Questions for Discussion
1. How would you describe the way Moses prayed to God in Exodus 32? In your own words, recount how Max describes the way his Brazilian church leader prayed. In what ways are your prayer times different from these descriptions? What could you do to become more fervent (passionate) in prayer?
2. What typical tactics does Satan use to keep you from prayer? How can you counter these with your own prayer strategies?
3. What is the role of prayer in the life of your church? How could you adjust your approach to prayer in your church to make it more meaningful?
4. Tell about a time when your prayer life seemed richer than it is now. What was different then?
5. What could you do to reenergize your prayer times? What postures could you take? What lists could you use? What prayer activities could you try? What scriptures could you use as prayers? Who could join you for prayer as an inspiration?
Ideas for Action
• Do a study this week on Jesus and prayer. Use the following verses from this chapter and other examples of Jesus praying or teaching about prayer to guide you:
Matthew 5:44; 6:6–13; 14:13, 23; 19:13; 21:12–13; 21:22; 24:20
Mark 1:35; 6:46; 9:28–29
Luke 6:12–16; 9:18–20; 18:1–8; 18:9–14; 22:39–46; 23:33–34
John 11:41; 17:1, 9, 20
• You may already pray before every meal and at the start of every day, but this week pray before you do these other things as well:
before you start your car
before you exercise
before you do the first thing you always do at work
before you turn on your computer
before you pick up the phone
before you go into a meeting
before you walk back into your home at the end of the day
before you turn on the television
before you open a book
before you go to sleep
before you _____________________