Darby Creek

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Cover and interior images: © pattern line/Shutterstock.com (scratched texture); © Eky Studio/Shutterstock.com (metal bolts); © Kriangsak Osvapoositkul/Shutterstock.com (rust texture); © ostill/Shutterstock.com (players); © EFKS/Shutterstock.com (stadium).

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Hoblin, Paul, author.

Title: False start / Paul Hoblin.

Description: Minneapolis : Darby Creek, [2017] | Summary: Told in two voices, seniors Jeff and Scott compete on the high school football field but remain friendly until a scholarship and a girl come between them.

Identifiers: LCCN 2016047305 (print) | LCCN 2017006412 (ebook) | ISBN 9781512439793 (lb : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781512453515 (pb : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781512448689 (eb pdf)

Subjects: | CYAC: Interpersonal relations—Fiction. | Football—Fiction. | Competition (Psychology)—Fiction. | High schools—Fiction. | Schools—Fiction.

Classification: LCC PZ7.H653 Fal 2017 (print) | LCC PZ7.H653 (ebook) | DDC [Fic]—dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016047305

Manufactured in the United States of America


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