Day 21
Where is the national or international media coverage? Why aren’t the major news outlets camping out in the street in front of our house?
I don’t understand. I really don’t.
Why doesn’t CNN want to cover our case? Or even the tabloids? I don’t care who. I just want more attention focused on my little girl’s disappearance.
Is it that they just haven’t heard about it? Do I need to try to let them know somehow?
I read an article a few years back that said that the only missing or murdered child cases to get all the national coverage are little white girls—usually with blond hair. That boys and minority girls are ignored for the most part in favor of little white blond-haired girls. It also said that poor kids of any gender, race, or hair color are usually not covered.
But Magdalene is a little white girl with blond hair from an upper-middle-class family. She’s beautiful and sweet and photogenic. She’s everything JonBenet was without the creepy pageant videos. Is that it? Do we need video footage of Magdalene all dolled up and dancing?
We don’t have creepy video, but we have video. Tons of video and pictures and we would share it with the media if they’d just come cover our case.
Or is it that she’s adopted? Have any adopted missing children made national or international news?
That may be it.
But it’s more likely that it’s because Keith and I are gay. Who cares if two faggots lose their child—they shouldn’t have had her in the first place. What’s wrong with the world that two fruits can adopt a little girl? No wonder she was taken from them. It’s God’s punishment.