
Thank you:

Kai, for letting me see the world through different eyes.

Henry and Kamila, for sharing your clever thoughts with me and letting me take part in your life.

Anat, Kali, and Linoy, for telling me so much about yourself and Kai.

You are a wonderful family.

Thank you:

Lynda Thomson, Monica Favre, and Tania Rinaldi, for your openness and scientific elucidations.

Thank you:

Skyhorse Publishing and my agent Kathrin Scheel. This book wouldn’t exist without you.

Tony Lyons, for your trust.

Leon Dische Becker, it was rewarding discussing words and passages with you. 

Cal Barksdale, for your sensitive editing and clever suggestions.

Thank you:

Susanna Benninger, for lending me courage.

Willi and Helga Benninger, for a desk in the most beautiful garden in the world.

Birgit and Horst Wagner, my beloved parents and first readers (“Write full sentences!”).

Leonie, for the tranquility and reassurance.

And thank you, Franziska, for your love!