
Names of hevrot are spelled according to the way most frequently used by the Sephardim.

The Hebrew sound het/khaf at the beginning of the word is represented by the letter “h.” If the sound is in the middle of a word, or at the end, it is spelled “kh.”

All words are Hebrew, unless otherwise specified.

anus (pl. anusim) forced converts from Judaism to Christianity

aron ark

abi ha-bat father of the [newborn] daughter being named in the synagogue

Aby Jetomim Father-of-Orphans (name of a hevrah)

aginut the state of being an agunah (see definition below)

agunah (pl. agunot) a woman legally bound in marriage to a man with whom she is not living and unable to marry another

aravit evening prayer

baal-Torah chanter of the weekly portion of the Torah

bar mitzvah a boy thirteen years and a day who is obligated to take on the Jewish obligations of a male adult

bayit house

bet din rabbinical court

bet av house of a father

dayan judge

derashah (pl. derashot) sermon

Ets Haim Tree-of-Life (name of a hevrah)

gadol hador highest rabbinic authority

Gemilut Hassadim Benevolence (name of a hevrah)

get writ of divorce

ha-gomel the blessing pronounced in public for someone who has escaped from danger

hakham (pl. hakhamim) rabbi, scholar of Jewish law

halakhah Jewish law and tradition

halizah ceremony releasing a woman from yibum (see definition below)

harav hamuvhak most authoritative Jewish scholar

haskavah (pl. hashkavot) putting to rest; among the Sephardim a prayer recited by mourners

hazzan cantor

hekdesh charitable fund

herem ban

hevrah (pl. hevrot) association

Honen Dalim Pitier-of-the-Poor (name of a hevrah)

hupah marriage canopy

kabbalah tradition; Jewish mysticism

kaddish sanctified; prayer for the dead

kahal congregation

kehillot kedoshot holy communities

ketubah (pl. ketubot) marriage contract

kidushin preliminary marriage ceremony

kinyan symbolic transfer of an object to make an agreement binding

Ma-aravim Jews of North Africa

maftir last portion of the parashah or weekly reading of the Torah

mamzer (pl. mamzerim) child born of a union forbidden by the Torah

Maskil el Dal Enlightener-of-the-Poor (name of a hevrah)

matzah (pl. matzot) unleavened bread

Mazon Abanot Nourishment-for-the-Girls (name of a hevrah)

metsitsah third step in a circumcision: sucking the blood by mouth (see also milah and periah)

mikveh ritual bath

milah circumcision; cutting the foreskin with a knife (see also periah and metsitsah) minhag hamakom local custom

minkhah afternoon prayer

minyan quorum of ten men

Mishenet Zequenim Support-for-the-Elderly (name of a hevrah)

mishpakhah clan, family

Mispat Abanot Justice-for-Girls (name of a hevrah)

mitzvah (pl. mitzvoth) commandment

mi’un refusal or protest

mohel circumciser

moredet a rebellious wife

Must’arbim Jews of Arab lands

nedunyah dowry

ner tamid perpetual light

niddah menstruant woman

nisuin last of marriage ceremonies in which the couple stand together under the canopy

parashah weekly biblical reading

Parnasad Almanot Livelihood-for-Widows (name of a hevrah)

periah second step in a circumcision: discovering the flesh (see milah and metsitsah)

Pesakh Passover

pritzut gedola a serious act of sexual indiscretion

posekim rabbinic deciders

rabbanim rabbis

rimonim pomegranates; Torah ornaments

Rosh Hodesh first day of a Hebrew month

rubi teacher of Jewish school

sedaca charity

seder home service on the first night of Passover

Sefer Torah (pl. Sifre Torah) Pentateuch

Shabbat (pl. shabbatot) Sabbath

shakharit morning prayer

Shavuot Feast of Weeks; festival celebrated seven weeks after Pesakh

shidukhin engagement

Sidcat Nassim Charity-for-Women (name of a hevrah)

siddur Hebrew prayer book

sivlonot gifts from a groom to his bride

tallit prayer shawl

Shekhinah divine presence

Tanakh Holy Scriptures

tebah reader’s platform in synagogues

tefillin prayer phylacteries

Temime Darech Straightforward-People (name of a hevrah)

teshuvah return; repentance

tevilah immersion ritual bath for proselytes

Tosafot commentaries to the Gemara written by scholars of medieval France

tzeniut modesty

vegia (Port.) vigil

yavam a deceased father

yeshivah (pl. yeshivot) rabbinical academy

yesod the divine phallus in Jewish mysticism

yevamah woman in need of levirate marriage

yibum levirate marriage

yihus lineage

Yom Kipur Day of Atonement

zera shel kaima living offspring; a child brought to term after the death of the father