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accounting, 230–32
Adams, Charles Francis, 206, 210, 213, 219
Adams, John, 71, 77–78, 114, 124
Adams, John Quincy, 127
Addington, Henry, 99–100
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 410
advertising, 161, 195, 299–300
Afghanistan, 391, 403, 414
Agricultural Adjustment Act, 334
agriculture, 172–73, 205–6, 288, 301, 373, 404
mechanization of, 173–76
air-conditioning, 373–74
Alabama, 85–86, 201
Aldrich, Nelson W., 275–76
Alternative Minimum Tax, 394
American colonies, 41–56
British taxation of, 54–56
immigration to, 50
Navigation Acts and, 41–42, 54–55
population of, 49
slavery in, 51–52
American Commonwealth, The (Bryce), 189
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 252, 344, 345
American Revolution, 59–67
colony’s advantages in, 59–60
inflation in, 60–61
New York City in, 61–63
U.S. economy after, 62–63
Ames, Oakes, 219, 220
Angell, Norman, 285
Annapolis Convention, 64
antislavery movement, 51–52
Appalachian Regional Development
Act, 382
Application of Redemption, The (Hooker), 1
Argentina, xv, xvii, 288
Articles of Confederation, 63–64, 65, 68
Astor, John Jacob, 94, 110, 119, 260, 262
Atlantic migration, 243–44
atomic bomb, 362, 376
Austria, 285, 286, 293–94, 322
automobile industry, 281, 296–310, 324, 371
GM business model and, 309–10
automobile industry
oil embargo and, 387
in postwar era, 386–87
rural economy and, 300–301
in World War II, 357
Automobile Workers Union, 345
Babbage, Charles, 406
Babson, Roger, 314
Bagehot, Walter, 115
Bailey, Joseph W., 275
Baltimore, Cecilius Calvert, Lord, 21
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 147–48, 150–51, 235, 252
Bancroft, George, 123
Banking Act, 335, 337–39, 401
banking industry, 42–43, 232
automobile industry and, 301
Civil War and, 192, 196–97
credit in, 308–9, 366–67
and demise of Second National Bank, 128–29
deposit insurance in, 337–38, 398
depression of 1920–1921 in, 311–12
Federal Reserve System in, 280–81
Glass-Steagall Act and, 337–39
gold collateralization in, 114–15
gold corner in, 224–27
gold rush and, 184–85
Great Depression in, 319, 321–24, 328
land speculation and, 128–29
money supply and, 223–24
national banks in, 223–24
New Deal and, 336–38
panic of 1907 in, 278–80
S&L business model in, 398–400
state banks in, 120–21, 196–97, 223
wildcat banks in, 184, 197
see also coins and currency; gold standard; money; specific banks
Banking Reform Act, 400–401
banknotes, 45–46, 47, 122, 128, 184, 197, 224, 277
Bank of America, 308
Bank of England, 53, 76, 89, 130, 183–84, 278, 405
Bank of France, 278, 323
Bank of New York, 72, 76, 79–80
Bank of United States, 321–22
Bank of the Manhattan Company, 115
Bank of the United States, 76–81, 113–18
Baran, Paul, 410–11
Barnard, George G., 213, 214, 221–22
Bechtler, Christopher, 180
Beer-Wine Revenue Act, 334
Belmont, August, Jr., 268–69
Bennett, James Gordon, 159–60, 161, 185–86, 412
Berners-Lee, Tim, 411–12
Bessemer, Henry, 241–42
Bethlehem Steel, 289, 314
Biddle, Nicholas, 126–27
bills of credit (continentals), 60
Bissell, George, 170
Blaine, James G., 219
Bland-Allison Act, 267
Blue Cross, Blue Shield, 360
Bonus Army, 327
Boone, Daniel, 99
Borah, William E., 275
Boyle, William, 367
Bradford, William, 28, 29
Brave New World (Huxley), 297
Brazil, 8, 23, 416
Bretton Woods Agreement, 362, 384
British East India Company, 10, 62, 66
British Iron and Steel Institute, 248
Broderick, Joseph A., 321
Brown, Moses, 91–92
Bryan, William Jennings, 269–70, 290–91
Bryce, James, 189
Budget Control Act, 389–90
Burr, Aaron, 115
Butler, Pierce, 73
Buttonwood Agreement, 79, 111
Byrd, William, 20
Cabot, John, 8
Calhoun, John C., 121
California, 217
gold rush in, 179–83
tax revolt in, 390
California Railroad Commission, 237
Campbell, J. C., 45
Canada, 50, 99, 117, 288
Canal Act (New York), 106
canals, 101–3
see also Erie Canal
capital gains taxes, 394–95
Carnegie, Andrew, 222, 250, 251, 253, 254, 255, 257, 260, 261, 262
background of, 242–45
philanthropy of, 247–48
Carolina colony, 22–27, 61
Carrier, Willis H., 373
Carroll, Charles, 148
Carter, Jimmy, 391, 395, 396
Cartwright, Edmund, 88
cash flow, 230
Cather, Willa, 270
central heating, 163–64
Central Pacific Railroad, 217, 237
Cerf, Vinton, 411
Cermak, Anton, 330
certified public accountant, 232
Chappe, Claude, 153–54
Charles I, king of England, 21
Charles II, king of England, 22, 38, 52–53
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 69
Chase, Salmon B., 192–94, 196–97, 204
chemicals industry, 169, 289
Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, 235
Cheves, Langdon, 126
Child, Robert, 35
Christmas, as secular holiday, 162
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 131
Churchill, Winston, 187, 350–51, 352, 375
Cincinnati Western Spy, 138
Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), 392
Civilian Conservation Corps Reforestation Relief Act, 334
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 374
civil rights movement, 374–75
Civil War, U.S., 141, 187, 191–204, 224, 228
income tax in, 194–95, 272–73, 274
industrialization and, 200–202
national debt in, 192–93, 194, 199
North’s economy in, 191–94
printing of money in, 195–97
slavery and, 202–3
South’s economy in, 194–96
U.S. nationhood and, 203–4
Clay, Henry, 116, 121, 127
Clermont, 136–37
Cleveland, Grover, 239, 268, 274
Clews, Henry, 231
Clinton, DeWitt, 104–6, 108
clipper ships, 183
closed shop, 372
coal industry, 163, 164, 167, 184, 245–46
cod fishery, 29–30
coins and currency, xviii, 43–44, 47
first U.S., 70–71
gold, 180, 184, 277, 334
international market in, 405
panic of 1907 in, 277–78
silver, 266–67, 277
state banks and, 121
supply and production of, 277–78
uniform, 224
see also banking industry; money
Colden, Cadwallader, 104
cold war, 375–76, 403–5, 413–15
Colfax, Schuyler, 219
Columbus, Christopher, 8, 9, 14
Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 215, 231
communications, 153–58
electricity and, 154–55
Internet and, 410–11
newspapers and, 158–59, 160
Pony Express and, 183
satellites and, 404–5
telegraph and, 155–58, 166
transatlantic cable and, 156–57
communism, collapse of, 414–16
computers, 308, 405–13
Internet and, 410–13
microprocessors and, 408–9
warfare and, 413–14
Congressional Budget Office, 390
Congress, U.S., 72, 73, 77, 79, 86, 95, 97, 127, 129–30, 156, 160, 217, 274, 292, 325–26, 327, 340, 342, 363, 394, 416, 417
assumption debate in, 74–75
chartered banks and, 196–97
civil rights legislation in, 374
Crédit Mobilier scandal and, 219
dollar unit adopted by, 70
gold standard and, 266–68
Great Depression legislation of, 325–27, 332–36
Great Society legislation of, 382–83
ICC created by, 238
impoundment power and, 389–90
income tax and, 194
pork barrel spending and, 388–89
pre–World War II legislation of, 349, 351, 352, 353, 360
railroad regulation and, 237–38
S&L scandal and, 399–400
Smoot-Hawley Act passed by, 320–22
and War of 1812, 117–19
see also House of Representatives, U.S; Senate, U.S.
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 345
Connecticut, 142
conspicuous consumption, 260–61
Constitution, U.S., 65–66, 73, 78, 102
and doctrine of implied powers, 78–79
income tax and, 274, 276
interstate commerce and, 143–44
Sixteenth Amendment of, 276
Twenty-fourth Amendment of, 374
Constitutional Convention, 65, 72, 87, 274
Continental Congress, 60, 61, 63, 68, 76–77
continentals (bills of credit), 60
Cooke, Jay, 193–94, 227, 292
Coolidge, Calvin, 311
Cooper, James Fenimore, 6
Cooper, Peter, 150–51, 261, 266
Copley, Lionel, 34
corporations, 9–10, 205, 232, 257
accounting practices and, 9, 230–32
as business trusts, 258–59
income tax on, 276–77
partnership form and, 229
railroads and, 228–30
corruption, 207–8, 215–16
Crédit Mobilier and, 216–20
Tweed ring and, 220–21
see also Erie Railway
Corsair agreement, 234
Cortelyou, George B., 278–79
cotton trade, 83–92, 185
Great Britain and, 88–90
mechanization of, 84–85, 88–89, 91–92
slavery and, 86–87
South’s economy and, 89–90, 97
Council of Economic Advisors, 378, 380
Counterblaste to Tobacco, A (James I), 15
Crack in the Picture Window, The (Keats), 366
Cramer, Stuart, 373
credit, 308–9, 366–67
Credit Ansalt, 322
Crédit Mobilier, 218–20, 222
Cuban missile crisis, 403
currency, see coins and currency
Dana, Charles A., 219
Danat Bank, 323
Deere, John, 174
Defense Department, U.S., 410
deflation, 266
deforestation, 171–72
Delaware, 259
Delaware, Lackawana, and Western Railroad, 230
Democratic Party, 122, 220, 270–71, 276, 342, 390–91, 395
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act, 382–83
department stores, 161–62
depression, economic, 227–28, 346, 379
of 1819, 126
of 1837–1843, 179
of 1873, 227
of 1907, 275, 278–80, 368
of 1914, 286–87
of 1920–1921, 296, 311–12
see also Great Depression
Derby, Elias, 94
Description of Virginia (Smith), 13
Dey, Peter, 218
Dickens, Charles, 131, 152, 162
dollar, Spanish, 44, 47, 69, 70, 71
dollar, U.S., 68–70, 267, 323, 334, 384, 401
Bretton Woods Agreement and, 362, 384
domestic service, 164–65
Douglas, William O., 341, 342
Dow-Jones Industrial Average, 270–71, 289, 312, 313, 316, 328, 336, 368, 370, 381, 383–84, 397, 417
Drake, Edwin, 170–71, 254
Drew, Daniel, 209–10, 212–13, 215, 225
Drudge Report, The, 413
Duer, William, 80
Durant, Thomas C., 218
Dutch East India Company, 10
Dutch West India Company, 37–38
Eckert, Presper, 407
Economic Consequences of the Peace, The (Keynes), 379
Economist, The, 89
economy, U.S., postwar boom in, 363–81
air-conditioning in, 373–74
credit in, 366–67
G.I. Bill and, 363–64, 366
housing in, 364–67
inflation in, 370–71
Keynesian economic ideas and, 378–81
labor relations in, 371–73
Marshall Plan and, 377
onset of cold war and, 375–76
pension plans in, 369–70
race relations in, 373, 374–75
securities investment in, 367–69, 370
Economy Act, 334
Edison, Thomas, 302–4, 306
Edward VII, King of England, xiii
Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, The (Marx), 57
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 370, 380
election of 1896, 269–71
electricity, 296, 301–9
communications and, 154–55
cost of, 304–5, 306
credit and, 308–9
metering of, 306–7
Second New Deal and, 345–46
steam turbine and, 305–6
street lighting and, 302–3
U.S. economy and, 307–8
see also telegraph
Elizabeth I, queen of England, 153
Embargo Act, 94–95, 96
Emergency Banking Relief Act, 333–34
Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, 335
Employment Act, 378
England, see Great Britain
English Civil War, 30
environmental movement, 172–73
Equal Opportunity Act, 382
Erie Canal, 93, 103–10, 141, 147, 208–9, 308
financing of, 106–7
New York City and, 109–10
route of, 104–5
Erie Railway, 157, 208–9, 212–16, 230–31, 235, 236
Ethan Frome (Wharton), 93
Evans, Oliver, 93–94, 140, 146
Evarts, William Maxwell, 221
Farm Credit Act, 335
Federal Bank Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 337–38, 398
Federal Emergency Relief Act, 334
Federalist Papers, The, 72
Federal Open Market Committee, 337
Federal Reserve Act, 326, 337
Federal Reserve System, 280–81, 295, 301, 311, 312–13, 319–20, 323, 326, 337–38, 339, 346, 383, 384, 396, 397
Federal Securities Act, 335
Federal Society of Journeyman Cordwainers, 249
Federal Water Pollution Act, 389
feudal system, 11
“fiat money,” 46–47, 195
Field, Cyrus, 156
Field, David Dudley, 221
Field Code of Civil Procedure, 221
Fisher, Irving, 314
Fisk, Jim, 213–16, 225
Fitch, John, 134
Fitch, John A., 242
Flagler, Henry, 255, 257, 258
Florida, 86, 224
Flushing Remonstrance, 38
Flying Cloud, 183
flying shuttle, 88
Forbes 400
list, 260, 417–18
Ford, Henry, 297–98, 309, 310, 345
Ford Motor Company, 297–99, 309–10, 354, 386
Fowler, William Worthington, 214
franc, French, 401, 405
France, 8, 9, 10, 49, 53, 54–55, 60, 63, 66, 94, 95, 97, 117, 154, 290–91, 293, 294, 311, 323, 349, 362, 405
Franklin, Benjamin, 46, 71, 159, 301
antislavery movement and, 51–52
Franklin National Bank, 367
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 286
Fraser’s Magazine, 208
French and Indian War, 54, 56
Frick, Henry Clay, 246–48, 253–54, 261
Fulton, Robert, 134–38, 140
Gallatin, Albert, 116, 119
Garfield, James A., 219, 265
Garner, John Nance, 325
gaslight, 167, 304
Gates, Bill, 256, 260, 417–18
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 378
General Electric, 302, 304, 305
General Motors, 289, 309–10, 370, 386
General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, The (Keynes), 325, 379
Georgia, 82–83, 85–86
Georgia Journal, 145
Germany, 311, 322, 363, 375, 376, 377, 403
in World War I, 286–89, 293–94
in World War II, 349–50, 352, 353, 362
Giannini, A. P., 308
Gibbons, Thomas, 142–43, 210
Gibbons v. Ogden, 143–46
GI Bill of Rights, 363–64, 366
Girard, Stephen, 117, 119–20
Glass, Carter, 338–39
Glass-Steagall Act, 335, 337–39, 401
Glorious Revolution of 1688, 52–53
gold, 285, 335
Civil War speculation in, 197–98
Gould’s corner in, 224–27
weight of, 80–81
World War I and, 286–87
gold rush of 1849, 179–86
gold standard, 183–84, 196, 224, 277, 384, 405
1896 election and, 269–71
Great Depression and, 323–24, 334
inflation and, 265–66
Gompers, Samuel, 251–53
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 415
Gorgas, Josiah, 201
Gould, Jay, 213, 214–16, 225–26
Grand Illusion, The (Angell), 285
Granger movement, 236–37
Grant, Ulysses S., 219, 220, 225, 226
Grattan, Thomas Golley, 164
Great Britain, xiii, 8, 40, 83, 94, 95, 133, 153–54, 221, 281, 311, 321, 323, 376, 403, 407
after American Revolution, 63–64
banking industry and, 42–43, 332–33
colonialization style of, 10–12
concept of liberty in, xiv-xvi
Corn Laws of, 175
cotton trade and, 88–90
Glorious Revolution of, 52–53
gold standard and, 183–84
national debt of, 53–54
Navigation Acts of, 41–42
Oregon Territory ceded by, 179
slavery abolished in, 52
and taxation of American colonies, 54–56
tobacco trade and, 15–17
in War of 1812, 117–18, 120
in World War I, 289–90, 293–94
in World War II, 349–52, 362
Great Depression, xviii, 317–31, 343, 370, 378, 381
bank failures in, 321–23, 324, 328
banking panic in, 330–31
Bonus Army and, 327
congressional legislation in, 325–27, 332–36
federal deficit in, 324–25, 328
gold standard and, 323–24, 334
1932 election and, 328–29
Smoot-Hawley Act and, 320–22
unemployment in, 322, 324, 328, 336
Great London Exposition of 1851, 175–76
Great Society, 382
Greeley, Horace, 182, 208, 231
Greenback Labor Party, 266
greenbacks, 196–97, 224, 226, 265, 266–67
Greenspan, Alan, 184
Gresham’s law, 47, 195–96, 267, 385
Hadley, Arthur T., 148–49
Hamilton, Alexander, xviii, 71, 92, 96, 99, 105, 115, 272, 337, 398
central bank proposal of, 76–81
named Treasury secretary, 71–72
national debt program of, 73–75
Hammond, James Henry, 89
Hargreaves, James, 88
Harper’s Weekly, 211
Harris, Benjamin, 158
Harrison, Benjamin, 198, 238, 239
Harrison, George, 319
head rights system, 16
Head Start, 382
Hearst, William Randolph, 260, 349
Heller, Walter, 380
Henrietta Maria, queen of England, 21
Henry, Joseph, 155
Henry, Patrick, 173
Higher Education Act, 383
Hill, James J., 278
History of the Standard Oil Company (Tarbell), 256
Hollerith, Herman, 406–7
Home Loan Bank Act, 325–26
Home Owners Loan Corporation, 335
Home Owners Refinancing Act, 335
Homestead Strike, 253
Hone, Philip, 130, 151–52, 165
Hooker, Thomas, 1
Hoover, Herbert, 207, 283, 332, 344, 391
FDR contrasted with, 338–39
Great Depression and, 317, 319–22, 325–28
House of Burgesses, Virginia, 17, 18
House of Representatives, U.S., 77, 117, 127, 275, 325, 333, 342, 353, 395
Commerce Committee of, 156
gold standard and, 265
Sixteenth Amendment in, 276
Ways and Means Committee of, 395
Howe, Elias, 176
Hudson, Henry, 4
Hudson River Railroad, 212
Hull, Cordell, 275
Hull, William, 118
Humphrey, George, 380
Huxley, Aldous, 297
IBM, 302, 407, 410
ICBMs, 403
ice trade, 176–79
Illinois, 122, 141, 235
immigration, 401
Civil War and, 201
ethnic diversity and, 244
labor relations and, 250
slums and, 243–44
income tax, 272–77, 388
on capital gains, 394
in Civil War, 194–95, 272–73, 274
in Constitution, 274, 276
on corporations, 276–77
Kemp-Roth proposals and, 390–91
progressive, 390
reform of, 394–96
in World War I, 292–93
in World War II, 358–59
indentured servants, 11–12, 16, 18–19, 50
India, 7, 40, 54, 83, 85, 416
Indiana, 122, 141
Indians, 4–6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16–17, 22, 25, 54
indigo trade, 26, 82–83
Industrial Revolution, 26, 32, 49, 82, 88, 92, 102, 141, 149–50, 152, 162, 241, 243, 246, 409
Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies), 250
inflation, 43–44, 47, 113, 267, 357, 379, 381, 390–91, 396, 405
in American Revolution, 60–61
Civil War and, 196
gold standard and, 265–66
in 1970s, 383–86
in postwar economy, 370–71
after World War I, 295–96
Insull, Samuel, 304–6
Intel, 408
International Monetary Fund, 378
International Typographical Union, 249–50
Internet, xiv, 12, 410–13
Interstate Commerce Commission, 238, 392
Iran hostage crisis, 391
iron industry, 32–36, 184, 246
see also steel industry
isolationism, 349, 353, 362
Italy, 9, 311, 353
Jackson, Andrew, xviii, 92, 122–31, 151, 278, 281, 337, 389
national debt and, 125–26
nullification crisis and, 97
pet banks and, 129–30
Jackson, Charles Thomas, 155
Jackson, Howell, 274
James I, king of England, 10, 15, 17
James II, king of England, 38, 52–53
Jamestown colony, 8, 12–17
Japan, 204, 278, 311, 352, 353, 361, 363, 416, 417
Jefferson, Thomas, 52, 121, 122–23, 171, 173, 223, 326, 389, 398
and adoption of dollar, 68–69
assumption debate and, 74–75
central bank opposed by, 116
decimal dollar system and, 69–70
Embargo Act and, 94–95
Erie Canal opposed by, 106
national bank opposed by, 77–78, 80–81
Jenks, Joseph, 35
Johnson, Andrew, 215, 221
Johnson, Anthony, 19
Johnson, Hiram, 349
Johnson, Lyndon B., 382, 390
joint-stock company, 9–10
Jones, William, 126
Jones, W. M., 248
Jonson, Ben, 27
junk bonds, 397
Kaiser, Henry J., 354
Kay, John, 88
Keats, John, 366
Kellogg-Briand Pact, 311
Kemp, Jack, 390–91
Kemp-Roth tax proposal, 390–91, 395
Kennan, George, 282
Kennedy, John F., vii, 294, 327, 380–81, 382, 391
Kennedy, Joseph P., 340–41
Keynes, John Maynard, 173, 325, 378–80
Kilby, Jack, 408
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 374
King William’s War, 46, 54
Kipling, Rudyard, 350
Kitchener, Lord, 290
Knickerbocker aristocracy, 260
Knickerbocker Trust, 278, 279
Knights of Labor, 250, 252
Knox, Philander, 263
Korean War, 380, 403
labor relations, 249–54
factory system and, 250
pension programs and, 369–70
in postwar era, 371–73
reform of, 344–45
violent clashes in, 252–54
Laffer Curve, 394
La Guardia, Fiorello, 326
Lamont, Thomas, 320–23
Lansing, Robert, 291
League of Nations, 311
Lee, Robert E., vii, 201
Lend-Lease, 352
Levitt, William, 365–66
Levittown, 366
Lewis, John L., 345
liberty ships, 354
Lincoln, Abraham, 3, 137, 192, 196, 198
Lincoln, Benjamin, 65
Lippmann, Walter, 395
Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 147–49
Livingston, Robert, 135–38, 140
Locke, John, 24
London Stock Exchange, 287
Long, Russell, 273
Lothian, Lord, 352
Louis XIV, King of France, 52
Louis XVI, King of France, 75, 77
Louisiana, 86, 122
Louisiana Purchase, 78, 137
Louisville Courier, 185
Lowell, Francis Cabot, 93–97, 247
lumber industry, 30–31, 171–72, 177–78
Lynch, Edmund, 368
McAdam, John, 100
McAllister, Ward, 251
MacArthur, Douglas, 327
Macaulay, Lord, 220
McClure’s, 256
McCormick, Cyrus, 174–75
McKinley, William, 239, 270–71, 275
Madison, James, 64, 73, 74–75, 77–78, 105, 106, 116, 121
War of 1812 and, 117–19, 120
Man and Nature (Marsh), 172
Mansfield, Lord, 52
mark, German, 401
Marsh, George Perkins, 172
Marshall, Alfred, 378–79, 380
Marshall, George C., 351, 377
Marshall, James, 179–80, 187
Marshall, John, 144, 229
Marshall Plan, 377
Marx, Karl, 40, 57, 66–67, 206
Maryland, 87
Maryland colony, 21–22, 45
emigration to, 27–28
canal program of, 102–3
Shays’s Rebellion in, 64–65
Massachusetts colony, 34–35, 46, 47
coin minting in, 44
Mass Transit Act, 382
Mauchly, John, 407
Maybach, Wilhelm, 296
Medbery, James K., 158, 200, 216
medical insurance, 360–61
Medicare and Medicaid, 382
Men and Mysteries of Wall Street (Medbery), 200, 216
mercantile system, 40–41, 66
Merrill, Charles, 368–69
Mexican War, 160, 179, 191
Mexico, 8, 179, 183, 291
Michigan, 141, 330
microprocessor, 408–9
Microsoft, 256, 410, 417
middle class, 28, 51, 161, 163, 244, 251, 275, 292, 308
credit and, 366–67
Miller, Joaquin, 218
Miller, Phineas, 84–85
Mills, Ogden, 182
Mineworkers Union, 345
Mining Exchange, 199
Mississippi, 86, 224
Missouri, 122
Mitterrand, François, 405
“Modest Enquiry in the Nature and Necessity of Paper Currency, A” (Franklin), 46
Moley, Raymond, 329, 333
money, 44–45, 68–70, 113
in American Revolution, 60–61
banknotes as, 113
in Civil War, 195–97
as commodity, 42–43, 45
deficit spending and, 380–81
“fiat,” 46–47, 195
gold collateralization and, 114–15
paper, 46, 47, 76–77, 121, 126, 128, 195, 196, 197, 202
see also banking industry; coins and currency
monopolies, 256–57
Monroe, James, 126, 144
Moore, Gordon, 408
Moore, Henry, 50
Morgan, J. P., 198, 199, 222, 239, 257, 261–63, 302, 303
background of, 232–35
gold reserve crisis and, 268–69
panic of 1907 and, 279–80
Morgan, J. P., Jr., 287, 320
Morris, Gouverneur, 105–6
Morris, Robert, 61, 69, 70, 72
Morse, Samuel F. B., 155–57, 160
Morton, Levi P., 198
Motor Carrier Act, 392
Murdock, William, 163
mutual funds, 370
Nation, 341–42
National Banking Act, 224
National Cordage Company, 264
national debt, 343, 380, 381
Budget Control Act and, 390
in Civil War, 192–93, 194, 199
Hamilton’s program for, 73–75
Jackson’s opposition to, 125–26
in 1980s, 416–17
in World War I, 292
in World War II, 358
National Defense Advisory Commission (NDAC), 354
National Employment Act, 335
National Grange, 236–37
National Industrial Recovery Act, 335
National Labor Relations Board, 344, 361
National Labor Union, 250
National Recovery Administration (NRA), 335–36, 344
Navigation Acts, 41–42, 54–55, 62
Nelson, Donald, 355–57
Netherlands, 9, 10, 37–38, 40, 41, 60
Neutrality Act, 349
Newcomen, Thomas, 132
New Deal, 326–27, 335–39, 342–44, 382, 389, 392, 395, 398
effects of, 335, 336–39
Second, 344–46
New England, 27–29, 40, 46, 92, 93, 121
cloth industry of, 94–96
cod fishery of, 29–30
Embargo Act and, 95–96
iron industry of, 32–36
lumber industry of, 30–31
road development in, 100–101
shipping industry of, 31–32
tariff debate and, 90, 292–93
whaling industry of, 168–69
New Jersey, 101, 258–59
steamboat monopoly conflict and, 142–45
New Netherland, 37–38, 44
newspapers, 158–61, 166, 220, 281
New York and Harlem Line, 212
New York Central Railroad, 212, 213, 229, 233–34, 236
New York City, 61, 63, 109–10, 158, 185, 367, 391
corruption reform in, 220–22
September 11 attacks in, 418–19
slums of, 244–45
water supply of, 165
wealthy elite of, 260–62
New York colony, 37–38
New York Federal Reserve, 312, 321, 323, 337, 362
New York Gold Exchange, 198
New York Herald, 130, 159–61, 185–86, 214, 226, 303, 412
New York Public Library, 261
New York State, 86, 93
corruption in, 207–8, 215–16, 220–22
incorporation statute of, 229
steamboat monopoly of, 142–45
see also Erie Canal
New York State Bar Association, 221
New York Statesman, 144
New York Stock Exchange, 70, 79, 154, 185, 197–98, 199, 205, 215–16, 227, 230, 279, 331
accounting practices and, 231
crash of 1929 and, 314–16
crash of 1987 and, 397–98
deregulation of, 393–94
establishment of, 111–12
panic of 1914 and, 286–87
reform of, 339–42
see also stock markets
New York Sun, 219–20
New York Times, 211, 220, 282, 285–86, 303, 318, 395, 412
New York Tribune, 208, 231
Niles’ Weekly Register, 111
Nine Years’ War, 46, 54
Nixon, Richard, 344, 384–85, 390
Nonintercourse Act, 95
Norris-La Guardia Act, 344
North, Dudley, 40
North American Review, 161
North Carolina, 47, 85, 180
Northern Securities Corporation, 262–63
Northwest Ordinance, 86
“Notes on the Establishment of a Money Unit, and of a Coinage for the United States” (Jefferson), 69–70
Noyce, Robert, 408
Nullification Crisis of 1832, 97
O’Donnell, Hugh, 254
Office of Management and Budget, 390
Office of Production Management (OPM), 354, 355
Ohio, 100, 106, 141, 172
oil industry, 167–71, 259, 386
advent of automobile and, 299
embargo of 1973 and, 387–88
whaling and, 167–69
Older Americans Act, 382
Omaha World-Herald, 269
Open Board of Brokers, 199–200, 215
Oregon Territory, 179
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 386
Orth, Godlove S., 204
Otto, Nickolaus, 296
Pacific Railroad Act, 217
Panama Canal, 281, 282
panics, economic, see depressions, economic
paper money, 46, 47, 76–77, 121, 126, 128, 195, 196, 197, 202
Parliament, British, 18, 52, 55, 388
Parsons, Charles, 305
partnerships, 9–10, 229
Peabody, George, 233, 261
Pecora, Ferdinand J., 339
Penn, William, 38, 51
Pennsylvania, 72, 75, 101, 229
Pennsylvania colony, 38–39, 46
Pennsylvania Railroad, 213, 234, 236, 237–38, 245, 252–53
pet banks, 129–30
Petroleum Board, 199
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 264
Philadelphia-Lancaster Turnpike, 100
Philadelphia mint, 70–71
philanthropy, 261–62
Pinkerton Detective Agency, 253–54
Pitt, William, 56
Plessy v. Ferguson, 274
Poland, 349, 375, 418
Polk, James K., 181
Pollack v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust, 274
Populist Party, 270
Portfolio, 126
pound sterling, British, 47, 323
power loom, 88, 243
price controls, 384–85
Principles of Economics (Marshall), 378–79
printing press, invention of, 7
Pryor, David, 399
Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick, 158
Puritans, 27–28
Quakers, 38–40, 51
Quebec Act of 1764, 99
racism, 19, 373
civil rights movement and, 374–75
slavery and, 203
railroads, 162, 166, 183, 252, 255
concept of, 146–47
corporate structure of, 228–30
corruption of, see Erie Railway
Corsair agreement and, 234
economic effects of, 151
entrepreneurs and, 149–50
firewood demand and, 171–72
Granger movement and, 236–37
national economy and, 235–36
national markets and, 148–49
oil industry and, 256–57
regional, 237–39
transcontinental, 216–20
Vanderbilt and, 212–14
Railroad Transportation (Hadley), 148–49
Randolph, Edmund, 78
Reagan, Ronald, 391–92, 395, 396, 416
rearmament program of, 414–15
recession, 346
of 1990–1991, 416–17
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 326–27
Relief and Reconstruction Act, 326
“Report on a National Bank” (Hamilton), 77
“Report on Manufactures” (Hamilton), 92, 96
“Report on the Public Credit” (Hamilton), 73
Republican Party, 220, 238, 265, 271, 272, 342–43, 371, 394–95
income tax debate and, 274–75, 276
Reuther, Walter, 345
Revenue Act of 1942, 358–59
rice trade, 25–27, 83
robber baron, 211–12
Rockefeller, John D., 222, 256, 257, 260, 261, 263, 292
Rolfe, John, 15
Roman Empire, xiii, 7, 243, 385
Roosevelt, Franklin D., xviii, 122, 275, 332–33, 338, 340, 342, 363, 374, 382, 392, 398, 414
Hoover contrasted with, 328–29
Hundred Days of, 334–36
in World War II, 349, 350, 352, 354, 356
Roosevelt, Theodore, 206, 239, 262–63, 275, 276, 280
Rope Trust, 264
Rostenkowski, Dan, 395–96
Roth, William, 390–91
Rural Electrification Administration, 345–46
Russell, William Howard, 220
Russia, 120, 285, 288, 291, 293, 294
rust belt, 387–88
Sandys, Edwin, 17, 18
savings and loans associations, 398–400
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 401
Schuyler, Philip, 105
Schwab, Charles, 289
Scott, Thomas A., 245
Second Bank of the United States, xviii, 121–22, 126–28, 192, 217, 281, 337
Second New Deal, 344–46
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 340–41, 393
Seldon, George B., 296
Selective Service Act, 353
Senate, U.S., 72, 117, 325, 333, 340
September 11, 2001
terrorist attacks, 418–19
Seven Years’ War, 54, 56
Shaftesbury, Lord Ashley, earl of, 24
sharecropping system, 202–3
Shays’s Rebellion, 64–65
Shepherd, William, 65
Sherman, John, 193, 273, 274
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 193, 218
Sherman Antitrust Act, 238–39, 262–63
Sherman Silver Act, 267
shilling, 70
shipbuilding industry, 31, 354
shipping industry, 31–32, 110–11
Civil War and, 202
clipper ships and, 183
Shiras, George, 275
Shreve, Henry, 138–40
Silliman, Benjamin, Jr., 170, 171
silver, 266–67
Singer, Isaac, 176
Slater, Samuel, 90–92, 93, 95
slavery, 26, 28, 83
in American colonies, 51–52
Civil War and, 202–3
cotton trade and, 86–87
identity of South and, 87–88
racism and, 203
triangle trade and, 32
in Virginia, 18–20
in West Indies, 23
Sloan, Alfred P., 310
slums, 242–43
Smith, Adam, 40–41, 66, 120, 189, 377, 378
Smith, F. O. J., 156
Smith, John, 13, 15, 29
Smith, Matthew Hale, 211
Smith, Thomas, 25–26
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, 320–22
socialism, 251, 329–30, 415
Social Security, 344, 389
Soule, John L. B., 182
South, 101, 373, 375
cotton trade in, 85–86, 89–90, 97
economy of, 94–96
slavery and identity of, 87–88
tariff debate and, 96–97, 292–93
see also Civil War, U.S.
South Carolina, 62, 82–83, 85–86
nullification crisis and, 97
South Carolina colony, 24
Soviet Union, 361, 362, 375–76, 391, 403, 413
collapse of, 414–15
space race, 403–4
Spain, xv, 8–11, 15, 22, 23, 63–64
spinning jenny, 88
Sputnik, 403–4, 410
stagflation, 383
Staggers Act, 392
Stalin, Joseph, 354, 377
Standard Oil, 255–59, 263
standard time, 235–36
steamboats, 135–40, 162
monopolies in, 137, 142–45
steam engine, 132–34, 140, 141, 409
steam turbine, 305–6
Stedman, E. C., 213
steel industry, 240–49, 324, 371
Carnegie and, 242–43, 247–48
consolidation and mergers in, 262
expansion of, 259
Homestead strike and, 253–54
vertical integration in, 246–47
Steiger, William, 394–95
Stephenson, George, 147, 150
Stevens, John, 147
Stevens, Robert Livingston, 147
Stewart, A. T., 161–62
Stimson, Henry, 325
stock market crash of 1929, 314–16
prelude to, 311–15
see also Great Depression
stock market crash of 1987, 397–98
stock markets, 154, 197–200, 232, 265, 321
boom of 1990s and, 417–18
brokerage techniques and, 368–69
brokered deposits and, 399–400
call money market of, 312–13
corruption in, 207–8, 215–16
crash of 1987 and, 397–98
deregulation of, 393–94
gold rush and, 185–86
panic of 1907 and, 278–80
postwar boom and, 367–69, 370
reform of, 339–42
security regulation and, 215–16
telegraph and, 157–58
Whitney scandal and, 341–42
World War I and, 289, 294
see also New York Stock Exchange
strikes, 249, 371, 372
Homestead, 253–54
Strong, Benjamin, 312–13, 319, 397
Strong, George Templeton, 151, 165–66, 208, 221
Stuyvesant, Peter, 37–38
automobile industry and, 300–301
after World War II, 366–67
sugar trade, 22–23
Supplies Priorities and Allocations Board (SPAB), 354
Supreme Court, U.S., 127, 239
income tax rulings of, 274–75, 276
New Deal and, 342, 344
separate-but-equal ruling of, 374
Standard Oil ruling of, 263
steamboat monopoly ruling of, 143–45, 146
Wabash ruling of, 237
Supreme Court in United States History, The (Warren), 145
Sutter, John, 179–80, 187
Symington, William, 134–36
Symmes, Zechariah, 34
Taft, William Howard, 276
Taft-Hartley Act, 371–72
Talleyrand, Charles de, 75
Taney, Roger B., 126
Tarbell, Ida, 256–57
Tariff Act, 73
Tariff of Abominations, 97
tariffs, 72–73, 76, 90, 96, 195, 200, 272, 273, 275, 292–93, 311, 378
nullification issue and, 97
Smoot-Hawley Act and, 320–22
capital gains, 394–95
direct, 274
income, see income tax
indirect, 273–74
Tax Reform Act of 1978, 395
telegraph, 155–58, 166, 183, 301
Tennessee, 85, 124
Tennessee Valley Authority, 335
Terre Haute Express, 182
Texas, 86, 331
Theory of Moral Sentiments, The (Smith), 189
Thomas, Norman, 330
Thompson, Jeremiah, 110–11
Times (London), 109, 175–76
time zones, 235–36
tobacco trade, 14–17, 19–20, 22, 23, 45
Toleration Act (Maryland), 21–22
Tonnage Act, 73
transatlantic cable, 156–57
transcontinental railroad, 216–20
transistor, 407–8
transportation, 99–110, 184, 186–87, 255, 281, 402–3, 404
deregulation of, 392–93
see also automobile industry; Erie Canal; railroads; shipping industry; steamboats
Treasury Department, U.S., 68, 70–71, 80, 119, 120, 192, 226, 332–33, 349, 389
Trevithick, Richard, 140, 146–47
“triangle trades,” 32
Trollope, Anthony, 246
Truman, Harry S., 369, 371–72, 374, 375–77, 380
Truman Doctrine, 376
Trust Company of America, 279
trusts, 258–59, 262–63
Tudor, Frederic, 177–78
Turkey, 285, 288, 375, 376
Twain, Mark, 139, 260
Tweed Ring, 220–21
unemployment, 264–65, 343, 346, 381, 383, 396
in Great Depression, 322, 324, 328, 336
in World War II, 355, 358
Union Pacific Railroad, 217, 219, 229–30
unions, see labor relations
U.S. Employment Service, 335
U.S. Steel, 262, 315
Vail, Alfred, 156
Van Buren, Martin, 130–31
Vandenberg, Arthur, 377
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 142–43, 210, 260
in Erie Wars, 210–15
Vanderbilt, William H., 233–34
Vermont, 86
Versailles Treaty, 294, 311, 346, 379
vertical integration, 247
Veterans Administration, 365
Vietnam War, 383, 391, 403
Virginia, 74, 87
Virginia colony, 12–14, 21, 22, 40, 45, 47, 61
emigration to, 27–28
representative government in, 17–18
slavery in, 18–20
tobacco trade in, 14–17, 19–20
see also Jamestown colony
Virginia Company, 10, 17
Volcker, Paul, 396
Voting Rights Act of 1965, 374
Wabash Railway vs. Illinois, 237
Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act), 344, 369–70, 372
Wallace, George, 374
Wallace, Henry, 355
Wall Street, 128
Wall Street Journal, 270–71
Wal-Mart, 417–18
wampum, 44–45
War Department, U.S., 192, 193–94
War of 1812, 95–96, 106, 117–20, 125
War Production Board (WPB), 355–57
Warren, Charles, 145, 239
Washington, George, xviii, 52, 61, 64, 68, 71, 75, 78, 79, 86, 90, 98, 102, 106, 294
Washington Globe, 125
Washington Naval Treaty, 311
Watergate scandal, 222, 389, 395
water supply, 165–66
Watt, James, 132–33, 136, 140, 141, 409
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 40, 66, 96
Webster, Daniel, 121, 143, 144
whaling industry, 167–69
Wharton, Edith, 93
Whiskey Rebellion, 98–99
White, Canvass, 107
Whitney, Eli, 84–85, 88
Whitney, Richard, 315, 339–42
wildcat banks, 184
Wilhelm II, kaiser of Germany, 286
William I (the Conqueror), king of England, 7
William II, king of England, 53
Wilson, Charles E., 370
Wilson, Henry, 219
Wilson, Woodrow, 276, 291–92, 311, 323
Winthrop, John (elder), 28, 33, 35
Winthrop, John (younger), 33–35, 36
Wisconsin, 141, 235
Wood, Jethrow, 173
World Bank, 378
World Trade Organization, 378
World War I, 191, 194, 282, 285–94
federal finances and, 292–93
panic of 1914 and, 286–87
U.S. economy and, 288–90
U.S. entry into, 291–92
World War II, 191, 349–62, 402, 407, 414
income tax in, 358–59
isolationism and, 349, 353, 362
medical insurance in, 360–61
national debt in, 358
unemployment in, 355, 358
U.S. economy and, 354–56, 358, 361–62
U.S. industry and, 353–54
U.S. short-of-war aid in, 351–53
see also economy, U.S., postwar boom in
World Wide Web (WWW), 411–12
Xerox Corporation, 409–10
Yeamans, John, 24
Yeardley, George, 17
Zeckendorf, William, 385–86