” Gavina said, her voice soothing. “You have so much power in you.” Her hand cupped the back of my neck. She pulled me toward her, until we were mere millimeters away from each other, our lips almost touching.

“What I wouldn’t do to get a glimpse of that power,” she said, her sickly, sweet breath blowing over my face. She pressed her warm lips to my cheek. I shuddered at the contact.

After setting me back down, she moved away. I turned my head and watched her as she stopped at each of the now-naked women and ran her hands over them. Petting them. They writhed under her touch.

Rachel came into view. She stared down at me, her eyes imploring. “Do you want to get out of here?” she asked in a whisper.

I nodded as tears streamed down my face. Sad thing was the tears weren’t because of what Monique or Gavina did. It was because I wanted so badly to give in to them.

I reached out and grabbed Kara’s hand. She squeezed mine in return. She, too, must have been riding a high. So, why wasn’t Rachel?

“We were once called Maenads. Followers of Dionysus. The only god who we will give ourselves to freely,” Gavina said, returning to her chair. “Our bodies are temples. And when we give to another, they receive a blessing. That is what I give all of you tonight and forever. My eternal blessing. There will be no shame in this room. No need to hide our desires.” Juliette walked out of a room behind Gavina’s chair and joined Gavina on the dais. “Drink. Eat. And make love,” she said, and pulled Juliette into her arms.

I turned away.

Kara leaned over. “Maenads are created by sending women into a wine and sex-induced frenzy,” she said.

I nodded, letting the knowledge slide over me. I knew the stories about Maenads. Even worried that the women at Jordin’s had become the famed women of excess. But seeing the way the girls responded to Gavina, made me wonder if she too could create them. “Are you okay?”

She blew out a breath laced with wine. “I need to get out of here. Or…” She trailed off as she stared across the room at the woman who had given her wine. The heated look in her eyes told me what she was going to say. Because when I made eye contact with Monique, I felt the same way. She stared back at me with a questioning look in her eye. All I had to do was signal that I was willing, and I knew she would be across the room in seconds.

Thankfully, a small part of my brain was functioning enough for me to realize it wasn’t a good idea. I stood up on shaky legs and smoothed down my dress. Kara stood as well. No one rushed to stop us, which made me wonder why they had plied us with wine in the first place. If the idea was to get us in the mood, they had succeeded. Now, except for the lustful looks from Monique, no one paid us any attention. They carried on as if we weren’t even there. I was missing something. Something important. I just couldn’t figure out what.

What I did know was there was no blood magick here—only sex and wine. And women, who wanted the freedom to engage in sexual activity that some would consider taboo. And yes, also pass judgment. But why did they need the calming spell and the wine that I was positive was laced with something other than excessive sugar? Monique said the grapes were magick-infused. Could that have been it? Was that the reason my mark stirred?

Gavina had mentioned Dionysus. The god of wine, insanity, and ritual madness. That yes, led to the creation of Maenads. Maybe that was what we were looking at: Maenads, acting out what they had been driven to do.

I rubbed my head, trying to ward off the brewing headache. I wasn’t going to figure this out tonight. Not in this state. So, I followed Rachel and Kara out of the room.

As we stepped out into the warm evening air, I thought about the god Dionysus. All myths derived from a kernel of truth. Each civilization borrowing the religious beliefs from one another. Before they worshiped Dionysus in Greece, another god had been revered as the god of wine, insanity, and ritual madness.

The Egyptian god Shezmu.

Which meant, The Daughters of the Vine were worshiping Jordin Cisco.