Cheerful Sloth

This cute sloth, looking so peaceful and relaxed hanging in the vines, can also hang serenely on the wall of your home with this project.


My color palette for this project. See My Materials

1The sloth is the central theme of this poster project, so place it towards the middle of the page. Draw a simplified outline of the design, starting with the horizontal, oval body in the center of the paper. Be sure to leave room for the upstretched limbs and the hanging vines above it.

2The sloth’s head is also round to oval, the eyes are wide apart and the arms and legs have three claws each.

3Before you start painting, soften the pencil lines by rubbing them away slightly with the eraser.


Using shades of varying intensity makes the illustration appear more three-dimensional.

4Now start to paint the individual body parts in sections, one after the other. Use a light brown shade, mixed up with a lot of water, as a base layer. While the paint on the paper is still wet, fill in the shadows with shades of varying intensity, by dabbing them onto the paper. You can see how the colors spread during this process. Note that the eye sections, as well as the nose and mouth, are particularly dark.


Leave small areas of the sloth intentionally white. These blank areas will give the fur texture and vitality, as they act as light reflectors and reinforce the visual appearance of the shaggy fur.

5As soon as the sloth is dry, color in the vines with a brown shade that is different from the sloth’s fur. You can paint in the eyes and nose with a dark blue that is only slightly diluted. Watch out for the two light points in the eyes, which should be left blank.

6Finally draw in the claws with a black or gray fineliner pen, so that they are clearly visible and don’t disappear under the fur.


If the color of the eyes runs, you can add the points of light with white paint or a white Uni-Ball Signo pen once your painting is dry.