Behind this book stands an army of thinkers, strategists, dreamers, and grinders.
Liz Heaney and Karen Hill—Editors who practiced CPR on this book and its author more than once. Astounding work!
Steve and Cheryl Green—Had you lived a century ago, you would have driven a herd of cattle to Montana. Nobody can keep a herd on the right trail the way you can.
Carol Bartley—Is your middle name Precision? Thank you for unleashing your skills on this book.
Mike Hyatt, David Moberg, Susan and Greg Ligon, Dave Schroeder, and the entire Thomas Nelson team—You set the standard for servanthood and excellence. Paula Major, welcome to the team!
Rich Stearns and the World Vision organization—You must keep speaking about the poor. They need your help, and we need your wake-up call.
Randy and Rozanne Frazee—You lift the heart of every person you meet! What a blend of intellect and kindness. So glad to be your partner.
David Drury and Greg Pruett—Tremendous insights from you both. You not only know the book of Acts; you live it.
David Treat—Your steady prayer is like a sturdy wall. Thank you for the cover.
The UpWords ministry team—For every phone and question you answer, way to go!
The Oak Hills Church—The best is yet to be!
Brett and Jenna Bishop, Andrea Lucado, and Sara Lucado—I am stunned by your faith and maturity. If pride were cookies, I’d be the bakery.
And Denalyn, my dear, dear wife—When God created the heavens and earth, the angels watched in silence. When he created you, they broke into applause. I hear them applauding still.
And to you, the reader—This book marks a milestone for me: twenty-five years in publishing. Thank you for encouraging me on this journey. And join me in thanking God. We all know the truth: he is the source of anything good. If my words have helped you, thank him that he still speaks through donkeys like me.