
Huge thanks to my fabulously fun editor and friend, Michelle Nagler, as well as the amazing Bethany Buck and the rest of the crew at Simon Pulse for taking a chance on me with this book.

This book wouldn’t have been possible without my husband, Greg, who makes me laugh and appreciates my quirks.

Many hugs (hee hee!) to Robin Wasserman, my writing buddy extraordinaire.

And cheers to my incredible mom, who eagerly read and praised every draft of this book (even the really bad first round); my dad, who is just supercool and who forgave me for not using my maiden name (Soderberg) on the cover of this book; Sarah, who has been a superstar friend for twenty years and who made that first trip to London phenomenal; and Josef, Anna, Anders, and Stockholm—for helping to bring this book to life in Sweden and introducing me to the Eurovision Song Contest.

Also, hooray for ABBA, whose music makes me happy!