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1st Division Society
1st German Army
1st Infantry Division, US Army “Fighting First.” See also American Expeditionary Forces; armed forces, US; Cantigny, Battle of; training, AEF
16th Infantry Regiment of
Company F of
Signal Corps of
18th Infantry Regiment of
Cantigny offensive and
Company F of
Company G of
Villers-Tournelle attack on
26th Infantry Regiment of
Company D of
28th Infantry Regiment “The Black Lions” of
Company A of
Company B of
Company C of
Company D of
Company E of
Company F of
Company G of
Company H of
Company I of
Company K of
Company L of
Company M of
intelligence gathering by
at Argonne Forest, France
at Cantigny, France
casualties suffered by
demographics of
Engineers Regiment of
Company D
Field Artillery Brigade of
5th Regiment of
6th Regiment of
7th Regiment of
first deaths of
legacies associated with
Machine-Gun teams of
medics/carrying parties of
mobilization of
nicknames of
patrols/raids by
Pershing’s farewell speech to
at Saint-Mihiel, France
at Seicheprey sector, France
Signal Battalion of
at Soissons, France
training of
2nd Infantry Division, US Army
3rd Infantry Division, US Army
Machine-Gun Battalion C of
5th French Tank Battalion
7th German Army
10th French Corps Artillery
18th German Army. See also specific divisions
82nd Reserve Division of
25th Reserve Division, German Army
26th Infantry Division, US Army
30th Reserve Division, German Army
32nd Infantry Division, US Army
42nd Infantry Division, US Army
47th French Division of Chasseurs Alpins “Blue Devils”
82nd Reserve Division, 18th German Army
270th Reserve Infantry Regiment of
271st Reserve Infantry Regiment of
1st Company of
2nd Company of
3rd Company of
10th Company of
12th Company of
272nd Reserve Infantry Regiment of
11th Company of
Cantigny casualties suffered by
Cantigny counterattacks by
83rd Reserve Division, 18th German Army
369th Infantry Regiment, US Army “Harlem Hellfighters”
Abels, Cecil
Abend, Louis
Adams, James
Adcox, Cyrus
AEF. See American Expeditionary Forces
Afghanistan War
African American soldiers
Agnew, Albert L.
French Army’s use of
German Army’s use of
American Civil War
American Expeditionary Forces (AEF). See also 1st Infantry Division US Army “Fighting First”; armed forces, US; training, AEF
African American regiments in
at Argonne Forest, France
autonomy of
at Belleau Woods, France
at Cantigny, France
at Château Thierry, France
corps formation in
directives of
enlistment, draft, to
enlistment, volunteer, to
growth of
at Marne River, France
patrols/raids by
at Saint-Mihiel, France
at Seicheprey, France
at Soissons, France
at Somme River, France
at Sommerviller, France
training of
American Legion
American Red Cross
American Revolution
American Zone, Germany
Amiens, Battle of (France)
Amundson, Ralph
Anderson, James
Anderson, Robert Banks
Angell, Jerome
Anslow, George
Antes, Jay
Arch, Alex
Argonne Forest, Battle of (France)
armed forces, US. See also 1st Infantry Division US Army “Fighting First”; American Expeditionary Forces; Marine Corps, US
autonomy of
corps formation in
draft instigation for
growth of
ranks/unit structure, 1917, in
training of
Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Atlantic Monthly
Austin, George
Austin, Raymond
Avery, Charles
Baker, Newton D.
Banzhoff, Harry G.
Barthelotte, Patrick
Basel, Charles
Battle of
Amiens (France)
Argonne Forest (France)
Belleau Woods (France)
Cantigny (France)
Château Thierry (France)
the Marne (France)
Saint-Mihiel (France)
Soissons (France)
the Somme (France)
Baumgarten, John
Beam, Dewey
Becker, Maurice
Beck, Frank
Beckman, August, Jr.
Bedsole, “Doc”
Behike, Gust
Belanger, Joseph
Belleau Woods, Battle of (France)
Bell, Franklin
Bell, Guy
Beltman, Nick
Berry, Franklin
“Big Red One.” See 1st Infantry Division US Army “Fighting First”
Birmingham, Dan
Blevins, Homer
Bodenstab, Wilmer
Bolinger, Oscar
Bonham, Earl
Booth, Linnie
Bordeaux, Paul
Boyland, Joseph
Bradley, Omar
Brandow, Ray
Branshaw, Raymond
British Army
Brown, Foster
Bruchmüller, Georg
Buchalter, Samuel
Buchanan, Max
Buckles, Frank
“Buffalo Soldiers” (10th Cavalry Regiment, US Army)
Bullard, Robert Lee
Cantigny offensive by
legacy of
at Seicheprey sector
troop training and
Bullard, Rose
Burns, Elaine
Burns, James
Burns, James MacGregor
Burns, John
Burns, Mary Catherine
Butcher, Don
Butler, George
Cambrai, France
Cameron, William
Campbell, Leon
Campbell, Stuart
Cantigny, Battle of (France)
casualties in
counterattacks by Germany in
French support during
historical importance of
intelligence gathering prior to
journalists covering
legacies of troops post-
military line during
military line post-
military line prior to
offensive wave, first, in
offensive wave, second, in
planning/researching of
raids, German, preceding
rehearsal of
relief of companies during
retreats, AEF, during
scheduling of
speech to officers prior to
strategic importance of
“taking of the hill” during
trench v. open warfare tactics in
Cantigny Park, Wheaton, Illinois
Caporetto, Slovenia
Caralunas, Frank
Carlson, Joseph
Carpenter, Ralph
Carroll, Tom
Caskey, James
Cely, Joseph
Chamberlain, Paul
Charleston (battle cruiser)
Chastain, James
Château Thierry, Battle of (France)
Chauchat automatic rifles
Chicago Tribune
Christenson, Walter
Churchill, Winston
Church, John
legacy of
Ciezielczyk, Jacob
The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina
Civil Defense Commission, New York
Civilian Conservation Corps, US
Cohron, Emory
Cole, Arthur
Coleman, James
Colt .45 pistols
Concord National Bank
Conduct of War (Goltz)
Congressional Medal of Honor (US military decoration)
Conover, Richard Stevens “Dickie”
Cooper, Abner
Cooper, John Milton
Corey, Herbert
Cox, Moses
Crawford, Boyd
Croak, Frank
Croix de Guerre (French military decoration)
Croswell, Wiley
Cullison, Jesse
Cunningham, Arthur
Curry, John V.
Czarniewski, Isadore
Czech, Simon
Dacus, Herman “Dick”
at Cantigny, France
enlistment as volunteer by
legacy of
Daetwiler, Walter
Darr, Robert
Davidoff, Bernard
Davidson, George
Davis, Eliza
Davis, Paul
Dawes, Charles
Dawe, Walter
Dean, Emery
Dearing, Peggy
Dearing, Vinton
de Chambrun, Jacques
decoration, military
Congressional Medal of Honor (US)
Croix de Guerre (French)
Distinguished Service Cross (US)
Fourragère (French)
Grand Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Rays (German)
Legion of Merit (US)
Medal of Honor (US)
Purple Heart (US)
Silver Star (US)
Derrickson, Paul Waples
Desmond, Thomas “Desperate”
Dicello, Anthony
Digelman, Charles
Distinguished Service Cross (US military decoration)
Dobson, Herbert
Dommel, Elmer
doughboys. See American Expeditionary Forces
draft implementation
Drager, Maude
Drager, Willie
Drake, Charles
Drbal, John
Drumm, Clarence Milton “Milt”
Dummitt, Mike
Dust, George
Dzierzak, Roman
Eaves, John
Eby, Clifton
Edwards, Daniel
Eisenhower, Dwight
Ely, Hanson “Ely of Cantigny”
Cantigny command by
background of
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Enfield Model 1917 rifles
The English Conquest of Normandy, 1416–1424: A Study in Fifteenth Century Warfare (Newhall)
Enright, Thomas
Ervin, Samuel J., Jr.
at Cantigny, France
enlistment as volunteer by
legacy of
Eschbach, Harry
Eskew, Paul
Eskew, Paul, Jr.
Eskew, Zida
European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan)
Evans, Herman
Evans, Jesse
Evans, William
Evarts, Jeremiah
Fahnenstalk, Harvey
Farley, Barnard
Ferguson, Fred
Fey, Carl
Field Order No. 18. See also Cantigny, Battle of
Fields, Clarence
Field & Stream
Finnegan, Robert
First Division Museum and McCormick Research Center, Wheaton, Illinois
Fishette, William
Five Lieutenants (Nelson)
Flanders, Belgium/France
Fletcher, Eller
Flint, John
Foch, Ferdinand
Fort Logan H. Roots, North Little Rock, Arkansas
Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia
Fort Sam Houston, Texas
Fort Sheridan, Illinois
Fourragère (French military decoration)
Fox, Patrick
French Army
African American regiments serving with
airplane use by
“Blue Devils” of
Cantigny battle support by
flamethrowers of
tanks of
training of AEF by
Fursh, Thomas
Gahring, Ross
Gardner, Benjamin
gas masks
Geh, Lieutenant (German Army)
George, David Lloyd
German Army. See also Cantigny, Battle of; World War I
30th Reserve Division of
82nd Reserve Division of
271st Reserve Infantry Regiment of
272nd Reserve Infantry Regiment of
airplane use by
at Cambrai, France
at Cantigny, France
at Caporetto, Slovenia
casualties, Cantigny, of
demographics of
Kaiserschlacht Offensive by
mustard gas used by
raids on Cantigny, pre-battle
at Seicheprey sector
size of
weapons of
Gettysburg, Battle of (US)
Gialanella, Amedeo
Gill, Bernard
Gillespie, Jesse
Goltz, Colmar von der
A Good Samaritan
Goodwin, Russell
Goseling, Frank
Governors Island, NY
Graham, Joe
Grand Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Rays (German military decoration)
Grassi, Antonio
Graves Registration Service
Graves, Robert
Gray, Edward
Gray, Norborne
Gresham, James
Griepentrog, Eugene
Grothe, Hans von
Groves, Frank
at Cantigny, France
enlistment as volunteer by
legacy of
Gums, Harry
Haig, Sir Douglas
Hall, William
Hansen, Arthur
Hanson, Otto
Harbord, James
Harden, De Vere
Harsch, Charles
Hartney, Jim
Hawk, Conley
Hawkinson, Howard
Hawley, Ira
Haydock, George
at Cantigny, France
Haydock, Louisa
Hay, Merle
Heath, Harry
Heimbach, Harry
Helms, Richard
Herring, Garner
Hindenburg, Paul von
Hines, John
Hinner, Chester
Hockenberry, Roy
Hopper, James
Hotchkiss machine guns
Hubbard, Eugene
Huddleston, Ira
Huebner, Clarence
at Cantigny, France
at Omaha Beach, France
Hutchins, George
Hutier, Oskar von
Infantry in Battle (Army)
Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia
Iraq War
Italian Army
Ivosevich, Mirko
Iwo Jima, Battle of (WWII)
Janesville Daily Gazette
Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Missouri
Jindra, Joseph
Joffre, Joseph
Johns, Forest
Johnson, Henry
Johnston, Edward Scott
Johnston, John
Joholski, Edward
Jones, Hamlet
Journal of Military Service
Juan, Matthew (aka Rivers)
Jurach, Anton
Kahn, Julius
Kaiserschlacht Offensive (Germany)
Kansas City Star
Kasper, Joe
Kauffman, Abe
Kavanagh, Bernard
Keegan, Sir John
Keen, Cabe
Keller, Wesley
Kelly, Red
Kendall, Linnie May
Kendall, Oliver J., II
Kendall, Oliver “Judd”
Kitchener, Lord
Klein, Harry
Klepper, Orville
Kobin, Frank
Kokok, Lieutenant (German Army)
Korean War
Korngold, Nathan
Koubsky, Rudolph
Kowaski, Lewis
Kraakmo, Theodore
Kuester, Arnold
Kunnt, Sergeant Major (German Army)
Kuntze, Lieutenant (German Army)
Lackshire, Archie
Lackshire, Birdie
Landry, Lazard
Lange, Carl M.
Langley, Harry
LaPointe, Webb
Larsen, Thomas
Last, Frank
Lawrence, James
Ledford, Clifford
Legion of Merit (US military decoration)
Lehman, Private (German Army)
Leiter, Joseph
Liles, Barney
Loftis, William
London Evening News
Loucks, Ralph
Ludendorff, Erich
Luger 9mm pistol
Lukachonski, Joseph
Lusitania (ship)
Lutz, Edward
Lynch, Sandusky
MacArthur, Douglas
MacDougall, Albert
machine guns
Mahafey, Emory
Malone, Frank
Malzahn, Conrad
Manchester, Clifford
Many, Ernest
Marine Corps, US
”Devil Dogs”
Marne, Battle of (France)
Marshall, Fred
Marshall, George Catlett., Jr.
Cantigny offensive by
legacy of
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to
at Seicheprey sector
troop training and
Marshall, George Catlett., Sr.
Marshall, Katherine
Marshall Plan. See European Recovery Program
Marshall, S.L.A.
Martin, Harry
Mauser rifles
Maxey, Curtis
Maxey, Lu
Maxey, Ratcliffe
Maxey, Robert Jayne
Maxim machine guns
Mays, John
Mayuiers, Joe
McCann, Harry
McClure, John
McCombs, Arthur
McCombs, Thomas
McCombs, William “Billie”
McCormick, Robert
enlistment as volunteer by
legacy of
McCracken, Thomas
McCredie, Harry
McKnolly, Charles
McVickar, Lansing
Mead, Gary
Medal of Honor (US military decoration)
Melton, Chester
Mesnil-Saint-Firmin, France
Miglas, Teodore
Miller, Daniel
Millett, Allan
Milner, Ray
Mindikowski, Stanley
Mitchell, William
Moltke, Helmuth von (the Elder)
Monien, Leo
Moran, Frank
Morley, Alex
Morris, Irwin
Mosher, Henry
Mossman, Ray
Mossman, Vernon C.
Mullins, Stanley
Murphy, George
mustard gas, German use of
My Experiences in the World War (Pershing)
National Defense Act, US, (1916)
National Guard, US
National Security League
NCOs. See non-commissioned officers
Nelson, James Carl
Nelson, Ruben J.
at Cantigny, France
enlistment as volunteer by
Nesterowicz, Edward
Newhall, Richard
at Cantigny, France
legacy of
officer training by
Nicholas II, Tsar (of Russia)
Nobel Peace Prize
non-commissioned officers (NCOs)
Noscereau, Emile
Ogden, Edison
Oliver, Clarence
Operation Desert Storm (Gulf War)
Operation Overlord, (WWII)
Operation Tarnopol (WWI)
Out-of-Doors in the Holy Land
Palaschak, Stephen
Panama Canal, Panama
Papineau, James
Parker, Clara
Parker, Samuel Iredell “Si”
at Cantigny, France
enlistment as volunteer by
legacy of
Patton, George S.
Peden, Thomas
Pershing, John Joseph “Black Jack”
autonomy of US forces and
Cantigny offensive by
“Farewell to the First” speech by
legacy of
military mobilization by
training of troops and
Pétain, Henri Philippe
Phillips, William
Pichotta, Raymond
Pitt, Edward
Plattsburg Officer Training Camp, New York
Poe, Neilson
Pooler, John
Pulitzer Prize
Purple Heart (US military decoration)
Quinn, Jim
Raid on Company E, Cantigny
casualties in
map of
Ralston, Samuel
Redwood, Francis
Redwood, George Buchanan
Remains of Company D (Nelson)
Ridges, Elmo
RMS Baltic
Roosevelt, Archie
enlistment as volunteer by
Roosevelt, Franklin
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.
at Cantigny, France
enlistment as volunteer by
officer training by
Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr.
Ross, George
Ross, Jimmy
Rotary Club
ROTC, creation of
Rountree, Joseph
Roysland, Torgei
Rozelle, George
cease-fire by
Ryan, Keron
Saint-Mihiel, Battle of (France)
Sanderford, Marshall
Santini, Cesar
Sargent, Daniel
Schmidt, August
Schmidt, Sam
Schmidt, Wayne
Schoemaker, Jethers
Schreiber, Lieutenant (German Army)
Schuster, Lieutenant (German Army)
Scott, Hugh L.
Seaton, Earl
Seicheprey sector, Western Front
Selective Service Act, US (1917)
Senate Watergate Committee
Senay, Charles
Sereysky, Meyer
Shelton, Ruffus A.
Shelton, Ruth Ann
Shepard, Charles “Ollie”
Sibert, William
Siler, Andy
Silver Star (US military decoration)
Simmons, Charles, Jr.
Simmons, Charles, Sr.
Simons, Earl G.
Slamon, Patrick
Sledge, Eddy
Small Box Respirators (SBRs). See also gas masks
Smith, Emmett
Smith, Emory
enlistment as volunteer by
Smith, Hamilton
Smith, Herbert
Smith, Horace
Smith, James
Smith, Richard Norton
Sohncke, Carl R.
Soissons, Battle of (France)
Somme American Cemetery and Memorial, Bony, France
Somme, Battle of the (France)
Sommerviller sector, Western Front
Sorensen, Soren
Spanish-American War
Sprangers, Michael
Springfield Model 1903 rifle
SS Tuscania
Stars & Stripes
Stein, George
Stevens, Howard
Stewart, Adelbert
Stonecipher, Maniphe
strategies, military
at Cantigny
open warfare vs. trench warfare
Stringer, Ivan
Strong, A. L.
Suchocki, Boleslaw
Summerall, Charles Pelot “Sitting Bull”
at Cantigny
legacy of
at Marne
at Seicheprey sector
Sussex (ship)
Tack, Gustave
Tack, Willis
tanks, Schneider
Thoete, Carl
Thompson, Marion
Tippman, Bert
Tobey, Herbert
Torrence, Joseph
training, AEF
on Front Line
Troncy, Noel
Trout, Lottie
Truman, Harry
Tunno, Samuel
Turner, Fred
Turner, William
Tyler, Gerald
legacy of
Vanker, Emil
Vanker, Mildred
van Natter, Francis
Varnado, Virgil
Veal, Robert
Venters, Leslie
Ventimiglia, Gaspare
Vietnam War
Villa, Pancho
Villers-Tournelle, France
gas attack on
Viviani, René
von Grothe, Hans. See Grothe, Hans von
von Hutier, Oskar. See Hutier, Oskar von
von Vegesack, Lieutenant (German Army)
von Watter, Oskar
Wallace, John
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland
Waltz, Welcome
Ward, Wilbur
War of 1812, US
Warren, John
Washington, George
Watson, Thomas
”ashcan” mortar shell
field gun, 75mm
field gun, 77mm “whiz-bangs”
field gun, 105mm
field gun, 150mm “Jack Johnsons”
field gun, 155mm
field gun, 210mm
field gun, 220mm
field gun, 240mm
field gun, 280mm
field gun, howitzer
machine gun, Hotchkiss
machine gun, Maxim
mustard gas
pistol, Colt .45
pistol, Luger 9mm
rifle, Chauchat automatic
rifle, Enfield Model 1917
rifle, Mauser
rifle, Springfield Model 1903
“shorts” of
tactical strategies and
tanks, Schneider, and
training of AEF on
Wear, William
West, E. A.
Western Front, WWI
at Amiens, France
at Argonne Forest, France
at Belleau Woods, France
at Cambrai, France
at Cantigny, France
at Château Thierry, France
at Flanders, Belgium/France
maps of
at Marne River, France
at Saint-Mihiel, France
at Seicheprey, France
at Soissons, France
at Somme River, France
at Sommerviller, France
West, George
West Point
West, Tom
Wethington, Willford
Whalen, James
White, Edward
Wilder, Stuart
Williams College Cemetery, Williamstown, Massachusetts
Williams, Martin
Wilson, Levy
Wilson, Woodrow
autonomy of US forces and
declaration of war by
military mobilization by
Wood, Arthur
Woodbury, Clem
Wood, Irving
Wood, Leonard
World War I (WWI). See also Cantigny, Battle of; Western Front, WWI
America’s entry into
Armistice declaration in
Battle of Amiens in
Battle of Argonne Forest in
Battle of Belleau Woods in
Battle of Cantigny in
Battle of Château Thierry in
Battle of the Marne in
Battle of Saint-Mihiel in
Battle of Soissons in
Battle of the Somme in
casualties in
decorations for service in
Russian cease-fire in
World War II (WWII)
Wren, Dozier
Wright, David
York, Sergeant (US)
Zangara, Thomas
Zboran, Joseph
Zimmermann, Arthur