On June 13, 2013 17:02, Teresa Astrain <teresastrain@anagrama-ed.es> wrote:
Please remember the book has to be ready before summer vacation. Are you making any progress?
About the roof thing. What kind of question is that? What kind of answer do you want? That it comes from Latin? It must be based in real life: kids lose balls all the time, balls end up on roofs, neighbors have to throw them back. I don’t know.
Return the proofs,
On 6/13/13 17:19, “Álvaro Enrigue” <aenrigue@gmail.com> wrote:
No, Teresa: it comes from Renaissance tennis. The game was played on a court with a wooden-shingled roof over the spectators’ seats. The serve had to hit it to be good.
Can I include our e-mails in the new novel if I send you the proofs by this weekend?
On June 13, 2013 17:22, Teresa Astrain <teresastrain@anagrama-ed.es> wrote:
Great. I didn’t know that. And I would prefer not to broadcast my ignorance, so please don’t use my e-mails, and send the proofs by Friday regardless.