These animal gift tags will add another unique touch to your lovingly wrapped presents for family and friends. And their new owners can re-use them as bookmarks or wall decorations.
My color palette for this project. See My Materials
1Draw three equally sized circles for your gift tags using a drinking glass to draw around.
After drying, cut out the gift tags with scissors and use a hole punch for the holes to thread a pretty cord or ribbon through.
2Sketch a large cat’s head in the middle of the circle. Add a spotted party hat between the ears.
3Now paint a base layer of an appropriate brown shade over the head for the cat’s fur, but leave the area around the nose white. The paint should be completely dry before the next step.
4Paint the hat in blue, without coloring the spots. Add the inner part of the ears and the nose in a light, transparent pink and add a light green stroke to the eyes.
5Finally, give the cat irregular tiger stripes, painting them on with a brown that is quite a bit darker than that used for the fur. Draw the outline of the eyes with a deep, dark brown, and color in the spots on the hat with a deep yellow, mixed using a lot of paint and not much water.
Don’t forget to clean the brushes carefully with fresh water between each change of color. This is the only way to keep the colors pure.
2Sketch a cow’s head in simple lines on the next round gift tag. The horns are ideally suited for hanging something around — for my gift tag I’ve chosen some bunting.
3Mix up an appropriate brown color and use it to color in the head and to draw in simple lines for the horns, ears, and mouth, using a fine round brush.
4Paint the individual blue, pink, and yellow flags, one color after another.
5Finally, draw in the remaining details such as the eyes and nostrils with a black fineliner pen or with black paint. Join the individual flags together with a gray line to complete the bunting.
The overall effect will be more consistent if colors are repeated in your picture.
2For the koala, draw a round head and two oval ears in the middle of the final gift tag outline. Add the distinctive nose, the mouth and understated eyes.
3Mix up an appropriate gray with a lot of water and use it to paint in the head and ears. Leave the nose and mouth unpainted.
4When the paint is dry, add the ears and the area around the mouth using a soft pink color made with a lot of water.
Work in layers and wait until the previous paints are completely dry to prevent the different colors from mixing.
5Finally color the nose and mouth with a deep, dark blue tone. You can draw in the eyes with a thin fineliner pen. Paint cheerful confetti in the background, using small spots of soft pink.
If you don’t have any gray in your box you can mix it using the primary colors: yellow, red and blue. Mixing an equal amount of these colors will produce a matt gray.
See the design gallery for more delightful animal designs