I’ve been a writer all my life, but now I have readers. Thank you, readers, for making me not just a writer, but an author. I love your reviews, your comments on social media, your questions about what will happen next to my characters!
My first readers for every book come out of my writing communities—I found my critique partners Michelle and Brandie and Temple while we were all in the nest at West Houston RWA, and they’re vital to me even now they’ve taken flight. I’m propelled through my workdays thanks to the fun and the unbeatable crowdsourcing of the Toastie community (Black Gold Coffee! Genius.)
The backbone of the Roll of the Dice novels is friendship, and way back in ’88 a bunch of us signed ‘LYLAS’ in each other’s yearbooks, promising to be Friends 4Ever. The monthly brunches and virtual ties to those who have left Houston prove that I’m lucky enough to write from experience about long-term friendships. (Sorry for stealing so many of your names.) (If I haven’t yet stolen your name, sorry for stealing it in future books.)
Marilyn, knowing you’re impatient to read my books cheers me when writing feels like a gloomy gig. Sandra, knowing you will be one of my first readers inspires me to dig deep with my prose. You’re both angels on my shoulders.
My family loves me. I can never return the favor well enough, but I can tell the world that their support of my career is unflagging, enthusiastic, and a source of magic in my life. Thank you.