again, i could not have done this without the support and kindness of the following people. I am in a constant state of gratitude to all of them:
Agent Supreme, part-time psychologist and el perro duro, Mark Falkin—I cannot believe how lucky I am that you continue to be in my corner. Don’t ever think about retiring, or I will have to take certain steps.
Mr. Rob Bloom—it’s a toss-up as to who understands these characters better, me or you. Your patience and humor have once again made this process rewarding and invigorating. You can also never retire, I’m afraid, and the threat’s a little more real than the one for Mark since you and I live in the same town. Sorry!
The nonstop hardworking folks at Doubleday—Todd Doughty, Sarah Englemann, John Fontana, Nora Grubb, Mandy Licata, Rachel Molland, Charlotte O’Donnell, Victoria Pearson, Bill Thomas, Andrew Weber. You all make this biz look easy.
Dr. Judy Melinek—many thanks for fielding my forensic pathology queries. In my next life, hopefully I can be your assistant.
Anna Quindlen and Samantha Irby—thanks upon thanks for spreading the good word about Vega to so many of your readers. You have very bright futures in this business.
My brother, Zach—your continued optimism and encouragement are greatly appreciated. You’re a nice person!
JP and Florie—you guys keep me going. Thanks for not minding when I, for example, burn out the car battery, or forget to pack the spaghetti in the thermos for lunch and leave it in the microwave all day. These are just examples of things that could happen. Thank you for being proud of me and full of good advice and love. All the love.