Praise for
Outlive Your Life
“Outlive Your Life is a road map for your life journey that will leave you few regrets and will inspire you to be all that God intended. This is one of those rare books that can change your life.”
— Richard Stearns
President, World Vision US; and author, The
Hole in Our Gospel
“Pastor Max tells all folks how to move from Bible studies to Bible doins.”
— Denver Moore
Best-Selling author, Same Kind of Different
as Me
“A powerful collection of stories and biblical truths that will keep you awake long after you read it, wondering and, hopefully, scheming how to outlive your life.”
— Ron Hall
Best-Selling author, Same Kind of Different
as Me
“Some books change the reader; some books change the world. This book will do both. This astounding writer has shaped my worldview for twenty-five years. With this book we all can enter into a practical partnership to expand the kingdom and care for the vulnerable.”
— Dr. Joel C. Hunter
Senior pastor, Northland, A Church
“Master storyteller Max Lucado reminds us that the gospel must be good news for everyone in our world—and of the joy that comes with serving as Christ’s hands and feet in a world that needs us.”
— Jonathan T. M. Reckford
CEO, Habitat for Humanity International
“The only way of changing the world for good is for Christians to take seriously our call to be the light of Christ. My friend Max is calling the church, which is you and me, to be the church—to love and serve one another through Jesus Christ.”
— Chuck Colson
Founder, Prison Fellowship and Colson
Center for Christian Worldview
“This may well be the most important book you will read this year . . . or for several years. Max Lucado always writes with simple grace, beauty, and imagination. Here he opens his heart in a way that will—or should—break your own heart open, up, and out in ways that will bless you beyond your imagination.”
— Leighton Ford
President, Leighton Ford Ministries
“This book is a call to arms—both yours and mine—to embrace those who have little or nothing. As Max Lucado says, ‘the challenge can create a team.’ Won’t you join our team and invest your life in something that will live, nourish, and give relief long after you are gone? Read this book and see how you can make a difference right where you live.”
— Luci Swindoll
Author and speaker, Women of Faith®
“Millions have received the gift of compassion from the writings of Max Lucado. Now he gives us another gift—the call to compassion. Read and unleash.”
— John Ortberg
Pastor and author, Menlo Park Presbyterian
“Every now and then you hear a call that is so clear, so true, that you know without a shadow of a doubt it comes from the very heart of God. This book contains such a call. If we listen, it just might change the world.”
— Sheila Walsh
Speaker, Women of Faith®; and best-selling
author, Beautiful Things Happen When a
Woman Trusts God
“What does it really mean to ‘love thy neighbor’? Max Lucado suggests that our neighbor is not only the family next door but also the one struggling for survival on the other side of the globe. Outlive Your Life is an inspirational call for Christians to put their faith into action and reach out to those in desperate need.”
— Jim Daly
President and CEO, Focus on the Family
“Max Lucado demonstrates what the compassion preached by Jesus in the Beatitudes looks like when it is lived out in everyday life in these early days of the twenty-first century. To all of us who are called by God to make a difference for good, this book is an inspiring instruction manual.”
— Tony Campolo
Professor Emeritus, Eastern University
“It is easy to be overwhelmed by the vastness of need in our world today. But Max Lucado’s accessible, encouraging, and powerful call to each of us to love Christ by loving those in need around us is a powerful gift to the church—it will enable us to begin the lives of meaning and significance for which God has created his people.”
— Gary Haugen
President and CEO, International Justice
“There has not been a clearer call to God’s people to think strategically about world poverty while being challenged to act decisively. Outlive Your Life will ignite the passion for the poor that God desires to be found in each Christ follower.”
— Dr. Barry Slauenwhite
President, Compassion Canada
“Max Lucado’s deft and gentle look at the early church reveals us contemporary Christians as a sleepy, amnesiac people. We’ve forgotten our earthly purpose is to care, not for ourselves but for the poor and excluded. Outlive Your Life is a refreshing wake-up call, offering us a real sense of mission and our true identity as difference makers in a messed-up world.”
— Greg Paul; author, The Twenty-Piece
Shuffle and God in the Alley
“With his trademark blend of lofty lyricism and earthy insight, Max Lucado artfully weaves together stories of hope—real-life accounts that incite and sustain the belief that change is possible through perhaps the unlikeliest of people—regular folk like you and me!”
— Jamie McIntosh
Founder and Executive Director,
International Justice Mission Canada
“God takes ordinary people to be his agents of transformation in the world and uses them in extraordinary ways. Outlive Your Life shows how this has happened in the past and applies it to the challenges now before us. It speaks to our God-given possibilities and shows a way to live that might change you forever.”
— Tim Costello
CEO, World Vision Australia
“There has never been a better time for believers to show God’s love, to sing His love to the nations. Thanks, Max, for reminding us that we each are designed to make a difference.”
— Michael W. Smith
Best-Selling Christian music artist
“Max is a writer who disguises his genius well—he makes the most profound truth understandable to people like me. And then something miraculous happens. This truth changes your heart and, ultimately, somebody’s else’s world.”
— Kathie Lee Gifford
Cohost, NBC’s The Today Show
“My good friend Max Lucado never ceases to amaze me, and he has done it again! Reading Outlive Your Life inspires and encourages me to want to go out and help to change the world!”
— Mac Powell
Third Day
“Max Lucado is a living example of someone who most definitely will outlive his life because he has his eye on what people ultimately need: the Savior. Legacy—outliving your life—making your life count . . . there is no one more qualified to write about these things than Max Lucado.”
— Dino Rizzo
Lead Pastor, Healing Place Church
“Max Lucado takes readers on a journey of generosity, justice, and caring. He challenges us to see the full gospel of Jesus at work in the lives of those who have and those who don’t. Outlive Your Life is rich with stories of people whose love for their neighbors is only matched by their love for God. Max, you are right: we were made to make a difference.”
— Dave Toycen
President and CEO, World Vision Canada
“One of my favorite communicators and one of my favorite topics. I love Max Lucado and was riveted, inspired, and blown away by Outlive Your Life. He makes the things we believe to be impossible not only doable . . . but compelling.”
— Mary Graham
Women of Faith®
“No one is better qualified to creatively inspire us to make a difference than Max Lucado. His call for a resurgence of compassion and service is compelling. For your legacy’s sake I encourage you to read this book.”
— Dave Wells
Chair, The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
“Max Lucado has passionately discipled a generation in how to live out our faith. In Outlive Your Life he teaches us to live compassionately in our hurting world and reveals why God deliberately chooses ordinary people like you and me to carry out His mandate.”
— Dr. Wess Stafford
President and CEO, Compassion
“With Outlive Your Life Max Lucado continues to add to his already amazing legacy. Once again Max helps reveal the heart of God in such an impactful way. You will be challenged and motivated.”
— TobyMac
Grammy Award-winning recording artist
“Lucado shows fans both longtime and new that he remains, after all these years, a powerful voice in the call to authentic Christianity.”
— Publishers Weekly
“Tens of millions have discovered Max Lucado, and God has used his books to touch deeply people of many tribes, nations, and languages. I celebrate Max’s twenty-five years of published writing and am pleased to recommend—wholeheartedly and enthusiastically—both Max Lucado and his books!”
— Randy Alcorn
Author, Heaven and If God Is Good