Don't get me wrong, people are great most of the time. But sometimes they are just too damned unpredictable, secretive, spiteful, moody, vengeful, incomprehensible . . . add your own adjectives here. Those are the days I hang out with my bee buddies. We've got a straightforward relationship. I shelter them and they nourish me. (Literally, as in honey for my breakfast cereal, but in less concrete ways, too.) They aren't always predictable, but they're dependable. I have no worries about their feelings toward me—because they really have none. They defend their homes, and if they try to sting me, it isn't personal or vindictive, it isn't because of their personal baggage or projections, it isn't subtle or twisted or dependent or incomprehensible. I've learned to love and respect that about them.
I love that they really don't require anything from me. They're self-sufficient and independent. I want to be more like them, and I want to find more friends like them: symbiotic but not codependent.